Academic Catalog

CSD | Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders

We offer an undergraduate degree that effectively prepares students for graduate study in speech-language pathology or audiology as well jobs in healthcare and education. Our bachelor of science in communication sciences and disorders prepares graduates for admission to master's degree programs in speech-language pathology or audiology as well as work in education and healthcare settings. We are also proud to provide one graduate degree program that helps our Tigers excel in their careers – and beyond.

Eligible students can complete the program in 3 years through our 3+2 program

Program Summary

(Downloadable PDF)

General Education34
Education/Psychology Cognates6
Core Curriculum21
Directed Electives9
Open Electives 132
Total Hours120

Total Hours: 120


Open electives are the credit hours required to reach a minimum of 120 total hours and 45 upper-level hours.  The number listed assumes all courses are completed at FHSU as listed.  This number may vary if students transfer courses, or have individual substitutions allowed.  Students should speak with their advisor if either situation applies to determine if the number will vary, and to ensure they enroll in a minimum of 45 upper-level hours.   

Students entering within 1 year of high school graduation will take UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar and may apply that hour in the open elective category.

Program Requirements

General Education

All undergraduate degrees require completion of the Kansas Systemwide General Education

Courses identified with GE on this page may satisfy a general education requirement in addition to the identified degree requirement.  Students who apply a degree requirement to satisfy a general education requirement will typically add an equal number of hours to the the university elective category.  This flexibility may allow you to complete a minor or certificate within the 120 hour degree.  Transfer students and students majoring in programs with approved exceptions are especially encouraged to select these courses in completing General Education requirements to maximize the likelihood of completing the degree with 120 credit hours.  

General Education34-35

Students can satisfy the Mathematics, Natural and Physical Science, and Social and Behavioral Science areas using courses required in the major.  Additionally, SLP 320 Basic Sign Language is an option in the major, and may satisfy one of the Arts and Humanities course requirements.  

PSY 100General Psychology GE3
BIOL 100Human Biology L, GE3
MATH 110College Algebra GE3
MATH 250Elements of Statistics GE3
SOC 376Diversity in the United States GE3
Select one course from the following:3
Physical Science L, GE
The Chemist's View of the World L, GE
Physics I L, GE
Total Hours18

Students need one course with lab to meet the general education science requirement. Students are encouraged to apply one of the science classes to their general education requirement. 

 Cognate courses are chosen to meet current coursework requirements for ASHA certification.

Education Cognates
TEEL 231Human Growth and Development GE3
or PSY 400 Child and Developmental Psychology
TESP 302Educating Students with Exceptionalities3
Total Hours6
Core Curriculum
SLP 160Introduction to Communication Disorders3
SLP 303Speech and Hearing Science2
SLP 305Anatomy and Physiology: Speech-Hearing Mechanism3
SLP 340Language Science3
SLP 370Early Speech and Language Development3
SLP 402Clinical Phonetics3
SLP 464Audiology4
SLP 425Principles of Intervention Speech and Language Dis.3
Total Hours24
CSD Electives9
Select at least nine credit hours from the following:
Basic Sign Language (Fall) GE
Advanced Sign Language (Spring)
Independent Study in Communication Disorders (In consultation with academic advisor)
Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (when available)
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Social-Communication (online course)
Managing Hearing Loss in Children and Adults (must be a junior, senior, or grad student)
Communication and Aging (online course)
Medical Terminology
Special Populations in Communication Sciences & Disorders
Total Hours9

Degree Requirements

All bachelor degrees require:
GPA of 2.0 on FHSU courses & 2.0 on all coursework (Higher program requirements prevail over the 2.0 when set)
A minimum of 30 hours earned from FHSU with a grade of D, C, B, or A
Successful completion of an upper division Writing and Information Literacy course (Most majors contain a course designated)
A minimum of 45 hours of recognized upper division credit
A minimum of 120 hours of recognized college credit

Suggested Sequence of Courses

Courses in bold are required for graduation. Elective courses that are highly recommended for entry into the graduate program are included in the suggested sequence of courses. General education courses, educational/psychology cognates, and additional CSD electives are listed below:

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENG 101 English Composition I (SGE010 - English Discipline Area) 3
COMM 100 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (SGE020 - Communication Discipline Area) 3
MATH 110 College Algebra 3
SLP 160 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3
BIOL 100
BIOL 102
Human Biology
and Laboratory Experiences in Biology (SGE040 - Natural Physical Science Discipline Area)
UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar 1
ENG 102 English Composition II (SGE010 - English Discipline Area) 3
BIOL 245 Medical Terminology 2
SLP 140 Communication Disorders in Society 1
SLP 340 Language Science 3
SGE070 - Institutionally Designated Area: Personal and Professional Development 3
Open Electives 3
Second Year
SLP 303 Speech and Hearing Science (required) 2
SLP 402 Clinical Phonetics (required) 3
PSY 100 General Psychology (SGE050 - Social Behavioral Sciences Discipline Area) 3
SGE060 - Arts Humanities Discipline Area 3
SGE070 - Institutionally Designated Area: Critical Thinking 3
SLP 370 Early Speech and Language Development (required) 3
SLP 371 Early Speech and Language Analysis 1
SLP 305 Anatomy and Physiology: Speech-Hearing Mechanism (required) 3
MATH 250 Elements of Statistics (SGE030 - Math Statistics Discipline Area) 3
SGE060 - Arts Humanities Discipline Area 3
SGE050 - Social Behavioral Sciences Discipline Area 3
Third Year
CHEM 100 The Chemist's View of the World 3
SLP 464 Audiology (required) 4
SLP 665 Communication and Aging 2
SLP 470 Later Language Development 3
SLP 471 School-Age Speech and Language Analysis 1
SLP 480 Principles of Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders 3
SLP 465 Developmental Speech and Language Disorders 3
SLP 450 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Social-Communication 3
SLP 320 Basic Sign Language 3
TESP 302 Educating Students with Exceptionalities 3
PSY 400 Child and Developmental Psychology 3
Fourth Year
SLP 425 Principles of Intervention Speech and Language Dis. (required) 3
SLP 472 Special Populations in Communication Sciences & Disorders 3
SOC 376 Diversity in the United States 3
Open Electives 3
Open Electives 3
SLP 426 Introduction to Clinical Procedures 2
SLP 426L Clinical Practicum 1
SLP 610 Principles of Evaluation and Assessment 3
Open Electives 3
Open Electives 3
 Total Hours120

If not taken in Fall.


If not taken in Spring.


Enrollment one semester only.


Enrollment will be Spring only - application required.

Academic Degree Maps are term-by-term sample course plans that specify milestones, courses, and special requirements that are necessary for facilitating on-time completion. Degree Maps are examples and are not prescriptive. Individualized choices such as concentration options, transfer credits, optional minors, advisory programs (certificates), etc. can alter the recommended coursework. Course offerings are subject to change. Students should consult with their academic advisors for additional guidance on course planning.

To determine courses to take in the directed choices (often listed as Program Elective Course) and directed elective course blocks see the overview tab for courses. To locate approved courses in General Education areas (Undergraduate Programs) see the general education section of the catalog.

The undergraduate course maps typically advise the most efficient route for students to complete the general education requirements. Courses that are required in the major may be listed as fulfilling relevant general education requirements. This will result in more open elective course hours in some maps than is listed on the degree overview page.

For select incoming freshman students, there is the opportunity to participate in the 3+2 Program at FHSU. This program is offered to freshman students with ACT scores of 26 or higher and a high school GPA of 3.7 or higher. Students complete the undergraduate program in three years and are able to gain entry to the competitive on-campus graduate program for a master's degree in speech-language pathology if entry criteria are met. For answers to frequently asked questions, see our FAQ for 3+2 program.

Courses in bold are required for graduation. Elective courses that are highly recommended for entry into the graduate program are included in the suggested sequence of courses. General education courses, educational/psychology cognates, and additional CSD electives are listed below:

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
SLP 160 Introduction to Communication Disorders (required) 3
SLP 340 Language Science 3
UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar 1
SLP 402 Clinical Phonetics (required) 3
SLP 370 Early Speech and Language Development (required) 3
SLP 371 Early Speech and Language Analysis 1
Second Year
SLP 305 Anatomy and Physiology: Speech-Hearing Mechanism (required) 3
SLP 470 Later Language Development 3
SLP 471 School-Age Speech and Language Analysis 1
SLP 303 Speech and Hearing Science (required) 2
SLP 464 Audiology (required) 4
Third Year
SLP 425 Principles of Intervention Speech and Language Dis. (required) 3
SLP 663 Managing Hearing Loss in Children and Adults 3
SLP 610 Principles of Evaluation and Assessment 3
SLP 426 Introduction to Clinical Procedures 2
SLP 426L Clinical Practicum 1
 Total Hours39