Academic Catalog

Department of Mathematics

When you excel at many mathematics applications, you set yourself up to be a coveted resource, expert and asset to provide leading-edge insights and advanced solutions to organizational challenges and opportunities.

If you are fascinated with the ways in which quantitative reasoning impacts our lives, the Department of Mathematics has a program that will appeal to you.

Learn how the principles of the various fields in mathematics work together to help you create innovative solutions and develop analytical skills to mathematically model your world. You will apply mathematics to a variety of issues, from data collection to mathematical theory. You will develop problem-solving skills through a combination of classroom learning with hands-on experience and strong faculty mentorship. Our diverse faculty members have a passion for teaching, and their guidance will challenge you to conquer any project you undertake, including:

  • Working on current problems challenging the field of mathematics
  • Developing computer programs to overcome issues encountered by software engineers
  • Learning advanced teaching methods to pass on your love of mathematics to a new generation
MATH 010  Intermediate Algebra     (3 Credits)  

This course is designed to serve as preparation for MATH 110. Topics include properties of real numbers, linear and quadratic equations, absolute value equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities, operations on polynomials and factoring, operations on rational equations, graphs of functions, integer and rational exponents, and radicals. Students completing this course will have 2 or 3 credit hours added to the minimum degree requirements.

MATH 101  Contemporary Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

This course offers a survey of various mathematical topics for the non-math/science major. In addition to skill development, mathematics will be studied with an emphasis on real-world application spanning many disciplines to support the concept that math impacts much of our everyday lives.

Topics may include algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, the real number system, and logic.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in MATH010 with a grade of C or better, or ACT Math and Science score of 35 or greater with no score lower than 15, or SAT Math score of 490 or higher, or Math placement exam score of 12 or higher  
MATH 105  College Algebra with Review     (5 Credits)  

A study of equations, graphs, and inequalities for linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and absolute value functions. Transformations on graphs, complex numbers, circles, systems of inequalities, and systems of equations including matrices.

Eligibility Rules: ACT Math and Science of 35 or greater with no score less than 15, or SAT Math score of 490 or greater, or Math placement exam score of 12 or greater  
MATH 110  College Algebra     (3 Credits)  

A study of equations, graphs, and inequalities for linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and absolute value functions. Transformations on graphs, complex numbers, circles, systems of inequalities, and systems of equations including matrices.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in MATH010 with a grade greater than or equal to C, or ACT Math and Science score of 40 or greater with no score less than 18, or SAT Math score of 520 or greater, or Math placement score greater than or equal to 15  
MATH 122  Plane Trigonometry     (3 Credits)  

In-depth study of trigonometry including definitions, unit circle and right triangle properties, identities, functions and their inverse, solving equations, graphing, solving triangles, and application to real world. Additional topics of polar coordinates and complex numbers may also be included.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH105 or MATH110 with a grade of C or higher  
MATH 130  Pre-Calculus Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

In-depth study of linear, quadratic, absolute value, and rational equations and inequalities; polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; linear and non-linear systems of equations and inequalities; unit circle and right triangle trigonometry; law of sines and cosines; graphs of trigonometric functions; and verifying trigonometric identities.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH 010 with grade of C or better, has an ACT Math score greater than or equal to 24, or has an SAT Math score greater than or equal to 580  
MATH 180  Concepts of Elementary Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

For the prospective teacher of elementary school mathematics. Detailed study of place value, arithmetic operations, exponentiation, mental math, fractions, factorization, integers, ratios, and percent in the context of the real number system.

MATH 199  Mathematics Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

MATH 221  Statics     (3 Credits)  
Composition of, and resolution of forces; equilibrium of force systems; application of general laws of statics, including use of vector algebra, friction and force analysis of simple structures; centroids; moments of inertia.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed PHYS111  
MATH 234  Analytic Geometry and Calculus I     (5 Credits)  

A study of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable in the areas of analytic geometry, limits, continuity, derivatives, and integrals. This study includes computations of derivatives through

basic derivative rules (sum, product, quotient, chain, etc.), implicit differentiation, differentiation of

parametric equations, applications of derivatives (optimization and related rate), mean-value theorem, definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, introductory integration techniques including substitution and parts, approximation of integrals, improper integrals, and introductory applications of definite integrals (area, volume, total accumulation).

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH122 or MATH130 with a grade of C or higher  
MATH 235  Analytic Geometry and Calculus II     (5 Credits)  
A continued study of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable in the areas of analytic geometry in two dimensional Cartesian and polar systems, analytic geometry in three dimensional Cartesian systems, advanced integration techniques, sequences, series, differential equations, and vectors. This study includes computations of derivatives and integrals in polar coordinates, analysis of the hyperbolic trig functions, integration by change of variable, further applications of integration (to arc length, physics, engineering, economics, biology, statistics), modeling with differential equations (especially exponential growth and decay), approximate solutions to differential equations, solutions of seperable differential equations, convergence and divergence of sequences and series, representations of functions as Taylor/ power series, vector representations, vector arithmetic including dot and cross products.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH234  
MATH 236  Analytic Geometry and Calculus III     (3 Credits)  
A study of functions of several variables in the areas of analytic geometry in primarily three dimensional coordinate systems (Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical) including vector properties, vector representation of functions and surfaces, the calculus of functions of several variables, and the calculus of vectors. This study includes vector dot and cross product applications, vector and non-vector representation of curves and surfaces in three dimensions, derivatives and integrals of vector functions, applications of vector functions in arc length/ curvature/velocity/acceleration, limits and continuity in functions of several variables, partial derivatives, tangent planes, chain rule, directional derivatives, gradients, optimizations, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, applications of multiple integrals including surface area/volume/center of mass, change of variables in multiple integration, line integrals, curl, divergence, Green's Theorem, surface integrals, Stoke's Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 240  Linear Algebra     (3 Credits)  
Basic concepts and applications (conic sections, systems of differential equations) of linear algebra and matrix theory including vector algebra in two, three and n-dimensional space, Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors, QR decomposition, diagonalization, Orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt Process, Linear Transformations, Linear dependence, Linear Independence, Norms, Vector Space, Subspace, Kernel, Range, and Inner Product Space.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 250  Elements of Statistics     (3 Credits)  

A study of sampling methods, distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, binomial and normal distributions, Central Limit Theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing for means and proportion, correlation, and regression.

MATH 277  Early Field Experience: Mathematics Education     (1 Credit)  
Provides prospective middle and high school teachers with 20 hours of classroom observation and written reflection of various topics related to mathematics instruction.

MATH 278  Apprenticeship-Mathematics  +  (1-2 Credits)  
A first course for the prospective middle or high school math teacher. Discussion of methodology for preparation and presentation of mathematical content, presentation of lessons, and review and mastery of 7-12 math content.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH277  
MATH 300  Survey of Mathematical Topics     (1-3 Credits)  
An enrichment course in which selected topics, not covered in standard courses, will be explored.

MATH 301  Introduction to Proof     (3 Credits)  
The course will focus on mathematical logic and the main proof techniques used in writing mathematical arguments. This will involve reading proofs to gain deep understanding, studying common mathematical logic statements and proof techniques, and developing and communicating rigorous mathematical proofs. Proofs techniques will include, but not be limited to, direct (deductive) proof; proof by exhaustion; indirect proof (by contradiction, or by contrapositive); mathematical induction; disproof by counterexample.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 320  Geometry for Elementary Teachers     (3 Credits)  
A mathematical content (not methods) course for the prospective teacher of elementary school mathematics. Detailed study of the content and conceptual development of measurement, transformational geometry, two and three dimensional figures, symmetries, congruence and similarity.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH180  
MATH 331  Calculus Methods     (3 Credits)  

Non-math majors only. Techniques from calculus including limits, derivatives, and integration applied to business and sciences.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH110 or MATH130  
MATH 350  Mathematical Statistics     (3 Credits)  

A study of probability, discrete and continuous distributions, expected value and dispersion, moment generating functions, joint distributions, correlation and regression, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH236, MATH301  
MATH 354  Differential Equations     (3 Credits)  
First order differential equations, linear equations with constant coefficients, and some special higher order equations, with applications which may include Laplace Transforms, Systems of Linear Differential Equations, Stability of Dynamical Systems, and Caley-Hamilton Theorem.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH236  
MATH 370  History of Mathematics     (3 Credits)  
A study of the historical development of modern mathematical ideas and the contributions of major mathematicians and cultures from ancient times through Calculus.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 381  Teaching of Secondary School Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

Discussion of methods of teaching, collection and creation of mathematics teaching materials, preparation of a unity of study and performacne assessment, and presentation of lessons.

Eligibility Rules: Admission to Teacher Education and has completed MATH 278 with a C or better  
MATH 399  Mathematics Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

MATH 610  Higher Algebra     (3 Credits)  

A first study of abstracted algebraic structures including investigation of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. This study investigates, conjectures, and proves key properties on various concrete and abstracted sets of objects (sets of numbers, permultations, polynomials, matrices, symmetries, etc.) including the division algorithm in the integers, Euclid's Algorithm, unique factorization in the integers, permutations of finite sets, abstracted group properties, subgroup properties, cyclic groups, modular arithmetic, normal subgroups, cosets of subgroups, quotient groups, mappings, group isomorphisms, group homomorphisms, Cayley's Theorem, abstracted ring properties, subring properties, ring homomorphisms, ideals, abstracted integral domain properties, abstracted field properties, and applications to specific sets.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH 240 and MATH 301  
MATH 610G  Higher Algebra     (3 Credits)  
A first study of abstracted algebraic structures including investigation of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. This study investigates, conjectures, and proves key properties on various concrete and abstracted sets of objects (sets of numbers, permultations, polynomials, matrices, symmetries, etc.) including the division algorithm in the integers, Euclid's Algorithm, unique factorization in the integers, permutations of finite sets, abstracted group properties, subgroup properties, cyclic groups, modular arithmetic, normal subgroups, cosets of subgroups, quotient groups, mappings, group isomorphisms, group homomorphisms, Cayley's Theorem, abstracted ring properties, subring properties, ring homomorphisms, ideals, abstracted integral domain properties, abstracted field properties, and applications to specific sets.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 620  Modern Geometry     (3 Credits)  
A review of Euclidean constructions and a study of geometric topics developed during the last few hundred years. Topics include finite geometries, transformation groups, transformations in two and three dimensions, circle inversion, Taxicab Geometry, and projections.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 620G  Modern Geometry     (3 Credits)  
A review of Euclidean constructions and a study of geometric topics developed during the last few hundred years. Topics include finite geometries, transformation groups, transformations in two and three dimensions, circle inversion, Taxicab Geometry, and projections.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 631  Advanced Calculus I     (4 Credits)  
Functions of a single real variable: Completeness Axioms, sequences, continuity, differentiation, functions as solutions of Differential Equations, Fundamental Theorems of Integrations, Riemann integration, and Taylor Polynomials.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH236, MATH301  
MATH 631G  Advanced Calculus I     (4 Credits)  
Functions of a single real variable: Completeness Axioms, sequences, continuity, differentiation, functions as solutions of Differential Equations, Fundamental Theorems of Integrations, Riemann integration, and Taylor Polynomials.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 632  Advanced Calculus II     (3 Credits)  

Functions of several real variables: linear transformations, continuity, and differentiabilty, Inverse/Implicit Function Theorems, multiple integrals, and line and surface integrals.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH631  
MATH 632G  Advanced Calculus II     (3 Credits)  
Functions of several real variables: linear transformations, continuity, and differentiabilty, Inverse/Implicit Function Theorems, multiple integrals, and line and surface integrals. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 640  Mathematics for the Physical Sciences     (3 Credits)  
An elementary working knowledge of the application of vectory analysis, differential equations, orthogonal functions, complex variables, probability and statistics.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 640G  Mathematics for the Physical Sciences     (3 Credits)  
An elementary working knowledge of the application of vectory analysis, differential equations, orthogonal functions, complex variables, probability and statistics.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 645  Discrete Mathematical Models     (3 Credits)  

An introduction to mathematical models. Topics include Markov chains, linear programming, game theory, and networks and flows.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH240, MATH301  
MATH 645G  Discrete Mathematical Models     (3 Credits)  
An introduction to mathematical models. Topics include Markov chains, linear programming, game theory, and networks and flows. I

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 646  Discrete Structures     (3 Credits)  
Discrete mathematical structures with applications in computer science/software engineering. Topics include trees, graphs, and combinatorics.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH240, MATH301  
MATH 646G  Discrete Structures     (3 Credits)  
Discrete mathematical structures with applications in computer science/software engineering. Topics include trees, graphs, and combinatorics.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 650  Probability and Statistics     (3 Credits)  
In-depth study of proabability concepts and their application in statistics. Topics include random vairables, joint distributions, generating functions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, least-squares, correlation.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH350  
MATH 650G  Probability and Statistics     (3 Credits)  
In-depth study of proabability concepts and their application in statistics. Topics include random vairables, joint distributions, generating functions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, least-squares, correlation.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 660  Partial Differential Equations     (3 Credits)  
Partial differentiation, solution of partial differential equations including the use of Fourier series with applications to physics.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH354  
MATH 660G  Partial Differential Equations     (3 Credits)  
Partial differentiation, solution of partial differential equations including the use of Fourier series with applications to physics.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 661  Applied Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

Applications of mathematics to selected problems from the natural sciences.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH354  
MATH 661G  Applied Mathematics     (3 Credits)  
Applications of mathematics to selected problems from the natural sciences.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 662  Vector Analysis     (2 Credits)  

The algebra and geometry of vectors, the calculus of vectors with applications. An introduction to tensors as time permits.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH354  
MATH 662G  Vector Analysis     (2 Credits)  
The algebra and geometry of vectors, the calculus of vectors with applications. An introduction to tensors as time permits. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 665  Numerical Analysis     (3 Credits)  
Numerical differentiation and integrations, Richardson interpolations, different quadratures, numerical techniques for solving non-linear equations, systems of linear equations, and ordinary differential equations. Fixed-point iteration, interpolation, Romberg integration and predictor-corrector methods. Numerical solutions of heat, wave, and potential equations.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH236  
MATH 665G  Numerical Analysis     (3 Credits)  
Numerical differentiation and integrations, Richardson interpolations, different quadratures, numerical techniques for solving non-linear equations, systems of linear equations, and ordinary differential equations. Fixed-point iteration, interpolation, Romberg integration and predictor-corrector methods. Numerical solutions of heat, wave, and potential equations.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 670  Introduction to Set Theory and Metric Topology     (3 Credits)  
Basic set theory and cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic. Basic concepts of topology in the context of metric spaces.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 670G  Introduction to Set Theory and Metric Topology     (3 Credits)  
Basic set theory and cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic. Basic concepts of topology in the context of metric spaces.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 671  Theory of Numbers     (3 Credits)  
A study of integers including theorems on divisibility, primes, theory of congruence, and Diophantine equations and applications to cryptography.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 671G  Theory of Numbers     (3 Credits)  
A study of integers including theorems on divisibility, primes, theory of congruence, and Diophantine equations and applications to cryptography.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 673  Problems  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Problems from or an investigation of some phase of mathematics possibly not treated in a regular course.

MATH 673G  Problems  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Problems from or an investigation of some phase of mathematics possibly not treated in a regular course.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 675  Seminar in Mathematics  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Students prepare a paper on a mathematics or mathematics education topic and give an oral presentation to Mathematics and Computer Science faculty and students.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH235  
MATH 675G  Seminar in Mathematics  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Students prepare a paper on a mathematics or mathematics education topic and give an oral presentation to Mathematics and Computer Science faculty and students.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 686  Enrichment Topics in Mathematics  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Content varies, but may be a study of supplementary topics to be used as enrichment in the teaching of mathematics in the elementary and secondary school.

MATH 686G  Enrichment Topics in Mathematics  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Content varies, but may be a study of supplementary topics to be used as enrichment in the teaching of mathematics in the elementary and secondary school.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 805  Problems in the History of Mathematics     (3 Credits)  

Emphasis on problem-solving strategies and historical development of various areas of mathematics. Designed for mathematics teachers.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 810  Abstract Algebra I     (3 Credits)  
A study in the theory of algebraic structures including group, ring, integral domain, and field theory. This study investigates the theory of groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, permutation groups, Sylow theorems, direct products, finite Abelian groups, rings (commutative and non commutative), integral domains, group/ ring homomorphisms, group/ring automorphisms, ring ideals, quotient rings, Euclidean rings, polynomial rings, fields.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MATH810, Graduate level  
MATH 811  Abstract Algebra II     (3 Credits)  
A continued study of the theory of algebriac stuctures primarily of fields and linear spaces. This study investigates the theory of fields, solvability, extension fields, vector spaces over a field, dual spaces, inner product spaces, the elements of Galois Theory, applications of Galois Theory to roots of polynomials and construction with straightedge and compass.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH810, Graduate level  
MATH 830  Elementary Topology     (3 Credits)  

Development of basic topological concepts such as continuity, metrizability, connectedness, compactness and various separation properties.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 831  Functions of a Complex Variable     (3 Credits)  

Study of algebraic and geomestric representation of complex numbers, differentiations and integrations, Cuachy-Riemann Equations, Cauchy's Integral Theorem, harmonic functions, power series, Taylor and Laurent Series, Singularities and Residue Theorem.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 833  Functions of a Real Variable     (3 Credits)  

A study of the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration, point set topology and normed linear spaces.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 850  Theory of Probability     (3 Credits)  
The study of probability topics may include the law of large numbers, conditional expectations, characteristic functions, the central limit theorem, random walks, martingales, Markov Chains, and Brownian Motion.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH833, Graduate level  
MATH 870  Teaching Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Techniques of teaching mathematics for the teacher-in-service. Research based practices applied to learning strategies and curriculum design.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MATH870, Graduate level  
MATH 872  Readings in Mathematics Education  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Directed readings and written reports/reflections on recent literature in mathematics education.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MATH872, Graduate level  
MATH 875  Seminar  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Students prepare a research paper on a mathematics or mathematics education topic and give an oral presentation to the Mathematics and Computer Science faculty and students.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for MATH875, Graduate level  
MATH 880  Mathematics Workshop for Teachers  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Topics of current interest and value for practicing teachers.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 881  Geometry and Measurement     (3 Credits)  
Issues and trends in the teaching of geometry; content areas in geometry; dynamic software; and roles of axiomatics and problem solving in geometry.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 882  Concepts of Algebra     (3 Credits)  
Issues and trends in the teaching of algebra; balance between rigor and manipulation in algebra; content areas in algebra; enrichment and problem solving in algebra.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 883  Concepts of Calculus     (3 Credits)  
A study of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry through the lens of calculus. Issues and trends in the teaching of rates of change, sequences and series, limits, derivative and integrals.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 884  Teaching Problem Solving in Mathematics     (3 Credits)  
Issues and trends in the teaching, use and role of problem solving in the teaching of mathematics.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 885  Concepts of Probability and Statistics     (3 Credits)  
Issues and trends in the teaching of probability and statistics through emphasis on applications and statistical thinking.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 886  Enrichment Topics in Mathematics  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Content varies. Study of supplementary topics to be used as enrichment in the teaching of mathematics in the elementary, middle, and secondary school.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
MATH 899  Thesis  +  (1-5 Credits)  

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral