Academic Catalog

Systemwide General Education

Department website:

The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) approved a systemwide general education (SGE) package under a common framework. The goal of this new program and framework is to provide maximum transferability and flexibility for students within the system. The six state universities and the participating coordinated institutions (Kansas community colleges and Washburn University) will implement the Systemwide General Education Framework.  

All new incoming students will automatically be placed on the KBOR Systemwide Framework General Education program. 

Transfer students from schools participating in the SGE whose transcript includes the "KS Systemwide General Education Completed" notation have completed the SGE requirements.  All other students will have courses counted toward the general education requirements as designated by the Kansas Systemwide Transfer Courses, or in the same manner as the FHSU course articulated. Some degree programs may require specific courses to satisfy general education requirements as approved by KBOR

Many degree plans will identify introduction courses or cognates that may be completed to satisfy general education requirements.  These courses are program requirements and must be completed for the degree even if not used to satisfy a general education requirement.  Students who use these courses to satisfy a part of the SGE will have more flexibility to choose courses.  This may be useful to complete additional certificates, minors, or pursue courses of interest. 

SGE010 - English Discipline Area
ENG 101English Composition I3
ENG 102English Composition II3
SGE020 - Communication Discipline Area3
Select one course from the following:
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Intermediate Interpersonal Communication
SGE030 - Math Statistics Discipline Area3
Select one course from the following:
Contemporary Mathematics
College Algebra with Review
College Algebra
Plane Trigonometry
Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Elements of Statistics
Calculus Methods
SGE040 - Natural Physical Science Discipline Area4-5
Select one course from the following:
Human Biology
and Laboratory Experiences in Biology
Principles of Biology
and Principles of Biology Laboratory
Humans and the Environment
and Laboratory Experiences in Biology
and SWT: Environmental Science Lab (Transfer Only)
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
Anatomy and Physiology II
and Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory
Microbiology for Allied Health
and Microbiology Laboratory
and Botany Laboratory
and Zoology Laboratory
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
The Chemist's View of the World
and Introduction to the Chemistry Laboratory
Molecules and Society
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
University Chemistry I
and University Chemistry Laboratory I
University Chemistry II
and University Chemistry Laboratory II
Exploring Earth
and Exploring Earth Laboratory
Earth and Environmental Systems
and Exploring Earth Laboratory
Humans, Rocks, and the Environment
and Exploring Earth Laboratory
Physical Science
and Physical Science Laboratory
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
Elementary Meteorology
and Physical Science Laboratory
Engineering Physics I
and Engineering Physics I Laboratory
Engineering Physics II
and Engineering Physics II Laboratory
Descriptive Astronomy
and Physical Science Laboratory
SGE050 - Social Behavioral Sciences Discipline Area6
Select two courses from the following:
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Comparative Justice Systems
Criminal Law and Procedure
Social Justice: Action and Policy
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Economic Ideas and Current Issues
Gender and Society
Diversity in the United States
Cultural Geography
World Geography
Discovering Leadership
Principles of Civic Leadership
Global Leadership
Orientation to Political Science
American Government
State and Local Government
Current Political Issues
Political Thinking for the Greater Good
Introduction to International Relations
Democracy and Liberty in Comparative Perspective
General Psychology
Social Psychology
Child and Developmental Psychology
Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Social Work
Understanding Society: Introductory Sociology
Global Forces in a Changing World
Social Problems
Sociology of the Family in America
Comparative Cultures and Societies
Technology in Society
Global Challenges
SGE060 - Arts Humanities Discipline Area6
Select two courses from the following:
Fundamentals and Appreciation of Art
Survey of Art History 1
Survey of Art History II
Community Engaged Art
Introduction to Motion Pictures
Media and Society
Visual and Creative Design
Introduction to Creative Writing
World Literature and the Human Experience
Introduction to Literature
Literature Matters
Survey of American Literature I
Survey of American Literature II
World Civilization to 1500
Modern World Civilization
United States History to 1877
United States History Since 1877
Philosophy and the Bible: Old Testament
World Religions
Philosophy and the Bible: New Testament
Introduction to Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Ethical Issues in the Professions and Business
Conceptions of the Mind
Beginning French I
Beginning French II
Beginning Spanish I
Beginning Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Basic Sign Language
Listening to Music
Music Theory I
Music Theory II
Music in the Movies
Rock Music Styles
World Music
Elementary School Music
Introduction to Theatre
SWT: Voice & Diction (Transfer Only)
SGE070 - Institutionally Designated Area: Personal and Professional Development3
Select one course from the following:
Principles of Personal Finance
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Personal Wellness
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
Holistic Health and Fitness
Abnormal Psychology
SGE070 - Institutionally Designated Area: Critical Thinking3
Select one course from the following:
Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking for Scientists
Thinking Critically About Society