Academic Catalog

HHP | Master of Professional Studies (Gerontology)

The Masters of Professional Studies with a concentration in Gerontology is designed to assist the individual in developing the skills necessary to deal with the complex issues surrounding the growing population of older adults in our society. The program provides the individual with the skill set necessary to identify and understand emerging and existing issues related to aging, analyze options for addressing these issues, and locate the necessary resources to deal with them. All courses are available through FHSU Online.

Core Courses
HHP 605GIntroduction to Gerontology3
HHP 815Research Methods in Health and Human Performance3
HHP 825Statistical Analysis in Health & Human Performance3
Concentration Core Courses
HHP 612GPhysiology of Aging3
HHP 617GNutrition and Aging3
SOC 644GSociology of Aging3
SOCW 620GSpirituality & Aging: The Empowering Relationship3
Select 6 credits of graduate level electives 16
HHP 873Culminating Experience 23
Comprehensive Exam 3
Total Hours30

Must be graduate level (600 and above) and can come from any academic discipline that contributes meaningfully to the student's program of study. All electives must be approved by the student's advisor. Offerings are variable and will depend on the department from which they are taken.


This course to be taken as the final course in the program.


As a final step in the program, all students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination prior to graduation.

Graduate School Graduation Requirements

All Graduate degrees1 require:

  • Maintain a C or higher in all coursework.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. (Refer to program)
  • A minimum of 30-75 hours of Graduate course work. (Refer to program)
  • Comprehensive Examination or equivalent assessment is required. (Master of Liberal Studies requires a Comprehensive Examination and Concentration Exam)
  • Degree completion within 8 years.

Refer to degree program for any additional requirements.

Note for MLS and MPS degree concentrations:

Master of Liberal Studies (MLS) programs are administratively housed within the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences but are listed in the catalog within the academic unit related to the relevant concentration area for ease in navigation.

Master of Professional Studies (MPS) programs are administratively housed within the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences but are listed in the catalog within the academic unit related to the relevant concentration area for ease in navigation.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
HHP 825 Statistical Analysis in Health & Human Performance 3
HHP 605G Introduction to Gerontology 3
HHP 612G Physiology of Aging 3
HHP 617G Nutrition and Aging 3
SOCW 620G Spirituality & Aging: The Empowering Relationship 3
Open Electives 3
Second Year
HHP 815 Research Methods in Health and Human Performance 3
SOC 644G Sociology of Aging 3
Open Electives 3
HHP 873 Culminating Experience 3
 Total Hours30

Academic Degree Maps are term-by-term sample course plans that specify milestones, courses, and special requirements that are necessary for facilitating on-time completion. Degree Maps are examples and are not prescriptive. Individualized choices such as concentration options, transfer credits, optional minors, advisory programs (certificates), etc. can alter the recommended coursework. Course offerings are subject to change. Students should consult with their academic advisors for additional guidance on course planning.

To determine courses to take in the directed choices (often listed as Program Elective Course) and directed elective course blocks see the overview tab for courses. To locate approved courses in General Education areas (Undergraduate Programs) see the general education section of the catalog.

The undergraduate course maps typically advise the most efficient route for students to complete the general education requirements. Courses that are required in the major may be listed as fulfilling relevant general education requirements. This will result in more open elective course hours in some maps than is listed on the degree overview page.