Academic Catalog

Department of Applied Business Studies

Academic Programs

In the current business climate it is more important than ever to be a prepared, valuable employee. This preparation goes beyond having the knowledge to solve job related problems; to be prepared you will need to be flexible, creative, and proactive. To be considered a valuable employee you must be able to work with individuals from different areas, consider innovative ways to solve problems and positively promote your employer, you must also be on the lookout for the latest trends. These traits, paired with the knowledge you will gain from a degree in the Applied Business Studies, will prepare you to be successful in the future.

Undergraduate Degrees

The Department of Applied Business Studies will prepare you in the field of your choice. We offer Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Marketing. Also offered is a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business Education or Tourism and Hospitality Management. Our degree programs are offered on-campus and virtually. This allows you to earn a degree halfway around the world! With on-campus and virtual degrees in the fastest- growing industries in business, graduating from the Department of Applied Business Studies is the first step in starting a rewarding career.

Department of Applied Business Faculty & Staff

See department page online for full listing

Minors in Applied Business Studies

Minors are 21 hour programs offered in a variety of areas and can be paired with a degree program to fine tune your future plans. Minor programs include Business Administration, Business Communication, and Marketing. Business Administration minors are not available for business majors.

Certificates in Applied Business Studies

Diversify the Business of Your Future with Specialized Certificates

Fort Hays State University offers a variety of business certificates that allow you to explore an area of interest in more depth, give you more expertise in an area and augment your degree and resume to prime you for every opportunity today – and tomorrow. Each certificate requires only 9 or 12 credit hours, and all certificates are available to on campus or virtual students.

Certificate programs require 9 or 12 credit hours and are composed of courses specific to an area of study. All classes leading to a certificate must be taken for credit and courses cannot be counted towards more than one certificate.

Apply Today for Your Business Certificate Specialty

You can start today on expanding your education in business with a focus on complementary disciplines by submitting an “Intent to Complete Certificate” form. Students are designated as certificate students when they submit an "Intent to Complete Certificate" form (you will find these forms accompanying each certificate listed below). Please print, complete the form and mail, e-mail or deliver it to:

Department of Applied Business Studies
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
McCartney Hall 113
Hays, KS 67601

Upon completion of certificate requirements, the department chair will authorize the issuance of a printed certificate. Please note that certificate programs are not listed on a student's official transcript; however, completion of a certificate should be included on a student's resume to demonstrate attainment of a level of education in a marketing or tourism and hospitality management discipline, which is more than completing a certain number of academic courses.

Attaining an Applied Business Studies certificate at FHSU will improve the marketability of your resume as you advance in your career.

Business Communication

BCOM 199  Business Communication Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BCOM 201  Introduction to Corporate Communication     (3 Credits)  
An introductory course in the various aspects of internal and external stakeholder communication and corporate image management.

BCOM 210  Business Communication for Professional Development     (3 Credits)  
An introductory course in the development of professional communication and career management skills. Coursework will emphasize evaluating and improving personal employability.

BCOM 214  Computerized Transcription     (3 Credits)  
This course emphasizes machine transcription techniques, correct style, formatting, and language arts skills; the importance of good listening habits and proofreading skills are stressed; and qualitative and quantitative standards of mailability are the ultimate objectives in the transcription course.

BCOM 220  Office Automation     (3 Credits)  
An introductory course which emphasizes the interaction of people, processes, and technologies that form office information systems within contemporary organizations. Includes an examination of critical human factors currently at the forefront of office systems planning and an identification of emerging technologies likely to influence office systems as these technologies mature. The course encompasses all forms of communication and the use of technology to support support business and professional communication.

BCOM 250  Word Processing Applications     (3 Credits)  
This course emphasizes the development of text editing/word processing skills; special emphasis will be placed on the development of basic and advanced word processing functions for the efficient use of display-type word processing equipment. Sophisticated computer text editing equipment will be used. Course requires the student has MS Windows and MS Office.

BCOM 273  Problems in Information Systems Administration I     (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Comunications and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will work directed problems related to a field of business communications or information systems administration. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

BCOM 300  Spreadsheet Applications     (3 Credits)  

A comprehensive study of the major features of spreadsheet applications. Students will learn how to operate spreadsheet application software as used in business. Major features will cover the creation, usage, maintenance, and management of spreadsheets. Decision-making and problem-solving skills are integrated throughout the course. Course requires the student has MS Windows and MS Office.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in INF101  
BCOM 301  Strategic Business Communication     (3 Credits)  

A study of the various aspects of business communication. The course includes the application of the principles of written communication to business letters and reports, the development of listening skills, nonverbal communication skills, job search techniques, and presentational techniques.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
BCOM 305  Speech Recognition and Presentation Applications     (3 Credits)  
A comprehensive study of the major features of speech recognition and presentation applications software. Students will learn how to operate speech recognition and presentation application software that incorporates web-based components as used in business. Major features will cover the creation of interactive, web-based, on-screen presentations. In conjunction with these skills the student will also learn basic HTML code and how to publish and maintain web sites. Decisionmaking and problem-solving skills are integrated throughout the course.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM250  
BCOM 310  Database Applications: MS Access     (3 Credits)  
A comprehensive study of the major features of database applications. Students will learn how data is organized, retrieved, and used by business. Students will develop and execute strategies for solving information management problems using database appllications. Decisionmaking and problem-solving skills are integrated throughout the course.Course requires the student has MS Windows and MS Access.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in INF101  
BCOM 314  Advanced Transcription: Legal or Medical     (3 Credits)  
Emphasis on specialized--legal or medical-transcription, language arts, proofreading, and editing as it pertains to the business office environment. Develop superior skill in specialized transcribing from a variety of sources including machine dictation with speed, accuracy, and correct form. Emphasis will be placed on terminology used in the legal or medical field.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM214, BIOL245  
BCOM 320  Information Management     (3 Credits)  
The systematic analysis of information from its creation through processing, filing, retrieval, maintenance, security, and final disposition. Quality and cost control of information management programs are also studied.

BCOM 350  Business Communication Applications  +  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to introduce students to new web-based (and often free) technologies which they may use to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication in business. Students will work together in virtual teams to complete some of the required course activities.

BCOM 374  Independent Studies in Info. System Admin. I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will conduct directed independent work in topics not treated in depth in courses regularly offered by the department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

BCOM 380  Legal Office Procedures     (3 Credits)  

The course is designed to prepare competent, resourceful legal secretaries for employment in legal offices or legal departments of large corporations. (Offered Fall semester only.)

BCOM 381  Office Systems and Procedures     (3 Credits)  
A capstone course designed to integrate skills already acquired in information processing, records management and office procedures and problems. Emphasis is on the use of computerbased technology in the present-day office with a focus on attitudes and human relations, and development of leadership skills.

BCOM 390  Medical Office Procedures     (3 Credits)  
Non-general education. Designed to prepare competent, resourceful medical office assistants for employment in medical offices and hospitals.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM250, BIOL245  
BCOM 399  Business Communication Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BCOM 400  Global Business Communication     (3 Credits)  
This course prepares students to work in a global environment, virtually or face-to-face and focuses on intercultural sensitivity, development and competence. Emphasis is on virtual teaming including the first team meeting, team norms, and team cultural profiles. Case studies will also be shared.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM301  
BCOM 600  Special Topics in Information Systems Admin.  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Adminstration. This course is designed to accommodate a variety of special topics in office technology, information systems administration, and business communication.

BCOM 600G  Special Topics in Information Systems Admin.  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Adminstration. This course is designed to accommodate a variety of special topics in office technology, information systems administration, and business communication.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 601  Managerial Communication     (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to develop management-level personnel who can effectively and efficiently use the various modes of communication as administrative tools. Coverage of the managerial aspects of business communication and the role of management in facilitating more effective internal and external business communication.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM301  
BCOM 601G  Managerial Communication     (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to develop management-level personnel who can effectively and efficiently use the various modes of communication as administrative tools. Coverage of the managerial aspects of business communication and the role of management in facilitating more effective internal and external business communication.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 620  Management of Word Processing Operations     (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to help students develop supervisory and managerial skills for the operation of a word processing system. Special emphasis is placed on feasibility studies, system design, implementation of a new or revised system, personnel selection and development, and cost effectiveness of a word processing system. A special project is required.

BCOM 620G  Management of Word Processing Operations     (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this course is to help students develop supervisory and managerial skills for the operation of a word processing system. Special emphasis is placed on feasibility studies, system design, implementation of a new or revised system, personnel selection and development, and cost effectiveness of a word processing system. A special project is required.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 670  Workshop  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The workshop is designed for intensive study (generally involving a limited number of class meetings) in a topic related to one of the fields of business communication or information systems administration.

BCOM 670G  Workshop  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The workshop is designed for intensive study (generally involving a limited number of class meetings) in a topic related to one of the fields of business communication or information systems administration.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 672  Readings in Office Management Systems  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communications and (2) Office Management Systems. Purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in one of the fields of business communications or office management systems. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BCOM672, Senior Standing  
BCOM 672G  Readings in Office Management Systems  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communications and (2) Office Management Systems. Purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in one of the fields of business communications or office management systems. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 673  Problems in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will work directed problems related to a field of business communication. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BCOM673, Senior Standing  
BCOM 673G  Problems in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will work directed problems related to a field of business communication. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 674  Independent Studies in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  

(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in depth in courses regularly offered by the department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details. A special project is required.

BCOM 674G  Independent Studies in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  

(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in depth in courses regularly offered by the department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details. A special project is required.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 675  Seminar in Information Systems Administration I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The purpose of the seminar is to bring together a small group of students for intensive study and discussion of a selected topic(s) in one of the fields of business communication or information systems administration. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

BCOM 675G  Seminar in Information Systems Administration I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The purpose of the seminar is to bring together a small group of students for intensive study and discussion of a selected topic(s) in one of the fields of business communication or information systems administration. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 676  Apprenticeship I  +  (1-3 Credits)  

(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. Students can apply their basic skills as an apprentice in a work setting while learning more about the duties and responsibilities of business and office personnel. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

BCOM 676G  Apprenticeship I  +  (1-3 Credits)  

(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. Students can apply their basic skills as an apprentice in a work setting while learning more about the duties and responsibilities of business and office personnel. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 677  Internship in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  

The student will perform meaningful, professionally related work. A job in the student's major must be obtained in advance and be approved by the advisor and the Department Chair prior to enrollment.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BCOM677, Senior Standing  
BCOM 677G  Internship in Business Communication  +  (1-3 Credits)  

The student will perform meaningful, professionally related work. A job in the student's major must be obtained in advance and be approved by the advisor and the Department Chair prior to enrollment.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 680  Strategic Communication for Managing Diversity and Inclusion     (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to develop management-level personnel in the area of managing diversity and inclusion, specifically from a communication standpoint. The course includes coverage of different perspectives regarding the conceptualization and importance of diversity and inclusion (DI) in the workplace and the role of management in facilitating more effective internal and external business communication regarding DI. In addition, identities often at the heart of DI workplace concerns are discussed.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM301  
BCOM 680G  Strategic Communication for Managing Diversity and Inclusion     (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to develop management-level personnel in the area of managing diversity and inclusion, specifically from a communication standpoint. The course includes coverage of different perspectives regarding the conceptualization and importance of diversity and inclusion (DI) in the workplace and the role of management in facilitating more effective internal and external business communication regarding DI. In addition, identities often at the heart of DI workplace concerns are discussed.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 682  Office Information Systems     (3 Credits)  
This course will provide students with an in-depth background in the administrative aspects of the office structure. The office is viewed as the key component in the total information-communications system. Thus, special emphasis is placed on the management of the electronic office with its use of electronic mail, data communications, and telecommunications. (Offered in the Spring semester only.)

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM695  
BCOM 682G  Office Information Systems     (3 Credits)  
This course will provide students with an in-depth background in the administrative aspects of the office structure. The office is viewed as the key component in the total information-communications system. Thus, special emphasis is placed on the management of the electronic office with its use of electronic mail, data communications, and telecommunications. (Offered in the Spring semester only.)

BCOM 690  Advanced Professional Development     (3 Credits)  
This course gives students the opportunity to learn about approaches to careers and jobs and the professional workplace environment. Topics include career change; the value of networking; professional learning communities; the impact of organizational culture, diversity, coaching and mentoring on a career; and emotional intelligence.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BCOM301  
BCOM 690G  Advanced Professional Development     (3 Credits)  
This course gives students the opportunity to learn about approaches to careers and jobs and the professional workplace environment. Topics include career change; the value of networking; professional learning communities; the impact of organizational culture, diversity, coaching and mentoring on a career; and emotional intelligence.

BCOM 692  Managerial Reports and Presentations     (3 Credits)  

Designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of the functions of reports and presentations in contemporary business. Using real-world business situations, students will conduct business research and analyze data to prepare professional managerial reports and make presentations of these reports using presentation software.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
BCOM 692G  Managerial Reports and Presentations     (3 Credits)  

Designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of the functions of reports and presentations in contemporary business. Using real-world business situations, students will conduct business research and analyze data to prepare professional managerial reports and make presentations of these reports using presentation software.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 695  Corporate Communication Strategy     (3 Credits)  

This capstone course is for students concentrating in Corporate Communication. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the four major themes of 1) foundations of communications; 2) management of communication; 3) internal communications; and 4) external communications or public relations.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BCOM695  
BCOM 695G  Corporate Communication Strategy     (3 Credits)  
This capstone course is for students concentrating in Corporate Communication. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the four major themes of 1) foundations of communications; 2) management of communication; 3) internal communications; and 4) external communications or public relations.

BCOM 872  Readings in Information Systems Administration II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in one of the fields of business communication or information systems admininstration. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 873  Problems in Information Systems Administration III  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will work directed problems related to a field of business communication or information systems administration. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BCOM 874  Independent Studies in Info. Systems Admin. III  +  (1-3 Credits)  
(1) Business Communication and (2) Information Systems Administration. The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in depth in courses regularly offered by the department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  

Business Education

BUED 100  Introduction to Business Education     (1 Credit)  

BUED 100 is an introductory course that focuses on the history of teaching business, fundamental characteristics of a program at the middle school/high school level, appropriate resources to plan for instruction, and professional development opportunities available.

BUED 102  Computer Keyboarding     (3 Credits)  

Emphasis on business letters, forms, tables, composition, manuscripts, and business reports with drills on speed and accuracy. Introduction to production work.

BUED 103  Advanced Computer Keyboarding     (3 Credits)  
A review of keyboarding principles and their application to the world of work. Provides training in machine transcription.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BUED102  
BUED 199  Business Education Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BUED 277  Early Field Experience: Business Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course has been designed to provide business education majors with observational and participatory experiences in their area of specialization. Students who are planning to become secondary business education teachers will be placed in a school situation so that they can gain real life experiences in the occupation of teaching.

BUED 374  Independent Studies in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in-depth in courses regularly offered. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of department chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED374  
BUED 399  Business Education Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BUED 421  Electronic Media in Instruction     (3 Credits)  
Techniques, methods, and skills essential for delivering instruction through electronic media.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED421  
BUED 422  Teaching Accounting and Information Systems     (3 Credits)  

Techniques, methods, and strategies for teaching computer information systems courses on the secondary level (6-12). Curriculum design and program development are essential components of the course. Admission to Teacher Education required.

Eligibility Rules: Admission to Teacher Education and permission for BUED422  
BUED 423  Curriculum and Instruction in Business     (3 Credits)  

An introduction to teaching methods and course content used in teaching in the marketing, finance , and entrepreneurship pathways on the secondary level (6-12). Requisites: admission to Teacher Education required.

Eligibility Rules: Admission to Teacher Education and permission for BUED423  
BUED 600  Special Topics in Business Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to accommodate a variety of special topics in business education.

BUED 600G  Special Topics in Business Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to accommodate a variety of special topics in business education.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 611  Principles & Philosophy of Career & Technical Educ.     (3 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the background and appreciation of vocational education in the educational process.

BUED 611G  Principles & Philosophy of Career & Technical Educ.     (3 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the background and appreciation of vocational education in the educational process.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 612  Methods of Talent Development     (3 Credits)  
This course identifies and examines planning procedures and strategies that lead to effective talent development programs for adults who are learning in a wide variety of settings. Students will gain skills in course planning models, needs assessments, marketing, evaluation and program management.

BUED 612G  Methods of Talent Development     (3 Credits)  

This course identifies and examines planning procedures and strategies that lead to effective talent development programs for adults who are learning in a wide variety of settings. Students will gain skills in course planning models, needs assessments, marketing, evaluation and program management.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 613  Organization & Admin. of Career & Technical Educ.     (3 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the needs of the administrator and coordinator for the establishment and administration of publicly aided programs in various career clusters and pathways.

BUED 613G  Organization & Admin. of Career & Technical Educ.     (3 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the needs of the administrator and coordinator for the establishment and administration of publicly aided programs in various career clusters and pathways.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 614  Coordination of Career & Technical Educ. Programs     (2 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the federal, state, and local regulations of the coordinator in the community, public relations, advisory committee, personnel relations, guidance, selection, and follow-up.

BUED 614G  Coordination of Career & Technical Educ. Programs     (2 Credits)  
To acquaint the prospective teacher-coordinator with the federal, state, and local regulations of the coordinator in the community, public relations, advisory committee, personnel relations, guidance, selection, and follow-up.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 615  Selection & Organization of Subject Matter in CTE     (3 Credits)  

Analysis, organization and gathering of materials for units of instruction for the distributive and office education programs.

BUED 615G  Selection & Organization of Subject Matter in CTE     (3 Credits)  

Analysis, organization and gathering of materials for units of instruction for the distributive and office education programs.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 670  Workshop in Business Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The workshop is designed for intensive study (generally involving a limited number of class meetings) in a topic related to business education.

BUED 670G  Workshop in Business Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The workshop is designed for intensive study (generally involving a limited number of class meetings) in a topic related to business education.

BUED 672  Readings in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED672, Senior Standing  
BUED 672G  Readings in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 673  Problems in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will work directed problems related to business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED673, Senior Standing  
BUED 673G  Problems in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will work directed problems related to business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 674  Independent Studies in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in-depth in courses regularly offered by department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details. A special project is required.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED674, Senior Standing  
BUED 674G  Independent Studies in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in-depth in courses regularly offered by department. The course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of the Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details. A special project is required.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 676  Apprenticeship in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students can apply their basic skills as an apprentice in a work setting while learning more about the duties and responsibilities of a business education teacher. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED676, Senior Standing  
BUED 676G  Apprenticeship in Business Education I  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students can apply their basic skills as an apprentice in a work setting while learning more about the duties and responsibilities of a business education teacher. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

BUED 677  Internship in Business Education I  +  (1-6 Credits)  

The students will perform meaningful, professionally related work. A job in the student's major must be obtained in advance and be approved by the Department Chair prior to enrollment.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED677, Senior Standing  
BUED 677G  Internship in Business Education I  +  (1-6 Credits)  

The students will perform meaningful, professionally related work. A job in the student's major must be obtained in advance and be approved by the Department Chair prior to enrollment.

BUED 802  Planning for Instruction in Business Education     (3 Credits)  

This is an on-line professional education course designed for candidates in the state Transition to Teaching Program who are pursuing a Kansas teaching license in Business.  The course addresses Kansas Professional Education Standards 1 and 11.  Kansas Professional Education Standard 9 is also addressed to include the reflective practitioner and Standard 12 to include the technology component.  Parts of other standards are included as appropriate.  Topics include: history of business/marketing education, curriculum planning, teaching methods and strategies, assessment, business education teaching environments, and integrating instructional technology.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 815  Implementing Career and Technical Student Organizations  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course focuses on the history and importance of student organizations in career and technical programs at the secondary and post-secondary level. It will focus on integrating CTSO’s into the curriculum and to building student leadership skills, presentation skills, and technical skills appropriate to the specific career program (career cluster & pathway).

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 820  Principles, Problems, and Trends in Bus. Ed.     (3 Credits)  
Survey of principles, practices, and problems of business education with emphasis on secondary schools and community colleges.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED820, Graduate level  
BUED 821  Teaching Office Information Systems     (3 Credits)  
Techniques, methods, and skills essential for teaching courses in data processing. Special emphasis is placed on the use of microcomputers, terminals, and software in the teaching process. BASIC is emphasized.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED821, Graduate level  
BUED 822  Applied Business Research     (3 Credits)  
Designed to develop an indepth knowledge of applied business education research methods. Students will conduct objective research, analyze and interpret data using statistical concepts, and present their findings.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED822, Graduate level  
BUED 823  Teaching Basic Business Subjects and Accounting     (3 Credits)  
The organization and presentation of materials in general business, consumer education, business law, economics, and accounting. Research studies will also be reviewed. Primarily for experienced teachers.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED823, Graduate level  
BUED 825  Administration and Coordination of Work-Based Learning     (2 Credits)  

Study of career and technical education programs which utilize the internship/youth apprenticeship/school-based enterprise/professional learning experience/cooperative method of instruction. Includes the knowledge and procedures necessary to implement the quality components of an occupational program. Discussion will include how successful programs have been developed at the secondary and post-secondary level and through engagement with government agencies.  Successful coordination of a program using the cooperative method will be stressed.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 872  Readings in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for in-depth reading and study in one of the fields of business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 873  Problems in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will work directed problems related to the field of business education. This course will not substitute for any departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED873, Graduate level  
BUED 874  Independent Studies in Business Education III  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The student will conduct directed, independent work in topics not treated in-depth in courses reqularly offered by the department. The course will not substitute for departmental theory course. Permission of Department Chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BUED874, Graduate level  
BUED 875  Seminar in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
The purpose of the seminar is to bring together a small group of students for intensive study and discussion of selected topic(S) in business education.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 876  Apprenticeship in Business Education II  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students can apply their basic skills as an apprentice in a work setting while learning more about the duties and responsibilities of office personnel. Permission of the department chair is required before enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 877  Internship in Business Education II  +  (1-6 Credits)  
The students will perform meaningful, professionally related work. A job in the student's major must be obtained in advanced and be approved by the advisor and the department chair prior to enrollment. See advisor for details.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BUED 924  Business Education Curriculum     (3 Credits)  

Analysis of business education in secondary schools and community colleges. Includes principles and procedures of curriculum planning and the influence of research and changes in educational theory upon the business curriculum.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  


MKT 199  Marketing Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

MKT 301  Marketing Principles     (3 Credits)  

A study of the principles and practices of the marketing function. Includes a study of both consumer and industrial products, the channels through which they are distributed, the promotion and pricing procedures followed by modern business.

Eligibility Rules: Sophomore Level Standing - 30 Semester Units  
MKT 302  Strategic Selling     (3 Credits)  
Principles and practices of selling, sales commications, strategic planning, implementing, and controlling for successful selling.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 399  Marketing Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

MKT 400  Marketing Internship  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course allows students to gain real-world marketing experience in the workplace. Students integrate their academic experiences with professional knowledge and skills gained through practical work experience. Students gain a meaningful work experience that addresses their needs and that of host organizations. Permission of a student's advisor and the Department Chair is required before enrollment. This course may be taken for one, two, or three credit hours.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MKT400  
MKT 401  Marketing Channels     (3 Credits)  
A study of the various channels of product distribution; direct-to-consumer use, the wholesaler, warehousing, and company-owned distribution facilities will be covered in detail. Distribution cost studies and market characteristics are analyzed.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 402  Sales Management     (3 Credits)  
The responsibilities and relationships of sales management with respect to company operations and the sales force. The establishment of sales quotas and budgets; saleman's compensation and motivation.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 403  Retail Management     (3 Credits)  
A basic survey of retailing principles and practices; covers both small store and large business retail operations.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 601  Consumer Behavior     (3 Credits)  
Application to the marketing process of the fundamental processes of motivation, perception, learning, individual predispositions, group influences, consumer decision processes, and aggregate consumer behavior.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 601G  Consumer Behavior     (3 Credits)  
Application to the marketing process of the fundamental processes of motivation, perception, learning, individual predispositions, group influences, consumer decision processes, and aggregate consumer behavior.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 602  Integrated Marketing Communications     (3 Credits)  
The theory of mass selling (advertising and publicity), sales promotion, and personal selling. Analyzing the market to determine the most effective promotion mix.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 602G  Integrated Marketing Communications     (3 Credits)  
The theory of mass selling (advertising and publicity), sales promotion, and personal selling. Analyzing the market to determine the most effective promotion mix.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 603  Customer Service and Relationship Management     (3 Credits)  
Principles and practices of service marketing. Includes planning and strategy, media approaches, costs/profits, distribution, market segmentation, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 603G  Customer Service and Relationship Management     (3 Credits)  
Principles and practices of service marketing. Includes planning and strategy, media approaches, costs/profits, distribution, market segmentation, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 604  Marketing Research     (3 Credits)  
Designed to acquaint the student with typical marketing problems and the methods of solving them; data sources and collection are featured along with market analysis and determination.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH250, MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 604G  Marketing Research     (3 Credits)  
Designed to acquaint the student with typical marketing problems and the methods of solving them; data sources and collection are featured along with market analysis and determination.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 606  Global Marketing     (3 Credits)  

A managerial approach to international marketing with emphasis on comparative systems and the key variables controllable by the international marketing executive. Underlying factors of international market environments; the forces which cause people to accept or reject new products. Attention is given to demand, product, policies, market channels, pricing, and the development and control of marketing programs. International marketing from the perspective of the headquarters and the field executive with special emphasis on multinational marketing programs.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 606G  Global Marketing     (3 Credits)  

A managerial approach to international marketing with emphasis on comparative systems and the key variables controllable by the international marketing executive. Underlying factors of international market environments; the forces which cause people to accept or reject new products. Attention is given to demand, product, policies, market channels, pricing, and the development and control of marketing programs. International marketing from the perspective of the headquarters and the field executive with special emphasis on multinational marketing programs.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 607  Business-To-Business Marketing     (3 Credits)  
The focus of the course is business-to-business marketing with emphasis on the exchange process between producers and organizational customers. The flow of goods and services that produce or become part of other goods and services or facilitate the operation of an enterprise will be examined.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MKT607, Junior Standing  
MKT 607G  Business-To-Business Marketing     (3 Credits)  
The focus of the course is business-to-business marketing with emphasis on the exchange process between producers and organizational customers. The flow of goods and services that produce or become part of other goods and services or facilitate the operation of an enterprise will be examined.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 608  Database Marketing     (3 Credits)  
This course examines the theory and practice of database marketing and how it contributes to building long-term relationships with customers. The focus is on the strategy and analysis of the database for marketing purposes. Database marketing involves collecting data on individuallevel purchase behavior, analyzing the data and then utilizing the results to maximize sales to current and prospective customers while minimizing costs. The course is an integration of the theoretical components with the practical, handson components. Students will explore the theories and then apply them using regression response models and analyzing relational databases.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 608G  Database Marketing     (3 Credits)  
This course examines the theory and practice of database marketing and how it contributes to building long-term relationships with customers. The focus is on the strategy and analysis of the database for marketing purposes. Database marketing involves collecting data on individuallevel purchase behavior, analyzing the data and then utilizing the results to maximize sales to current and prospective customers while minimizing costs. The course is an integration of the theoretical components with the practical, handson components. Students will explore the theories and then apply them using regression response models and analyzing relational databases.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 609  Digital Marketing     (3 Credits)  

This course explores the basic principles that underlie marketing and how e-business marketing techniques will fundamentally change the traditional marketing process. This course prepares students for careers in a rapidly changing environment of non-linear, online, interactive advertising; new product development and distribution processes; and reliance on databases. Students will learn how to use internet technologies necessary for executing marketing strategy.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, Junior Standing  
MKT 609G  Digital Marketing     (3 Credits)  

This course explores the basic principles that underlie marketing and how e-business marketing techniques will fundamentally change the traditional marketing process. This course prepares students for careers in a rapidly changing environment of non-linear, online, interactive advertising; new product development and distribution processes; and reliance on databases. Students will learn how to use internet technologies necessary for executing marketing strategy.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 610  Social Media Marketing     (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on current strategies and tactics used to effectively and efficiently deploy social media tools within the marketing function. It is designed to provide students with hands-on experience with emphasis placed on a strategic approach to social media marketing. Conceptual foundations and practical techniques necessary for creating a comprehensive and effective social media marketing plan are incorporated.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
MKT 610G  Social Media Marketing     (3 Credits)  
This course focuses on current strategies and tactics used to effectively and efficiently deploy social media tools within the marketing function. It is designed to provide students with hands-on experience with emphasis placed on a strategic approach to social media marketing. Conceptual foundations and practical techniques necessary for creating a comprehensive and effective social media marketing plan are incorporated.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 611  Social Media Marketing Content and Analytics     (3 Credits)  

The intent of this course is to examine how marketers use both verbal and visual content to convey the value, build brands, and connect with customers, as well as track the appropriate social media marketing metrics to better understand how and when to share information, as well as what type of content drives the most traffic to a website.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
MKT 611G  Social Media Marketing Content and Analytics     (3 Credits)  

The intent of this course is to examine how marketers use both verbal and visual content to convey the value, build brands, and connect with customers, as well as track the appropriate social media marketing metrics to better understand how and when to share information, as well as what type of content drives the most traffic to a website.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 650  Marketing Strategy     (3 Credits)  
Capstone course for undergraduate marketing majors only, to be taken the semester immediately proceeding graduation. The course understanding and application of executive marketing decisions involving capital and expense budgets, personnel problems, corporate policies, and pricing policies.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MGT101, MKT301, MKT601, MKT604, MKT606, MKT609  
MKT 650G  Marketing Strategy     (3 Credits)  
Capstone course for undergraduate marketing majors only, to be taken the semester immediately proceeding graduation. The course understanding and application of executive marketing decisions involving capital and expense budgets, personnel problems, corporate policies, and pricing policies.

MKT 673  Topics in Marketing  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Marketing program. The student will study one particular topic in depth.

MKT 673G  Topics in Marketing  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Marketing program. The student will study one particular topic in depth.

MKT 677  Independent Study in Marketing  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students may complete readings, investigate problems, or complete research projects in the area of marketing. Topics are chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Eligibility Rules: Senior Level Standing - 90 Semester Units  
MKT 677G  Independent Study in Marketing  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students may complete readings, investigate problems, or complete research projects in the area of marketing. Topics are chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MKT 820  Marketing     (3 Credits)  
A study of the basic principles of marketing. Included is a study of the evolution of the marketing function, a survey of the uncontrollable environment, an examination of the controllable elements known as the marketing mix, and the integration of these topics into the development of a marketing plan.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  

Tourism and Hospitality Management

THM 199  Tourism Hospitality Management Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

THM 399  Tourism Hospitality Management Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

THM 601  Special Topics in THM  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Tourism and Hospitality Management industry. The students will study one particular topic in depth.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 601G  Special Topics in THM  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Tourism and Hospitality Management industry. The students will study one particular topic in depth.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 620  Tourism and Hospitality Management     (3 Credits)  
The course will provide students with a thorough overview of the tourism and hospitality industry. Professional development and management principles that underlie the operations will be addressed. The course will help the student understand the difference market segments and the varied oppertunities that exist in this broad industry.

THM 620G  Tourism and Hospitality Management     (3 Credits)  
The course will provide students with a thorough overview of the tourism and hospitality industry. Professional development and management principles that underlie the operations will be addressed. The course will help the student understand the difference market segments and the varied oppertunities that exist in this broad industry.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 621  Tourism and Hospitality Marketing     (3 Credits)  
This course will introduce basic concepts and principles in service and destination marketing. Students will learn about the marketing and promotional mix within a service industryu environment. Students will also learn about destination braning, individual and organizational customers, and competition and the marketing environment within a hospitality and tourism context. Finally, students will master the steps in preparing a marketing plan for a small service business enterprise.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MKT301, THM620  
THM 621G  Tourism and Hospitality Marketing     (3 Credits)  
This course will introduce basic concepts and principles in service and destination marketing. Students will learn about the marketing and promotional mix within a service industryu environment. Students will also learn about destination braning, individual and organizational customers, and competition and the marketing environment within a hospitality and tourism context. Finally, students will master the steps in preparing a marketing plan for a small service business enterprise.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 622  Service and Operations Management     (3 Credits)  
The strategic and tactical problems of managing the operations function in the service environment are examined in this course. Topics include capacity management, workforce planning, and the role of operations in defining and delivering a competitive advantage in services and service design thinking.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 622G  Service and Operations Management     (3 Credits)  
The strategic and tactical problems of managing the operations function in the service environment are examined in this course. Topics include capacity management, workforce planning, and the role of operations in defining and delivering a competitive advantage in services and service design thinking.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 623  Meetings, Conventions, & Events Management     (3 Credits)  
This course examines the meetings, conventions, and events industry as well as the role of the meeting and event professional. The course will explore this complex field with respect to organizational markets, and destination and venue management. The course also touches upon the event planning process with respect to contractual agreements, fundraising, budgeting, ethics, and social responsibility.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 623G  Meetings, Conventions, & Events Management     (3 Credits)  
This course examines the meetings, conventions, and events industry as well as the role of the meeting and event professional. The course will explore this complex field with respect to organizational markets, and destination and venue management. The course also touches upon the event planning process with respect to contractual agreements, fundraising, budgeting, ethics, and social responsibility.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 624  Hotel and Resort Management     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a basic understanding of hotel and resort operations. It examines the management functions of planning, budgeting, controlling, staffing, and operating such properties. Along with the overview of departments, topics will include issues and problems of hotel and resort management.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 624G  Hotel and Resort Management     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a basic understanding of hotel and resort operations. It examines the management functions of planning, budgeting, controlling, staffing, and operating such properties. Along with the overview of departments, topics will include issues and problems of hotel and resort management.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 625  International Tourism & Hospitality     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a broad overview of the tourism and hospitality industry in an international context. Building upon an initial examination of the social and economic processes and by-products of globalization, students will briefly consider the corporate structures underlying the international airline, hotel, and food and beverage industries. Global practices within the MICE industry will also be considered. Students will further examine aspects of destination marketing and management, including the impact of international mass tourism. For the traveler, students will also consider implications of modern-day 'hypermobility.' Finally, students will consider the geographic, social, and demographic characteristics of international travelers overall.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 625G  International Tourism & Hospitality     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a broad overview of the tourism and hospitality industry in an international context. Building upon an initial examination of the social and economic processes and by-products of globalization, students will briefly consider the corporate structures underlying the international airline, hotel, and food and beverage industries. Global practices within the MICE industry will also be considered. Students will further examine aspects of destination marketing and management, including the impact of international mass tourism. For the traveler, students will also consider implications of modern-day 'hypermobility.' Finally, students will consider the geographic, social, and demographic characteristics of international travelers overall.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 626  Food and Beverage Management     (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to improve your overall understanding of the foodservice industry and the management of food and beverage operations. Students will be exposed to the breadth and depth of the foodservice industry through the exploration of topics such as current issues and trends affecting the industry, food safety, safe environments for workers and consumers, menu planning, conceptual design and site selection, purchasing, receiving, storing, and inventory, and food and beverage production and service. The objective of this course is therefore to provide the necessary food and beverage resources, knowledge, and management skills essential for success in today's foodservice industry.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 626G  Food and Beverage Management     (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to improve your overall understanding of the foodservice industry and the management of food and beverage operations. Students will be exposed to the breadth and depth of the foodservice industry through the exploration of topics such as current issues and trends affecting the industry, food safety, safe environments for workers and consumers, menu planning, conceptual design and site selection, purchasing, receiving, storing, and inventory, and food and beverage production and service. The objective of this course is therefore to provide the necessary food and beverage resources, knowledge, and management skills essential for success in today's foodservice industry.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 627  Casino Management     (3 Credits)  
This class will explore the knowledge and skills needed to understand operations, strategy, marketing, technology, and organizational issues in a casino business. The culture, strategic planning, methods and techniques of casino management, as well as, the regulatory and legal environment will be examined.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 627G  Casino Management     (3 Credits)  
This class will explore the knowledge and skills needed to understand operations, strategy, marketing, technology, and organizational issues in a casino business. The culture, strategic planning, methods and techniques of casino management, as well as, the regulatory and legal environment will be examined.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 628  Health and Wellness Tourism     (3 Credits)  
This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the growing health and wellness tourism sectors. Along with conceptual models and defining characteristics, the course covers the historical development of wellness tourism along with associated regional and indigenous influences. An overview of contemporary socioeconomic influences, regional demand and the management and marketing of wellness tourism subsectors are further considered.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 628G  Health and Wellness Tourism     (3 Credits)  
This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the growing health and wellness tourism sectors. Along with conceptual models and defining characteristics, the course covers the historical development of wellness tourism along with associated regional and indigenous influences. An overview of contemporary socioeconomic influences, regional demand and the management and marketing of wellness tourism subsectors are further considered.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 629  Tourism & Hospitality Industry Internship     (3 Credits)  
This applied experience provides a platform for students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level management positions in the hospitality industry. Students will apply knowledge and skills acquired from the various hospitality classes. Students are encouraged to seek approved experiences that will provide a challenge to help prepare them for their future management careers.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 629G  Tourism & Hospitality Industry Internship     (3 Credits)  
This applied experience provides a platform for students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level management positions in the hospitality industry. Students will apply knowledge and skills acquired from the various hospitality classes. Students are encouraged to seek approved experiences that will provide a challenge to help prepare them for their future management careers.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 630  Spa Facility and Destination Management     (3 Credits)  
This course is an introduction to destination spas and spa facility management. The course thus focuses on the spa industry, the largest and most lucrative under the wellness tourism umbrella, from both a tourism and management perspective. Topics include philosophical, historical and regional characteristics as well as the contemporary management of spas. Current trends, professional opportunities, leadership, and ethical aspects of spa management are also considered.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 630G  Spa Facility and Destination Management     (3 Credits)  
This course is an introduction to destination spas and spa facility management. The course thus focuses on the spa industry, the largest and most lucrative under the wellness tourism umbrella, from both a tourism and management perspective. Topics include philosophical, historical and regional characteristics as well as the contemporary management of spas. Current trends, professional opportunities, leadership, and ethical aspects of spa management are also considered.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 631  Medical Tourism     (3 Credits)  
This course prepares students to enter into the medical tourism field. It covers the fundamentals of a medical tourism business plan including market research, product applications, bundle pricing, and patient referrals. Best practices in areas such as case management, risk management and collaboration with healthcare networks and travel supply chains are further considered. In addition, important ancillary functions of a medical tourism facilitator such as cultural and language competencies and managing travel logistics are taken into account. The course also covers the industry as a whole analyzing stakeholders, historical precursors and the contemporary evolution of the health tourism field. These include socio-economic factors such as patient-centered drivers of growth , the role of the internet, and developments within the travel industry. Finally, global competition and future growth potential are considered.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 631G  Medical Tourism     (3 Credits)  
This course prepares students to enter into the medical tourism field. It covers the fundamentals of a medical tourism business plan including market research, product applications, bundle pricing, and patient referrals. Best practices in areas such as case management, risk management and collaboration with healthcare networks and travel supply chains are further considered. In addition, important ancillary functions of a medical tourism facilitator such as cultural and language competencies and managing travel logistics are taken into account. The course also covers the industry as a whole analyzing stakeholders, historical precursors and the contemporary evolution of the health tourism field. These include socio-economic factors such as patient-centered drivers of growth , the role of the internet, and developments within the travel industry. Finally, global competition and future growth potential are considered.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 632  Sustainable Tourism and Event Management     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a broad overview of sustainability with the hospitality, tourism, and event industries. The course offers a brief introduction to sustainability; what the term implies and how its interpretation and significance for these service industries has evolved over time. Government and policy implications for sustainable management in events and tourism are discussed. For the hospitality industry, the rationale for adopting sustainable initiatives as well as managerial implications with respect to implementing them are considered in more detail. For the events industry environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts along with practical considerations for designing and delivering sustainable events are highlighted. Tourism with regard to land-use and conservation is touched upon along with sociocultural and economic impacts. Finally, the course offers contemporary critiques of alternative tourism and ongoing sustainability issues.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed THM620  
THM 632G  Sustainable Tourism and Event Management     (3 Credits)  
This course provides a broad overview of sustainability with the hospitality, tourism, and event industries. The course offers a brief introduction to sustainability; what the term implies and how its interpretation and significance for these service industries has evolved over time. Government and policy implications for sustainable management in events and tourism are discussed. For the hospitality industry, the rationale for adopting sustainable initiatives as well as managerial implications with respect to implementing them are considered in more detail. For the events industry environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts along with practical considerations for designing and delivering sustainable events are highlighted. Tourism with regard to land-use and conservation is touched upon along with sociocultural and economic impacts. Finally, the course offers contemporary critiques of alternative tourism and ongoing sustainability issues.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 673  Topics in THM  +  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Tourism and Hospitality Management program. The student will study one particular topic in depth.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for THM673  
THM 673G  Topics in THM  +  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to provide academic credit for a number of different areas in the Tourism and Hospitality Management program. The student will study one particular topic in depth.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
THM 677  Independent Study in THM  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students may complete readings, investigate problems, or complete research projects in the area of tourism and hospitality management. Topics are chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for THM677  
THM 677G  Independent Study in THM  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students may complete readings, investigate problems, or complete research projects in the area of tourism and hospitality management. Topics are chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral