Academic Catalog

University Policy & Value Statements

Equal Employment Opportunity

Fort Hays State University is committed to ensuring a supportive environment for a diverse student body and work force. Policies have been developed to foster a climate conducive to meeting our university mission while maintaining the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.

The purpose of the Equal Opportunity Program is to affirm Fort Hays State University's commitment to providing equal opportunity and access in all areas, including employment, admission, financial aid, housing, academic programming, athletics and student organizations.

Notice of Non-discrimination

Fort Hays State University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin, color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status in its educational programs, employment and all other activities. In addition, the university does not discriminate on the basis of a person's genetic information. FHSU is committed to an environment in which students, faculty, administrators, and staff work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation, including, but not limited to, verbal, physical, or written behavior directed toward or relating to an individual or group on the basis of their protected class status.

Notice of Accessibility

Fort Hays State University will ensure that no qualified person with a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination because of inaccessibility to employment, education programs and all activities of Fort Hays State University. For information pertaining to services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to persons with disabilities, contact the

Human Resource Office
Sheridan Hall Room 110
600 Park Street, Hays, KS 67601
(785) 628-4462.

Privacy Rights and Notification of Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of educational records; to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records; and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings. The law applies to any individual who is or has been in attendance at an institution and regarding whom the institution maintained educational records. Once students have matriculated to Fort Hays State University, i.e. registered in course work, FERPA rights transfer to the student, regardless of the student's age.

For more information visit:

Philosophy Concerning Alcohol and the Use of Other Drugs

Fort Hays State University has long recognized that an academic community is harmed in many ways by the abuse of alcohol and the use of other drugs. This high-risk behavior is exemplified by decreased productivity of members of the community, mental health problems, strained social interactions as well as forms of vandalism.

Problems associated with the illicit use and abuse of substances have a pervasive impact upon our academic community and are not associated with a singular socioeconomic group or age level. The processes of education and learning are especially impaired by alcohol abuse and the use of illicit drugs. For these reasons, the university prohibits the illegal use or possession of alcohol and other drugs on the campus. This policy is outlined in the Student Handbook.

The foundation of the philosophy concerning alcohol and drug abuse for Fort Hays State University is the firm commitment to an educational program which provides adequate information and counseling to help all members of the academic community to make informed and responsible decisions concerning the use of any controlled substance. The institution is committed to a healthy environment for living and learning.

Fort Hays State University subscribes to the basic philosophy of the Network of Colleges and Universities Committed to the Elimination of Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Mission, Vision and Values


Fort Hays State University provides accessible quality education to Kansas, the nation, and the world through an innovative community of teacher-scholars and professionals to develop engaged global citizen-leaders.


We will be accessible to those who seek higher education, unlocking potential aligned with the democratic, economic, and social needs of our communities, our region, and our world.


Knowledge & Scholarship. Knowledge transforms the human experience. We value inquiry, discovery, and the dissemination of knowledge that leads to intellectual, social and economic advancements.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship. We think big. We solve problems. We seek and confront challenges, and embrace strategic risks that turn great ideas into exceptional pathways.

Global Engagement. We transcend geographic and cultural boundaries. We build partnerships and opportunities that connect our students to the world.

Policy Relative to Harassment

Fort Hays State University is committed to an environment in which students, faculty, administrators, and academic staff (both classified and unclassified) can work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.

Protected Class and Sexual Harassment Grievance Policy

Harassment: It is the policy of Fort Hays State University to prohibit harassment of individuals on the basis of their status, which includes race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, gender, sexual orientation, or a physical or mental disability. The protections afforded by this policy apply equally to all segments of the university community, i.e., students, unclassified personnel, classified personnel, and employees of associated corporations.

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment, like harassment on the basis of race or religion, is a form of prohibited discrimination based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition to being illegal, sexual harassment deters the creation and maintenance of a community in which students, faculty, administrative and academic staff (both classified and unclassified personnel) can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of sexual harassment, exploitation or intimidation. Fort Hays State University will not tolerate sexual harassment. For more information visit:

Sexual harassment violates not only the dignity of the individual but also the integrity of the university as a caring and enlightened environment in which to work and learn. The intent of the university is to provide an environment in which sexual harassment does not occur, and to provide recourse for those experiencing sexual harassment and appropriate consequences for those individuals who practice, promote, or condone such harassment.

Definition of Harassment

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, verbal, physical or written behavior directed toward or relating to an individual or group on the basis of their status and has the purpose or effect of:

  1. Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment;
  2. Interfering with an individual's work, academic performance, living environment, personal security or participation in any university-sponsored activities;
  3. Threatening an individual's employment or academic opportunities. This definition also applies to harassment of persons because of their association or support of members of a protected class.

Harassment on the basis of gender is further defined as any behavior that through inappropriate sexual content or disparagement of members of one gender has the same purpose or effect as items 1, 2 or 3 above. Any behavior, whether verbal or physical, constitutes sexual harassment if:

  1. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. uninvited touching) are made a term or condition of an individual's employment or education;
  2. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting that individual (e.g. grades, evaluations, promotions, letters of recommendation);
  3. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic work or performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment.

Any reprisals taken against an individual reporting, objecting to or serving as a witness about harassment will be considered a separate and distinct act of harassment. While some examples of harassment, such as physical and verbal assaults, are easily identified, more frequent and generalized instances, such as graffiti and insensitive use of language, including epithets and "humor," often go unacknowledged. All of the above instances are demeaning and violate the spirit of this policy.

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are responsible for the actions of their agents. Supervisors and employers are accountable for actions of employees if those supervisors and employers are aware or should have been aware of any harassment.

Resolving Harassment and Other Affirmative Action Complaints

Acts of harassment as defined by this policy should be reported to the University Equal Employment Officer (628-4033).

All employees should be made aware of the reporting procedures available to them. All alleged acts of sexual harassment made known to any supervisor, director, advisor or employee, should be reported to the University Equal Employment Officer.

Grievances arising from violation of this policy may be resolved internally through use of the Protected Class and Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.

FHSU reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate action in those situations where a formal grievance is not filed, but action is required.

Where more than one complaint has been raised against an individual, the Equal Employment Officer will notify the accused party that the subsequent complaint may constitute a "pattern or practice" of harassment which may call for action on the part of the university even in the absence of a formal complaint from a particular individual.

Due process and confidentiality will be observed in all of these actions. It is the obligation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, to whom a complaint of harassment is brought, to maintain confidentiality consistent with the following:

  1. preventing future acts of harassment,
  2. providing a remedy to persons injured by acts of harassment, and
  3. allowing persons accused of harassment to reply to a complaint if any action is anticipated.

In the event the Equal Employment Officer is accused of sexual harassment, the grievant should report the alleged act of abusive behavior to the ad hoc Equal Employment Officer who will help the grievant to seek redress through the appropriate grievance procedure.