Academic Catalog

Applied Technology | Bachelor of Science in Technology Studies (Engineering Design)

Program Summary

General Education Courses34
Industrial Technology Core Courses26
Concentration Core Courses27
Management Requirements6
Directed Electives9
Total Hours120

Open electives are the credit hours required to reach a minimum of 120 total hours and 45 upper-level hours.  The number listed assumes all courses are completed at FHSU as listed.  This number may vary if students transfer courses, or have individual substitutions allowed.  Students should speak with their advisor if either situation applies to determine if the number will vary, and to ensure they enroll in a minimum of 45 upper-level hours.   

Students entering within 1 year of high school graduation will take UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar and may apply that hour in the open elective category.

 Program Requirements

General Education

All undergraduate degrees require completion of the Kansas Systemwide General Education

Courses identified with GE on this page may satisfy a general education requirement in addition to the identified degree requirement.  Students who apply a degree requirement to satisfy a general education requirement will typically add an equal number of hours to the the university elective category.  This flexibility may allow you to complete a minor or certificate within the 120 hour degree.  Transfer students and students majoring in programs with approved exceptions are especially encouraged to select these courses in completing General Education requirements to maximize the likelihood of completing the degree with 120 credit hours.  

General Education34-35
TECS Core Requirements
TECS 120Power, Energy, and Transportation 13
TECS 130STEM in Technology Systems 13
TECS 200Engineering Graphics 13
TECS 312Graphic Communication Techniques 13
TECS 318Introduction to ComputerAided Drafting 13
TECS 480Industrial Management 23
TECS 490Occupational Safety, Health, and Liability 32
TECS 495Training and Instructional Systems 43
or TECS 460 Teaching Technology & Engineering Education
Select one course from the following:3
Problems in Technology Studies
Internship 1,5
Technology Issues
Concentration Core Courses
TECS 180Materials, Processes, and Production 43
TECS 310Manufacturing Graphics 23
TECS 355Computer-Aided Drafting 43
TECS 375Robotics: Engineering Problem Solving 23
TECS 385Construction Planning and Design 23
TECS 415Construction Graphics 43
TECS 445Civil Drafting 23
TECS 475Mechanical and Electrical Systems 43
TECS 610Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting3
Management Requirements
MGT 101Introduction to Business 13
MGT 301Management Principles 13
Directed Electives
Select nine credit hours from TECS electives9
MATH 101Contemporary Mathematics GE3
or MATH 110 College Algebra
MATH 250Elements of Statistics GE3-5
or MATH 234 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
GSCI 100Exploring Earth GE3
IDS 390Technology in Society3
PHYS 102Physical Science GE3
PHYS 103Physical Science Laboratory GE1
or GSCI 102 Exploring Earth Laboratory
Total Hours84-86

Classes offered both Fall and Spring.


Class offered in the Spring.


Class offered Intersession (between Fall and Spring semesters) / Spring.


Class offered in the Fall.


TECS 499 Internship—Internship Students: plan ahead for internship. Start gathering details the semester before you want to do internship. 9 credit hours of internship can be broken up into segments (before your senior year). Get an internship manual from the Applied Tech office (AT 121 or Make appointment with Mr. Stewart: Department Chair (AT 121) before you are ready to enroll. Note: all students (grade level and major) are encouraged to attend & participate in the Career Fair held each fall. This will give you personal contacts with many companies to set up internship, summer work, or full-time employment upon graduation. All Technology Studies students plan to attend the Career Fair!

Degree Requirements

All bachelor degrees require:
GPA of 2.0 on FHSU courses & 2.0 on all coursework (Higher program requirements prevail over the 2.0 when set)
A minimum of 30 hours earned from FHSU with a grade of D, C, B, or A
Successful completion of an upper division Writing and Information Literacy course (Most majors contain a course designated)
A minimum of 45 hours of recognized upper division credit
A minimum of 120 hours of recognized college credit

Academic Degree Maps are term-by-term sample course plans that specify milestones, courses, and special requirements that are necessary for facilitating on-time completion. Degree Maps are examples and are not prescriptive. Individualized choices such as concentration options, transfer credits, optional minors, advisory programs (certificates), etc. can alter the recommended coursework. Course offerings are subject to change. Students should consult with their academic advisors for additional guidance on course planning.

To determine courses to take in the directed choices (often listed as Program Elective Course) and directed elective course blocks see the overview tab for courses. To locate approved courses in General Education areas (Undergraduate Programs) see the general education section of the catalog.

The undergraduate course maps typically advise the most efficient route for students to complete the general education requirements. Courses that are required in the major may be listed as fulfilling relevant general education requirements. This will result in more open elective course hours in some maps than is listed on the degree overview page.