Academic Catalog

Business | Master of Business Administration (General)

The Master of Business Administration is a professional degree program for individuals with an undergraduate degree in any major. Its purpose is to prepare students for advancement into higher levels of management in their chosen fields. The program emphasizes management and administration in a rapidly changing environment. The MBA is designed to enhance competency in the functional areas of business administration by providing graduates with skills and perspectives needed for success.

Multiple instructional techniques are used in the MBA program, including case analyses, field studies, small group projects, research and analysis papers, problem solving, and computer applications. The development of oral and written communication skills is fostered.

Program Overview

MBA Core24
Concentration Core9
Total Hours33

All MBA program options require the following core courses, in addition to specified concentration courses:

Program Summary

MBA Core24
Concentration Core9
Total Hours33

All MBA program options require the following core courses, in addition to specified concentration courses:

MBA Core Requirements
MBA 811Advanced Managerial Accounting3
MBA 812Marketing Management3
MBA 813Information Systems for Management3
MBA 814Business Research and Quantitative Methods3
MBA 815Managerial Economics: Theory and Application3
MBA 816Advanced Corporate Finance3
MBA 817Strategic Management3
MBA 831Organizational Behavior in a Global Context3
Total Hours24

Master of Business Administration Concentrations

General MBA

("no concentration" - choose any nine credits from the MBA concentration courses in consultation with your advisor)

Accounting Concentration
ACCT 601GAdvanced Accounting3
ACCT 610GAdvanced Tax Procedure3
ACCT 608GCPA Problems3
Total Hours9
AGRI 820Agricultural Risk Management3
AGRI 850Strategic Planning in Agricultural Business3
AGRI 860Organizational Behavior in Agricultural Business3
Total Hours9
Corporate Communication
BCOM 601GManagerial Communication3
Select six credit hours from the following:6
Problems in Business Communication 1
Advanced Professional Development
Managerial Reports and Presentations
Corporate Communication Strategy
Total Hours9

Only 3 units may be counted from BCOM 673G - Problems in Business Communication

Digital Marketing
Select three courses from the following:9
Integrated Marketing Communications
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing Content and Analytics
Total Hours9
ECON 640GMoney and Banking3
FIN 641GFinancial Markets and Institutions3
FIN 645GInternational Finance3
Total Hours9
Healthcare Management
Select three courses from the following:9
Complexity in Health Care Organizations
Admin Mgt in Health Care Organizations
Global Health
Administration in Health Care
Legal Issues in Health Care
Health Promotion Programming
Total Hours9
Health and Human Performance/Sports Management
HHP 655GSport Planning and Promotion3
HHP 855Legal Issues in Health and Human Performance3
HHP 860Facilities in Health and Human Performance3
Total Hours9
Human Resource Management (HRM)
MGT 611GHuman Resource Management (prerequisite for all other HRM classes)3
Select two courses from the following:6
Recruitment, Selection, and Retention
Recruitment, Selection, and Retention
Training and Development
Total Hours9
Information Assurance
INF 684GFoundations of Information Systems Security3
INF 880Management of Information Security3
INF 885Information Risk Management3
Total Hours9
International Business
MKT 606GGlobal Marketing3
ECON 644GInternational Economics3
FIN 645GInternational Finance3
Total Hours9
LDRS 801Theoretical Foundations of Leadership3
LDRS 802Organizational Systems, Change, and Leadership3
LDRS 807Leadership in Teams and Collaborative Environments3
Total Hours9
Management Information Systems
MIS 602GInformation Systems Design and Development3
INF 658GLaw of Cyberspace3
An MIS or INF elective as approved3
Total Hours9
MKT 604GMarketing Research3
MKT 601GConsumer Behavior3
MKT 609GDigital Marketing3
Total Hours9
Operations Management
MGT 822Operations Management3
Select six credit hours from the following:6
Lean Systems
Production and Operations Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality Management
Total Hours9
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Select three courses from the following:9
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
Service and Operations Management
Meetings, Conventions, & Events Management
Hotel and Resort Management
International Tourism & Hospitality
Total Hours9

Graduate School Graduation Requirements

All Graduate degrees1 require:

  • Maintain a C or higher in all coursework.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. (Refer to program)
  • A minimum of 30-75 hours of Graduate course work. (Refer to program)
  • Comprehensive Examination or equivalent assessment is required. (Master of Liberal Studies requires a Comprehensive Examination and Concentration Exam)
  • Degree completion within 8 years.

Refer to degree program for any additional requirements.

Admission Requirements

Applications are accepted throughout the year and admissions are made on a continual basis. All materials should be received at least 60 days prior to the student’s first enrollment. The FHSU Graduate School and MBA Committee will only review complete application packages, which must include the following:

  • A paid graduate application;
  • Current resume;
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate coursework (in English);
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (must be signed and on letterhead to be official)
  • Personal statement from student indicating reasons for seeking a Master of Business Administration degree including professional and/or career goals and pertinent past work experience; and
  • Other requirements as specified by the Fort Hays State University Graduate School.

All application materials should be sent to the FHSU Graduate School via email at or mail:

Graduate School
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601

Questions regarding the application process can be directed to the FHSU Graduate School at 785-628-4236 or or the MBA Graduate Coordinator, at 785-628-5696 or

The MBA Degree Map will vary, based on concentration. Please consult with your academic advisor for guidance in course planning.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MBA 811 Advanced Managerial Accounting 3
MBA 812 Marketing Management 3
MBA 813 Information Systems for Management 3
MBA 815 Managerial Economics: Theory and Application 3
MBA 831 Organizational Behavior in a Global Context 3
MBA 814 Business Research and Quantitative Methods 3
Second Year
MBA 816 Advanced Corporate Finance 3
MBA 817 Strategic Management 3
Concentration Core 3
Concentration Core 3
Concentration Core 3
 Total Hours33

Academic Degree Maps are term-by-term sample course plans that specify milestones, courses, and special requirements that are necessary for facilitating on-time completion. Degree Maps are examples and are not prescriptive. Individualized choices such as concentration options, transfer credits, optional minors, advisory programs (certificates), etc. can alter the recommended coursework. Course offerings are subject to change. Students should consult with their academic advisors for additional guidance on course planning.

To determine courses to take in the directed choices (often listed as Program Elective Course) and directed elective course blocks see the overview tab for courses. To locate approved courses in General Education areas (Undergraduate Programs) see the general education section of the catalog.

The undergraduate course maps typically advise the most efficient route for students to complete the general education requirements. Courses that are required in the major may be listed as fulfilling relevant general education requirements. This will result in more open elective course hours in some maps than is listed on the degree overview page.

Graduate Assistantships

The Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship annually awards a limited number of scholarships and graduate assistantships. The awards are based on GPA, campus involvement, financial need, and other criteria. For more information about graduate assistantships, contact the FHSU Graduate School.


The MBA degree program consists of 34 semester credit hours. Graduate courses taken at another regionally accredited college or university may count towards MBA degree, subject to approval by the MBA Committee. Typically, no more than six to nine student credit hours will be considered for transfer credit, and students are expected to complete their graduate coursework from Fort Hays State University upon matriculation into the MBA program. Students wishing for substitutions or exemptions must submit their requests through the Graduate Coordinator to the MBA Committee for evaluation and approval.

Foundation Courses

Students may need up to four foundation courses in conjunction with the 34-hour MBA degree program. Students with an undergraduate business degree from a regionally accredited four-year institution shall be waived from the foundation requirement. Students wishing for substitutions or exemptions for the foundation courses must submit their requests through the Graduate Coordinator to the MBA Committee for evaluation and approval.

Course Approval and Program Modification Process

Suggestions for MBA course changes or additions may come from any Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship faculty member. Course proposals and changes are presented to the MBA Committee for approval. Recommended changes to approved courses follow the traditional FHSU approval process.

Curriculum Review Teams

For each discipline represented in the MBA program, a curriculum review team of no less than three graduate faculty (if available) shall be appointed by the MBA Committee in consultation with the respective department chair. The curriculum review team is responsible for monitoring course quality and content, with final approval by the MBA Committee.

Each course shall be reviewed by the appropriate review team before it is taught and/or:

  • After the online course is offered for three semesters;
  • In conjunction with a major change in the course;
  • At the request of the faculty course author or the MBA Committee

It is the responsibility of the MBA Committee to convene curriculum review teams and report outcomes to the Dean of the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship. A report from each committee shall be submitted and reviewed by the MBA Committee and Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship Dean. The results of these reports shall be provided to the faculty course authors, RCOBE faculty, and other stakeholders.

Frequency of Course Offerings

The course rotation schedule will be determined by the MBA Committee. A rolling course schedule will be developed and posted in advance with the understanding that all classes will be available within a two-year period such that a full-time graduate student could complete the MBA degree in two years if so desired.

Minimum and Maximum Class Size

Sections should be designed and staffed to maximize interaction with faculty and fellow students with the anticipated guideline of a maximum of 25 students per section. Courses may be canceled due to small enrollment (fewer than ten students) at the MBA Committee’s discretion.

Grade Point Average Requirements

No grade below C may be applied to graduation. No more than two grades of C may be applied toward graduation. No course taken for Pass/Fail or Credit/No-Credit or audited may be applied toward graduation. Each student must achieve acceptable scores on the MBA Major Field Test (MFT), the ETS Proficiency Profile, and the FHSU Post Test in order to graduate.

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of B (3.00) in the 34-hour program courses. If, at the end of any semester, the cumulative GPA in the 34-hour program courses is below 3.00, the student will be given one semester to raise the cumulative GPA to 3.00 or better. If, after that semester, the cumulative GPA in the 34-hour program courses is still below 3.00, then the student may, at the discretion of the MBA Committee, be suspended from the MBA program.

Academic Honesty

The graduate programs closely adhere to the Academic Honesty policy as stated in this catalog’s Graduate School section. All students are expected to read and follow this policy.


This policy and related procedures are subject to periodic review by the MBA Committee.