Health and Human Performance

The purpose of the Department of Health and Human Performance is to educate students through the study and practice of the health sciences, the art and science of human movement, and leisure time pursuits. The undergraduate and graduate programs prepare individuals as educators and professionals.  Graduates work in education and non-educational settings in business and/or industry, government, athletic training, and the allied health fields. In addition to the emphasis on quality instruction, departmental faculty are involved in scholarly activity, involve students in scholarly activity, and are heavily involved in service to the university, profession, and community. Program graduates are provided a foundation for entry into graduate school, for employment requiring well-developed analytical and communication skills, and for coping with the global complexities of the 21st century.

The role of the Department of Health and Human Performance is directly related to the mission of the institution by providing accessible quality education to Kansas, the nation, and the world through an innovative community of teacher-scholars and professionals.  Through a combination of a traditional and a virtual learning environment, the department is committed to the development of engaged global citizen-leaders.The department contributes to the general education of the entire student body through a personal wellness course that is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for making positive health related decisions in today's society. In addition, the department houses the  Campus Recreation and Intramural Sports program and the University Wellness center.  These programs provide opportunities for students to participate in a variety of fitness, recreational, and sport activities. The interest and needs of all students are considered, regardless of ability or skill level.

Department of Health and Human Performance

Department of Health and Human Performance Faculty Listing

Academic Programs

Athletic Training - BS in ATEP Athletic Training - MS in ATEP Coaching Certificate Community Health Certificate Community Health Promotion Certificate Consumer Health Certificate Gerontology Minor Health and Human Performance - BS in HHP Health and Human Performance Masters - MS Health Studies - BS in HS Healthy Aging Certificate Massage Therapy Certificate Pre-Physical Therapy


An introductory examination of kinesiology and musculoskeletal anatomy from a clinical perspective. This includes anatomical terminology, planes of movements, bony landmarks, origins and insertions of muscles, and primary muscular function.

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This laboratory course allows students to discuss, practice and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies in areas related to basic athletic training concepts and techniques.

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A laboratory course designed to provide the athletic training student knowledge and clinical skills relating to the emergency care of patients. This includes vital sign assessment, splinting, spinal immobilization techniques, oxygen administration, and other skills critical in managing emergent conditions.

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A course designed to provide the athletic training student the knowledge and clinical skills for the assessment and management of injuries and conditions. This includes the measurement and treatment of environmental conditions, pharmacology, splinting, padding, bracing, use of proper terminology, and written documentation.

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This course focuses on preventing, recognizing, evaluating and caring for musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the upper extremity using evidence-based assessment techniques. This includes performing upper extremity evaluations to determine a clinical diagnosis and critically analyzing through case study best treatment practices. In addition, anatomical knowledge, common signs and symptoms, common upper extremity injuries/conditions, correct use of medical terminology and documentation skills will be covered.

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This course focuses on recognizing, evaluating, and caring for musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the lower extremity using evidencebased assessment techniques. This includes performing lower extremity evaluations to determine a clinical diagnosis and critically analyzing through case study best treatment practices. In addition, anatomical knowledge, common signs and symptoms, common lower extremity injuries/conditions, correct use of medical terminology and documentation skills will be covered.

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An in-depth study of therapeutic modality principles and best practices in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. This course will examine the underlying theory, principles, research and application of various modalities. This includes demonstrating proper use of various therapeutic devices.

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An in-depth study of evidence-based therapeutic exercise principles, techniques and practices as they apply to the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. This includes the use of manual therapy, isokinetic devices, core stability programs, and other comtemporary rehabilitation techniques.

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The course allows the student to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies in emergency assessment, emergency procedures, and other related topics.

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The course allows students to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies in the evaluation of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, therapeutic modalities, and other related topics.

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The course allows students to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies in emergency care, musculoskeletal injury evaluations, theraputic modalities, theraputic exercise, and related topics. Requisites: PR, HHP 422 with a "C" or better

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This course focuses on recognizing, evaluating and caring for musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the head, spine, thorax, and abdomen using evidence-based assessment techniques. This includes performing head, spine, thorax, and abdomen evaluations to determine a clinical diagnosis and critically analyzing through case study best treatment practices. In addition, anatomical knowledge, common signs and symptoms, common head, spine, thorax, and abdomen injuries/ conditions, correct use of medical terminology and documentation skills will be covered.

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This course focuses on preventing, recognizing, evaluating and caring for general medical conditions using evidence-based assessment techniques. This includes performing general medical evaluations to determine a clinical diagnosis and critically analyzing through case study best treatment practices. In addition, correct use of medical terminology, anatomical knowledge, pathophysiology of common disease processes, common signs and symptoms, current treatment, and the effect activity has on the disease process will be covered.

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An in-depth examination of the application of therapeutic intervention principles and practices as applied to musculoskeletal injures and post surgical conditions. This includes using research evidence to determine the efficacy of different rehabilitation techniques and programs.

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This course examines various issues, policies, and procedures involved in the administration of an athletic training program including facility management and design, legal liability and risk management, pre-participation examinations, personnel management and recruiting, budgeting, equipment purchasing, record keeping, insurance, third-party reimbursement, health care services, and public relations. Requisites: PR, Junior standing in the Athletic Training Educ. Program

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This course examines the research methods and techniques utilized to determine best practices in the profession of athletic training. This includes an examination of evidence-based practice literature and the start of a research capstone project.

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This course examines foundational behaviors and philosophies of the athletic training profession. The student will learn about the history, responsibilities, ethical behavior, scope of practice, future challenges, governance, and how to manage a career within the athletic training profession. This includes gaining knowledge of the accreditation process, influential organizational entities, and state practice acts. In addition, students will be required to complete a capstone project and prepare for the BOC certification examination.

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The course allows students to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies in several areas related to the administration of athletic training, therapeutic excercise, and related topics.

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The course allows students to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will master competencies developed in other practicums as well as emergency care, several areas related to athletic training research, professional development, and public relations.

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The course provides students with opportunities to discuss, practice, and demonstrate athletic training competencies in a supervised setting. The student will review competencies from previous courses and will master competencies related to general medical rotations.

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A detailed study on how to prevent, recognize, evaluate, and manage various general medical conditions. Focus will be on pathophysiology of common disease processes, their treatment, and the effect activity has on the disease process.

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This course will focus on the recognition, pathophysiology, and care of traumatic injuries and medical emergencies.

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A laboratory course designed to provide the athletic training student the knowledge and clinical skills relating to the assessment and management of the general medical and emergent patient.  Clinical skills taught include, but are not limited to, performing a general medical evaluation, a trauma assessment, an emergent medical assessment, starting an IV, administering emergency medications, wound closure techniques, applying a variety of splints, performing CPR and using an AED, airway management techniques, spinal motion restriction, emergency equipment removal, and obtaining numerous objective measures (urinalysis, blood sugar, rectal temperature, vital signs, etc.).

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This course will provide athletic training students with an advanced level of knowledge concerning the identification and therapeutic use of common pharmacological agents. This includes pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosage, legal issues, medication management, and parameters governing the use of medications commonly used.

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<span>This course will provide athletic training students with an advanced level of knowledge concerning the identification and therapeutic use of common pharmacological agents. This includes pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, dosage, legal issues, medication management, and parameters governing the use of medications commonly used.</span>

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This course examines research methods and techniques utilized to determine best practices in the profession of athletic training. This includes an examination of evidence‐based practice literature and the start of a research capstone project.

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This course focuses on recognizing and evaluating the pathophysiology of musculoskeletal injuries involving the upper extremity, lower extremity, head, neck and spine. Using clinical reasoning skills and evidence‐based practice, students will use a systematic approach in performing musculoskeletal exams to determine a clinical diagnosis and in designing a patient care plan.

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This course focuses on performing the psychomotor components of a musculoskeletal examination and patient care plan involving injuries of the upper extremity, lower extremity, head, neck and spine.

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An in-depth examination of the application of therapeutic intervention principles and practices as they apply to various acute musculoskeletal injuries and acute treatment of post-surgical conditions.  This includes using research evidence to determine the efficacy of different therapeutic interventions and rehabilitative techniques.

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This course will utilize clinical experiences in a variety of healthcare settings to allow students to practice applying clinical skills in general medical exams, acute and emergency care.  Students will also complete general medical clinical experiences to gain interprofessional experience from physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, EMS, and respiratory therapists by interacting with patients in non‐sport populations and across various lifespans.

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<span>This course will focus on the recognition, pathophysiology, and care of traumatic injuries and medical emergencies.</span>

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<span>A laboratory course designed to provide the athletic training student the knowledge and clinical skills relating to the assessment and management of the general medical and emergent patient.<span>  </span>Clinical skills taught include, but are not limited to, performing a general medical evaluation, a trauma assessment, an emergent medical assessment, starting an IV, administering emergency medications, wound closure techniques, applying a variety of splints, performing CPR and using an AED, airway management techniques, spinal motion restriction, emergency equipment removal, and obtaining numerous objective measures (urinalysis, blood sugar, rectal temperature, vital signs, etc.).</span>

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Development of fundamental skills in selected drills: (A) basketball; (B) softball; (C) tennis; (D) volleyball; (E) track; and (F) cross country.

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Development of fundamental skills in selected drills: (A) football; (B) basketball; (C) cross country; (D) baseball; (E) wrestling; (F) track; and (G) golf.

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Includes skill techniques and a knowledge of rules and terminology.

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Instruction in the basic skills, blocks, strikes, and kicks of Korean tae kwon do.

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Instruction and practice of basic skill techniques and fundamentals of beginning judo.

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Instruction in the basic skills needed to defend oneself against assault.

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Basic skills of fencing are taught, as well as techniques for scoring and judging matches.

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This course includes skills, techniques, knowledge, terminology and rules.

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Instruction in the basic skills necessary to perform scuba diving.

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A course designed to help the novice become a swimmer. The elementary back, back crawl, side stroke, front crawl, and breast stroke are covered.

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Open to students who can swim. Analysis of the various strokes, diving, stunts, and games are covered.

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Includes four fundamental strokes, play in singles and doubles, and knowledge of rules and court etiquette.

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Consists of improvement on the four fundamental strokes and the learning of more advanced skills and techniques. Tournament play.

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This course includes the knowledge and development of skills, selection of drills, game rules, and strategy.

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A course designed to cover the fundamental skills of touch football.

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In this course the fudamentals and techniques of collegiate and high school wrestling are presented.

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Basic fudamentals are taught. Golf etiquette and course rules are explained. Equipment is furnished by the university.

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Open to students who know the rules and etiquette of golf and who have had some playing experience.

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Development of physical fitness and conditioning, weight, and figure control utilizing circuit and aerobic activities. Factors involved in total fitness are considered and evaluated.

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A scientific assessment of the student's fitness level with physiology of exercise laboratory and equipment. The student will develop a program of exercise based on the assessment.

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Individualized jogging programs for improved cardio-respiratory endurance.

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Instruction and practice of the fundamentals of slow pitch softball with primary emphasis on game play.

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Includes techniques, materials, skills, teaching progression, and safety regulations in stunts, tumbling, and pyramids.

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This course includes the knowledge and development of skills, selection of drills, game rules and strategy.

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(A student cannot be enrolled in this course if college credit was earned in varsity basketball.) this course deals with the improvement of basketball skills of individual and team play.

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A course that covers the fundamental skills, knowledge, rules and terminology of badminton.

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Folk dance styles of different nations are taught.

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For beginners, includes basic steps such as the foxtrot, swing, waltz, tango, polka, etc., and knowledge of ballroom etiquette.

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Dances of American origin performed in the various formations: square; longways; circle; and couple. Emphasis on the recreational aspect of group dancing.

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This course includes development of individual skill in dance movements and the study of form and composition in dance.

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An introduction to the basic fundamentals of ballet.

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This course provides an opportunity for toning muscles and improving cardiovascular efficiency through a variety of aerobic fitness actvities.

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Opportunity for students to explore areas of dance which are often used for entertainment or recreational purposes: beginning tap; beginning jazz; some chorus line or group work.

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Development of strength and endurance through weight training, calisthenics, and running. Home exercise programs and maintenance of fitness in later life are also considered.

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Includes instruction and practice of basic skills and techniques in archery.

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Includes instruction and practice of basic skill techniques and strategies on competitive soccer.

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This course deals with the safety, skills, and techniques of riflery.

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Instruction in basic pistol, rifle, and shotgun fundamentals concentrating on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the safe and proper handling and/or use of firearms.

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Instruction in the basic skills in roller skating and disco roller skating.

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Instruction in bicycle maintenance, safety, speed, trail riding, and touring--includes speed trails and tours of various distances.

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A combination of recreational activities that can be enjoyed in limited spaces: ping pong; pocket billiards; horseshoes; croquet; frisbee; and shuffleboard.

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Designed to meet the recreational and fitness needs of physically disabled students through a variety of adaptable physical activities.

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Instruction and practice in the fundamental skills of racquetball, the rules, and basic game strategy.

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Instruction and practice in the more complex skills of racquetball and the refinement of the basic skills covered in beginning racquetball.

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Designed to provide the student with a foundation in wilderness recreation. Includes hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, orienteering, survival and first aid, ecology, camping, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing.

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A scientific assessment of the adult's fitness level with physiology of exercise laboratory equipment. The adult will develop a program of excercise based on the assessment.

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A course designed for the student to participate in selected health, physical education, and recreation activities. (May be retaken for credit if content differs.)

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This course is a creative opportunity for a fun, safe, and challenging workout designed to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance through the use of hatha yoga in the vinyasa style. This class will effectively work all parts of the body equally, and will be introduced in a non-judgmental and non-competitive environment.

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This program is designed for persons interested in providing medical care to patients in the prehospital setting. It will provide participants the opportunity to gain information, skills, and attitudes necessary for certification and practice as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in the State of Kansas. The program is approved by the Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services. It addresses information and techniques currently considered the responsibilities of the Emergency Medical Technician according to the Kansas Board of EMS and Kansas Educational Standards. The course includes didactic instruction, practical skills acquisition, and Clinical/Field Internship rotations.

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This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

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This course provides a survey of health and fitness concepts and practices related to the dynamic nature of positive wellness knowledge and behavior.

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To acquaint students with basic knowledge, understanding, and values of physical activities. Students will participate in laboratory testing and physical activities.

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Provides prospective physical educators with an insight into physical education and sport so that they may obtain a basic understanding of the profession.

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This course provides instruction and hands-on experience in standard first aid, adult, children, and infant CPR, and the use of AEDs.

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Essential nutrients for health, body process, food fads, and fallacies with emphasis on the scientific basis of nutrition.

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This course is designed to study the underlying components and concepts of movement as applied in the physical education curriculum. Included will be specific instruction in skill development of dance and gymnastics.

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Designed to teach the individual the aspects of dietary control necessary for weight loss, gain or maintenance.

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Preparation of foods from different cultural backgrounds and geographical regions with emphasis on planning, preparation, and serving. F-S

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This course is designed to provide the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to cope with emergency situations in the aquatic environment.

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The purpose of this instruction course is to train instructor candidates to teach the American Red Cross water safety courses. Successful completion results in American Red Cross certification enabling the water safety instructor to conduct and teach all swimming courses except lifeguard training. Emphasis is also focused on mechanics of stroke execution and improvement of personal swim skills. Personal swim skills are evaluated at the advanced swimmer level.

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Lifeguard training develops the skills and knowledge necessary for non-surf lifeguarding. The lifeguard instructor provides the lifeguard with the techniques and understanding of course content to teach lifeguard training courses. Successful completion of this course leads to American Red Cross certification.

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The selection and application of appropriate materials, methods, and techniques of teaching dance.

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The selection and application of appropriate materials, methods, and techniques of teaching gymnastics and tumbling.

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This course will allow the student to participate in and learn the rules and strategy of bowling, archery, frisbee, and golf.

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This course will allow the student to participate in and learn the rules and strategy of racquetball, pickleball, badminton, and tennis.

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This course will allow the student to participate in the rules and strategy of basketball, volleyball, team handball, and floor hockey.

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This course will allow the student to participate in and learn the rules and strategy of soccer, touch football, track and field, and softball.

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The nature, scope, and significance of recreation in today's world.

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Exploration of leadership skills, including methods and techniques used in directing recreational activities.

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This course is designed to provide an introduction to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to implement an adventure education program. Furthermore, the course is structured to encourage a safe, active, and adventurous lifestyle. Course content includes an understanding of the full value contract, challenge by choice, and proper sequencing of activities for a successful experience.

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This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to observe skilled practitioners at work, as well as to observe the characteristics of students at the elementary, secondary, and college levels.

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This course introduces the students to concepts of prevention and management of exercise and sports injuries. Topics include anatomy, liability issues in exercise and sport, and basic injury recognition, evaluation, and care of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.

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This course will introduce the general philosophy and methods of coaching. Various topics to prepare the individual for the task of coaching, such as sport science, sport psychology, and sport management, will be included. Successful completion of the course may lead to certification by the American Coaching Effectiveness Program (ACEP).

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This course deals with the organization and administration of the school health program. Basic structure of the program, minimum standards, desirable goals, various methods, and materials for health instruction are discussed.

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This course is designed to allow students the opprtunity to participate in the development, management, coordination, and implementation of a sport information program, including overall athletic public relations, marketing, and promotions. Students obtain practical experience in publicity coverage, fund-raising events, and compilation, interpretation, and dissemination of statistics.

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This course deals with critical analysis and evaluation of health appraisal techniques; federal and state legislation affecting consumer health.

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Concepts and skills of planning, delivering, and evaluating physical fitness programs will be developed. Class leadership skills and applications of educational principles will be emphasized.

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An overview of fundamental components of health promotion or wellness programs. A general framework for designing and implementing health promotion programs will be analyzed.

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A review of sensitive and controversial issues relevant to health education. Students will be instructed in topics associated with health education issues, as related to nutrition, individual health, community health and STD'S, that are important to the family and the individual.

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An in-depth study of the relationship between diet and the following: exercise, body composition, physical performance, erogenic aids, and myths related to nutrition and athletic performance.

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Principles and practices in the cause, symptoms, transmission, prevention, and control of various diseases of man in the community.

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A course directing the future physical education teacher as to how to meet the needs of the atypical student by working in the psychomotor domain. This course will require some field experience.

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Advanced course in nutrition with emphasis on application to the health of the individual throughout the life cycle. The class covers pregnancy through old age.

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An overview of testing and evaluation principles as they are applied in health and human performance. Techniques for analyzing and interpreting health status and performance through a variety of assessments are emphasized. Elements of educational evaluation and grading are also included.

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This course is designed to provide the pre-professional healthcare student a foundation in principles of athletic training including risk management, pathophysiology of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, evaluation and diagnosis, and therapeutic interventions.

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The theory and methods of coaching. Emphasis is placed on the identification of skills, offensive and defensive strategy, administration of practice, rules and training.

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The theory and methods of coaching. Emphasis is placed on the identification of skills, offensive and defensive strategy, administration of practice, rules and training.

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The theory and methods of coaching. Emphasis is placed on the organization and administration of meets, training principles for events, rules, strategies, and indentification of skills.

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Developing the theory and techniques of coaching interscholastic wrestling, including area of conditioning, rules, weight reduction and various styles of individual wrestling moves and holds.

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The history and development of the game of baseball and softball: lectures, reports, and discussion on offensive and defensive play, sacrifice play, squeeze play, drag play, hit and run, signals, and strategy.

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Fundamentals of volleyball playing skills, individual and team conditioning, rules pertaining to participants, game and league play, offensive and defensive strategy, and budgeting.

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The theory and methods of coaching. Emphasis is placed on the identification of skills, game strategies, administration of practice, rules, and training.

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This course deals with the organization and administration of the intramural and recreation sports program, including elementary, junior high, senior high, college, and university-level programs.

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Exploration of programming styles and techniques. Emphasis is given to personnel, facilities, and equipment.

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This course is designed to acquaint the student with the qualifications, philosophies, principles, and techniques governing the art of officiating sports. The intramural program serves as the laboratory for this experience.

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This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop professional experience in the field of Recreation and/or Sport Management . This course will expose students to the day to day operations as well as the development and implementation of programs and events.

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An introduction to the physiology of the muscular, respiratory, nervous, and circulatory systems, with special reference to their adjustments during acute and chronic exercise. Laboratory experiences are included.

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This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

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This course examines theories of accident causation and various methods of preventing accidents in schools, work, home and recreational settings.

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Designed to introduce prospective elementary classroom teachers to the practices of elementary school physical education with emphasis on curriculum development, teaching methods, and program of activity.

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The course will provide the elementary educator with a basic understanding of methods/pedagogy (instruction) and content (curriculum) in health education and physical education.

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A course designed to introduce prospective physical educators to the fundamentals, principles, and practices of secondary school physical education with emphasis on curriculum development, teaching methods, and program of activity.

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A study of the factors that influence motor skill learning of humans. Emphasis will be placed upon psychological, neurophysiological, and behavor limitations of humans in motor learning and performance environments.

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This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge needed to manage recreation and sport event and facility operations including event development and supervision, marketing, administration, and facility operations.

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This course is designed to synthesize the knowledge acquired from an exercise science curriculum with practical application for a personal trainer. This course blends theoretical knowledge and application. This course is affiliated with the American Council of Exercise personal training certification.

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This course deals in a practical way with the mechanism of bodily movement; the relation of muscles to different forms of exercise, daily activities, and sport.

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This course deals with the application of physical laws to the study of human movement. Topics build on the fundamental mechanical concepts necessary for understanding and applying basic principles of motion to the execution of motor skills. Kinetics and kinematics of movement including conditions of linear motions and rotary motion, laws of motion and force conservation principles will be covered in this course.

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This course examines the physiologic basis for movement dysfunction and the impact of exercise on individuals with disesases and disorders. Opportunities to participate with clients and clinical professionals are included.

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This course introduces the student to the instrumentation and equipment commonly found in a human performance laboratory. Emphasis is placed on the application of testing procedures.

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Problems in organization, administration, supervision, and coordination of physical education and athletic programs.

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May be enrolled in more than once for up to 12 hours of credit. Provides off-campus opportunity for practical application of student's area of major emphasis. The student will work in private and/or public organizations.

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The workshop is designed for intensive study of a physical education topic or problem.

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A study of the status of outdoor recreation in the United States. Includes economics, land use and planning, organizational responsibility assessment, trends, and problems.

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An independent learning experience designed to allow the student the maximum opportunity to incorporate the material learned from the core curriculum in an integrative fashion to best accomplish the goals and objectives of the student. The culminating experience can include, but is not limited to, a project, position paper, or real world experience.

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Independent study in physical education in which each student concentrates on a problem and prepares a written report.

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Full-time, supervised work experience in an approved recreation enterprise.

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This course will examine issues concerning leisure programming for the elderly. Emphasis will be placed on program design and evaluation with respect to the characteristics and social theories of aging in leisure service settings.

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An advanced study of the physiological parameter at rest and under acute stress. These physiological parameters will also be studied under chronic training. Laboratory experiences will be included.

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A course offered for credit in which the subject matter or content may vary within specific sections across terms as indicated by that course’s title and description in course inventory.

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A course offered for credit in which the subject matter or content may vary within specific sections across terms as indicated by that course’s title and description in course inventory.

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This course addresses key issues of public health with emphasis on status, achievements and challenges current to the twenty-first century and is designed for students from a variety of majors. Emphasis points include introduction, analytical methods, biomedical bases, social and behavioral factors, environmental issues, medical care, and a look at the future of public health.

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This course addresses key issues of public health with emphasis on status, achievements and challenges current to the twenty-first century and is designed for students from a variety of majors. Emphasis points include introduction, analytical methods, biomedical bases, social and behavioral factors, environmental issues, medical care, and a look at the future of public health.

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The multidisciplinary overview of the social, psychological and biological changes associated with aging and how those changes affect the quality of life in the later years. The course outlines the basic issues involved with care of the elderly, presenting guidelines for possible outcomes.

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The multidisciplinary overview of the social, psychological and biological changes associated with aging and how those changes affect the quality of life in the later years. The course outlines the basic issues involved with care of the elderly, presenting guidelines for possible outcomes.

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This course addresses key issues of global health with emphasis on possible solutions to world health problems and is designed for students from a variety of majors. Emphasis points include an understanding of biological and social aspects of major health issues; knowledge of populations groups at increased risk; policies and procedures related to health inequalities; and assessment methods for global health.

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This course addresses key issues of global health with emphasis on possible solutions to world health problems and is designed for students from a variety of majors. Emphasis points include an understanding of biological and social aspects of major health issues; knowledge of populations groups at increased risk; policies and procedures related to health inequalities; and assessment methods for global health.

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Physiological changes as a result of aging or of age-related pathology. Roles of heredity, diet, excercise, and lifestyle in the aging process.

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Physiological changes as a result of aging or of age-related pathology. Roles of heredity, diet, excercise, and lifestyle in the aging process.

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A review of sensitive and controversial issues relevant to aging. Students will review issues important to the individual and the family; related to quality of life, social issues, problems in aging, retirement, death, dying and the aging process in general.

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A review of sensitive and controversial issues relevant to aging. Students will review issues important to the individual and the family; related to quality of life, social issues, problems in aging, retirement, death, dying and the aging process in general.

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A review of sensitive and controversial issues relevant to nutrition. Students will review issues important to the individual and the family as they relate to nutrition education, general nutrition concepts, food safety, disordered eating, overweight/obesity, the environment and the lifespan. The course will provide the individual with the basic knowledge to identify reliable nutrition information as presented in the media.

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A review of sensitive and controversial issues relevant to nutrition. Students will review issues important to the individual and the family as they relate to nutrition education, general nutrition concepts, food safety, disordered eating, overweight/obesity, the environment and the lifespan. The course will provide the individual with the basic knowledge to identify reliable nutrition information as presented in the media.

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The study of nutrition and how it relates to the process of aging and the health status of the aging population. The course focuses on the six nutrients, cultural aspects related to food intake, the relationship between nutrition and health as we age, and research in nutrition related to the aging process.

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The study of nutrition and how it relates to the process of aging and the health status of the aging population. The course focuses on the six nutrients, cultural aspects related to food intake, the relationship between nutrition and health as we age, and research in nutrition related to the aging process.

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The health implications of human relationships to the biosphere are examined as well as the effect of environmental change upon physical, biological and social patterns. Alternative solutions for environmental problems are explored.

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The health implications of human relationships to the biosphere are examined as well as the effect of environmental change upon physical, biological and social patterns. Alternative solutions for environmental problems are explored.

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This course provides a basis for understanding the process of planning and implementing exercise programs to improve health and functional capacity of elderly individuals. Implications of exercise related research with elderly populations will be emphasized.

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This course provides a basis for understanding the process of planning and implementing exercise programs to improve health and functional capacity of elderly individuals. Implications of exercise related research with elderly populations will be emphasized.

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The course covers basic concepts and methods of epidemiology and demonstrates how these can be applied to improve population health and reduce health inequities. Key epidemiological concepts such as association, bias and confounding will be covered. Epidemiological study designs such as case-control, cohort, observational, experimental; double-blind randomized studies will be covered. This course may be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit.

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The course covers basic concepts and methods of epidemiology and demonstrates how these can be applied to improve population health and reduce health inequities. Key epidemiological concepts such as association, bias and confounding will be covered. Epidemiological study designs such as case-control, cohort, observational, experimental; double-blind randomized studies will be covered. This course may be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit.

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This course will study many of the legal issues involved in the provision of health care. The course will include an overview of the history of health care and a foundation of the American legal system. As the course progresses, critical legal issues relating to the health care industry will be addressed, including tort law and professional liability insurance, information management, patient rights, ethical issues in health care, and employment and labor issues involved in the administration of health care. Due to limited time and the extent and varying complexity of material in the text, not all material will be covered. The course is intended to be an overview, not an in-depth analysis of any given topic. Likewise, the course is not designed to provide an introduction to or overview of every facet of the law regarding health care.

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This course will study many of the legal issues involved in the provision of health care. The course will include an overview of the history of health care and a foundation of the American legal system. As the course progresses, critical legal issues relating to the health care industry will be addressed, including tort law and professional liability insurance, information management, patient rights, ethical issues in health care, and employment and labor issues involved in the administration of health care. Due to limited time and the extent and varying complexity of material in the text, not all material will be covered. The course is intended to be an overview, not an in-depth analysis of any given topic. Likewise, the course is not designed to provide an introduction to or overview of every facet of the law regarding health care.

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This course is intended for those interested in a systematic understanding of organizational principles, practices, and insights pertinent to the management of health services organizations. In this course, we will survey the several different perspectives of how health care organizations have functioned and evolved over the years. "System thinking" is utilized to analyze managing partnerships, strategic alliances, networking, and other arrangements between and among physicians, hospitals, health systems, and other provider organizations. We will focus on how health care leaders must effectively design and manage health care organizations while simultaneously influencing and adapting to changes in an environmental context and emphasize the role of the transformational leadership model in managing the boundary between the internal organization and its external eenvironment successfully. Case studies, practical scenarios, and controversial issues are highlighted in each chapter to challenge the student to provide solutions and philosophical positions on a variety of issues.

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This course is intended for those interested in a systematic understanding of organizational principles, practices, and insights pertinent to the management of health services organizations. In this course, we will survey the several different perspectives of how health care organizations have functioned and evolved over the years. "System thinking" is utilized to analyze managing partnerships, strategic alliances, networking, and other arrangements between and among physicians, hospitals, health systems, and other provider organizations. We will focus on how health care leaders must effectively design and manage health care organizations while simultaneously influencing and adapting to changes in an environmental context and emphasize the role of the transformational leadership model in managing the boundary between the internal organization and its external eenvironment successfully. Case studies, practical scenarios, and controversial issues are highlighted in each chapter to challenge the student to provide solutions and philosophical positions on a variety of issues.

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This course focuses on normal and atypical motor development. Emphasis is placed on understanding deviations in normal motor development of individuals with physical, mental, sensory, neurological, and other specific health problems.

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This course focuses on normal and atypical motor development. Emphasis is placed on understanding deviations in normal motor development of individuals with physical, mental, sensory, neurological, and other specific health problems.

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Applying instruments in determining physical and motor needs of individuals with disabilities; ability to implement physical education programs for individuals with disabilities.

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Applying instruments in determining physical and motor needs of individuals with disabilities; ability to implement physical education programs for individuals with disabilities.

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This course focuses on the processes of human motor behavior from a life-span perspective. Emphasis is placed on understanding the interaction of motor development, motor learning, and motor control on the acquisition, refinement, and retention of movement skills. Coursework will focus on the effects of heredity, environmental influences, and specifics of motor tasks in the development of motor skills that are utilized in sport and lifetime leisure/recreation activities.

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This course focuses on the processes of human motor behavior from a life-span perspective. Emphasis is placed on understanding the interaction of motor development, motor learning, and motor control on the acquisition, refinement, and retention of movement skills. Coursework will focus on the effects of heredity, environmental influences, and specifics of motor tasks in the development of motor skills that are utilized in sport and lifetime leisure/recreation activities.

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An advanced study of the mechanical components of human movement with application to physical fitness and sport. Cinematography will be included as a portion of the course.

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An advanced study of the mechanical components of human movement with application to physical fitness and sport. Cinematography will be included as a portion of the course.

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An overview of the various techniques and strategies used in meeting the needs of consumers in the sport industry. Areas to be addressed are the uniqueness of sport in comparison to traditional marketing, an overview of the segments of the sport industry, the importance of market research and segmentation in identifying the right sport consumer, the use of data-based marketing in reaching the development of sponsorship and endorsement packages.

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An overview of the various techniques and strategies used in meeting the needs of consumers in the sport industry. Areas to be addressed are the uniqueness of sport in comparison to traditional marketing, an overview of the segments of the sport industry, the importance of market research and segmentation in identifying the right sport consumer, the use of data-based marketing in reaching the development of sponsorship and endorsement packages.

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This course presents an overview of basic theory, development and application of analytics in sports. Students will learn about the basic application of analytics in sports for purposes of in-game strategy, player performance, team management, and sports operation.

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This course presents an overview of basic theory, development and application of analytics in sports. Students will learn about the basic application of analytics in sports for purposes of in-game strategy, player performance, team management, and sports operation.

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A graduate-level workshop designed for intensive study of selected physical education and health topics or problems.

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A graduate-level workshop designed for intensive study of selected physical education and health topics or problems.

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Supervised practical experience providing physical activity to various exceptionalities. This course may be taken in two credit hour segments to a maximum of eight credit hours.

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Supervised practical experience providing physical activity to various exceptionalities. This course may be taken in two credit hour segments to a maximum of eight credit hours.

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An advanced study of the mechanical components of human movement with application to physical fitness and sport. Cinematography will be included as a portion of the course.

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A graduate-level workshop designed for intensive study of selected physical education and health topics or problems.

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A study of the status of outdoor recreation in the united states. Includes economics, land use and planning, organizational responsibility assessment, trends, and problems.

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Supervised practical experience providing physical activity to various exceptionalities. This course may be taken in two creidt hour segments to a maximum of eight credit hours.

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To study the administrative process in physical education and athletics. To be able to understand current practices and their application to all levels of interscholastic and intercollegiate educational environment.

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The study of social/cultural aspects of sport with an opportunity for students to research, discuss, and become familiar with sport in our American society. This course will also expose the students to current social controversies related to organized sport in America.

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A course designed to study health promotion programming concepts and skills, and the delivery and evaluation of health promotion and wellness programs. An in-depth framework for designing and implementing health promotion programs will be analyzed.

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A study of the interrelationships regarding the primary aspects of nutrition as related to diet, health and fitness. Topics covered include macro and micro nutrient roles in health, exercise, and fitness; weight maintenance, and nutritional needs of special populations.

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A study of the methods and techniques of research used in physical education, health education, and recreation. A critical analysis and evaluation of the professional literature will be included.

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Orientation for graduate students in using the problem-solving approach, whereby they learn to recognize, analyze, synthesize, classify and solve problems.

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This course is intended to provide graduate students with an introduction to statistics. Course emphasis will be upon understanding statistical concepts and applying and interpreting tests of statistical inference. Content will include but not be limited to: the application of selected inferential statistical procedures, including correlational methods, multiple regression, t-tests, ANOVA, two-way factorial ANOVA, reliability and other advanced measures.

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Practical applications of the principles of curriculum, construction, and evaluation to physical education in the secondary school. Construction of a curriculum guide for a specific situation.

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Psychological and neurophysiological factors related to the development of motor skills with emphasis on the teacher's role in facilitating learning.

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The study of the psychological aspects of sport. Emphasis is placed on factors affecting the athelete's performance such as social facilitation, group cohesiveness, leadership, personality, and motivation.

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This course will provide students with concepts and skills necessary to provide effective preventative and rehabilitative exercise programming. The structures and organization of clinical exercise programs will also be emphasized.

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Students will learn techniques of measuring physiological capacities and concepts of evaluating cardio-pulmonary function used by exercise specialists. Modalities covered will include resting and exercise blood pressure, electrocardiogram/electrophysiology, and respiratory gas analysis.

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An advanced study of the physiological parameter at rest and under acute stress. These physiological parameters will also be studied under chronic training. Laboratory experiences will be included.

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Focuses on the concepts of tort law, constitutional law, and risk management as they relate to the sport and recreation professions.

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Principles, terminology, and standards for planning, construction, use, and maintenance of facilities in physical education and athletics.

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May be enrolled in more than once for up to 12 hours of credit. Provides off-campus opportunity for practical application of student's area of major emphasis. The student will work in private and/or public organizations. A maximum of six (6) hours may count toward graduate degree requirments.

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A critical analysis of problems in contemporary recreation.

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A critical analysis of problems in contemporary health education.

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Independent reading, tutorial conferences, and a written report on a selected subject in the field of health education, physical education, or recreation.

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An independent learning experience designed to allow the student the maximum opportunity to incorporate the material learned from the core curriculum in an integrative fashion to best accomplish the goals and objectives of the student. The culminating experience can include, but is not limited to, a project, position paper, real world experience (i.e., organization and development of a workshop and its materials).

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Independent study in health education, physical education, or recreation. Each student concentrates on a problem and prepares a written report.

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Designed for in-depth study by graduate students. Presents contemporary topics under the guidance of qualified graduate faculty.

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Hands on class designed to educate the student on basic massage techniques needed for a professional massage experience. Emphasis will be placed on correct body mechanics, self-care to prevent injury and proper Swedish techniques essential to massage therapy.

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Introduces students to the daily business aspects and ethical challenges required in the starting, operating and marketing of a massage practice.

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Designed to provide massage therapy students with the skills to identify, label, palpate and assess the human bodies skeletal, muscular and connective tissue variances for the purpose of safe massage.

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An introduction to the human body including basic skeletal, muscular, integumentary and nervous systems need for the practice of massage.

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Interactive hands on class designed to develop skills necessary to become a massage therapist. Focus will be on proper draping, client boundaries and safe body mechanics.

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A controlled atmosphere monitored by faculty in which students will offer massage services to members of the community, faculty/staff or students with techniques learned in complimentary massage classes.

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Advanced hands on class designed to educate the student on advanced massage techniques needed for a professional massage experience using therapeutic stretching and tools.

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Course is designed to cover the major pathologies of the human body, along with their indications and contraindications for professional massage therapy.

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This course covers the muscular-skeletal systems of the human body and how these systems provide the body with daily support and movement. Students will develop an understanding of how to assess and correct deviations in body movement essential for the structural analysis for massage therapists.

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An advanced, comprehensive study of the human body. Includes knowledge of the cardiac, lymphatic, vascular and digestive systems as applied to the practice of massage.

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Interactive hands on class designed/enhanced to develop skills necessary to become an advanced massage therapist. Focus will be on the utilization of advanced techniques with massage therapy tools during lab hours.

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A controlled atmoshere in which students will perform massages for various clients, employing techniques learned in complimentary massage classes.

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Clinical/fieldwork practice that allows students the opportunity to practice learned techniques in a supervised environment.

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Last updated: 05/17/2024