HHP 630 - Administration in Health Care

This course is intended for those interested in a systematic understanding of organizational principles, practices, and insights pertinent to the management of health services organizations. In this course, we will survey the several different perspectives of how health care organizations have functioned and evolved over the years. "System thinking" is utilized to analyze managing partnerships, strategic alliances, networking, and other arrangements between and among physicians, hospitals, health systems, and other provider organizations. We will focus on how health care leaders must effectively design and manage health care organizations while simultaneously influencing and adapting to changes in an environmental context and emphasize the role of the transformational leadership model in managing the boundary between the internal organization and its external eenvironment successfully. Case studies, practical scenarios, and controversial issues are highlighted in each chapter to challenge the student to provide solutions and philosophical positions on a variety of issues.

Credit hours: 3

Last updated: 05/23/2022