Academic Catalog

Department of Chemistry

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Chemistry is an experimental science. Preparation for a career in chemistry requires extensive laboratory experience as well as classroom work. Students who plan for a career in the sciences by taking mathematics and science courses in high school find chemistry particularly rewarding. As a central science, chemistry is applicable to other scientific areas. Therefore, many students choose a chemistry major as preparation for interdisciplinary careers such as environmental science, medicine, forensic chemistry, and toxicology. Graduate study is a frequent choice of chemistry graduates.

Department of Chemistry Faculty & Staff

See department page online for full listing

CHEM CHEM 100  The Chemist's View of the World     (0 Credits)  

CHEM 014  Basic Chemistry     (3 Credits)  
A beginning chemistry course for students who need an introduction to chemistry before enrolling in Chemistry 120. Students completing this course will have three credit hours added to the minimum degree requirements.

CHEM 100  The Chemist's View of the World     (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the major concepts of scientific thought as exemplified by the discipline of chemistry. Content includes general chemistry concepts such as introduction to scientific method of inquiry, units of measurement, atomic and molecular structure of matter, and the major chemistry laws/theories which serve as the foundation to understand physical (P), inorganic (I), biochemical (B) and organic (O) chemistry phenomena observed in the natural world, with applications/implications to current societal issues. Applications covered are in the areas of energy, atmospheric chemistry, food, health, cleaners, cosmetics, polymers and environmental chemistry. The course utilizes an approach of qualitative and quantitative reasoning that requires a minimum of mathematical skill.

CHEM 101  Orientation to Chemistry     (1 Credit)  
Entering chemistry majors are introduced to the career options that are available to the Chemistry graduate through field trips, presentations, and readings. Discussions will also include university and departmental requirements and resources as well as techniques for becoming a successful chemistry student.

CHEM 105  Introduction to the Chemistry Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

An introduction to the chemistry laboratory designed to provide a series of hands-on experiences with the scientific methodology of experimental chemistry. Activities include experimental design involving qualitative and quantitative data collection, data presentation, drawing of evidence-based conclusions, and application of gained skills and knowledge to solve problems. One three-hour meeting per week.

CHEM 110  Molecules and Society     (3 Credits)  

Biochemically oriented topics related to aspects of daily living with emphasis for humans and especially health professionals. Development of knowledge and skills for understanding bioscience information in news media and the Internet. Selected biochemical concepts with applications to humans, such as: chemical principles and biomolecules, nutrition/diets, growth and aging, disease, fermentation, drug action, medical diagnostics and forensics, genetics, and bioethics.

CHEM 112  General Chemistry I  #  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the principles of inorganic chemistry with strong emphasis on those fundamentals of chemistry which are essential to the understanding of organic and biological chemistry. For students who need a broad introduction to the field of inorganic chemistry. Not for science majors. A student receiving credit for graduation in this course may not receive credit toward graduation in CHEM 100 or CHEM 120.

CHEM 112L  General Chemistry Laboratory I     (1 Credit)  

Meets two hours per week.

CHEM 114  General Chemistry II  #  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the principles of organic and biological chemistry for students who need a broad introduction to these fields. Not for science majors. Two recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM112  
CHEM 114L  General Chemistry Laboratory II     (1 Credit)  

Meets two hours per week.

CHEM 120  University Chemistry I  #  (3 Credits)  

University Chemistry I is the first course in a two-semester sequence which serves as an introduction to chemistry for science majors and also for pre-engineering, pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, and pre-medical science students.

CHEM 120L  University Chemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  

University Chemistry I laboratory is designed to provide a series of hands-on experiences with the scientific methodology of experimental chemistry. Activities include experimental design involving qualitative and quantitative data collection, data presentation, drawing of evidence-based conclusions, and application of gained skills and knowledge to solve problems. One three-hour meeting per week.

CHEM 122  University Chemistry II  #  (3 Credits)  

A continuation of CHEM 120 in study of principles of chemistry. Three recitations per week. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM120  
CHEM 122L  University Chemistry Laboratory II     (2 Credits)  

Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session. F-S

CHEM 199  Chemistry Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

CHEM 199L  Chemistry Lab Elective  (1-12 Credits)  

This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit from lab courses.

CHEM 277  Early Field Experience: Physical Science Education     (1 Credit)  
This course has been designed to provide physical science education majors with observational and participatory experiences in their area of specialization. Students will be placed in a school situation so that they may be introduced to the classroom environment and teaching experience. F-S

CHEM 284  Selected Studies in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Chemistry subject matter not covered in regular course offerings, may be specifically in chemistry or interdisciplinary. The name of the selected study will be shown on the student's record. A topic may involve class, lab, or library assignments. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM284  
CHEM 304  Essentials of Organic Chemistry  #  (3 Credits)  

A survey of organic chemisty. Adapted to needs of students of agriculture and veterinary medicine. Not for majors. Three recitations per week. F-S

CHEM 304L  Essentials of Organic Chemistry Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session. F-S

CHEM 340  Organic Chemistry  #  (3 Credits)  

The first of a two-semester sequence of a thorough study of organic chemistry. For majors in chemistry, biology and medical science. Three recitations per week plus lab and problem session.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM122, CHEM122L  
CHEM 340L  Organic Chemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  

Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM122, CHEM122L  
CHEM 342  Organic Chemistry II  #  (3 Credits)  

A continuation of chem 340 with emphasis on organic synthesis and applications of principles. Three recitations per week. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM340  
CHEM 342L  Organic Chemistry Laboratory II     (2 Credits)  

Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session. S

CHEM 350  Chemical Analysis  #  (3 Credits)  
Principles and practice of volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Modern methods of instrumentation are introduced. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM122  
CHEM 350L  Chemical Analysis Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

CHEM 352  Environmental Chemistry  #  (3 Credits)  
The principles of chemistry and related sciences are applied to the study of natural systems. Major processes ocurring in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere are described. The effect of sources, sinks, impact, and control of pollutants in each of these systems is discussed.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM350  
CHEM 352L  Environmental Chemistry Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

The laboratory to accompany CHEM 352. Laboratory experiments include both wet and instrumental methods of environmental analysis. Established protocols and procedures are emphasized. Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session.

CHEM 360  Essentials of Biochemistry  #  (3 Credits)  

A study of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins: their digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Also includes vitamins, enzymes, biological oxidations and the chemistry of tissues and body fluids. Three recitations per week. S

CHEM 360L  Essentials of Biochemistry Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session. S

CHEM 382  Introduction to Forensic Science     (3 Credits)  
The course is an introduction to the application of standard scientific analytical procedures in the area of forensic science. It is designed for chemistry majors, preprofessional students (premedical, prepharmacy, pre-engineering, etc.) and those planning to enter the field of forensic science.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180, CHEM340  
CHEM 399  Chemistry Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

CHEM 399L  Chemistry Lab Elective  (1-12 Credits)  

This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit from lab courses.

CHEM 406  Introduction to Scientific Glassblowing     (2 Credits)  
Lab study of materials and techniques of glassworking. Lab glassware will be designed and constructed. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM406  
CHEM 408  Chemical Basis for Everyday Living     (3 Credits)  
Fundamental principles of chemistry for the nonscience student are presented and illustrated by the topics of radiation, food, drugs, pesticides, pollution, and energy. S

CHEM 430  Survey of Physical Chemistry  #  (3 Credits)  

Elementary physical chemistry for biological science and prospective teaching students. Includes states of matter, solution, thermodynamics, kinetics, elementary quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM122, MATH331  
CHEM 430L  Survey of Physical Chemistry Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Meets four hours per week. Includes problem sessions. F

CHEM 476  Apprenticeship in Chemistry  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Course is designed to provide practical experience in teaching and administration in chemistry. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM476  
CHEM 480  Laboratory Safety and Teaching Techniques     (1-2 Credits)  
An introduction to the skills required in teaching physical and life science labs. Emphasis is on the methods of teaching, prevention of accidents, and legal aspects of laboratory instruction. Topics will include safe use, storage, and disposal of reagents; issues relating to electricity and radiation safety; and dealing safely with live animals and field trips. One recitation per week. An independent project is required for two hours of credit.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM480  
CHEM 624  Advanced Laboratory Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Typical inorganic and organic compounds are prepared and characterized. A wide variety of preparative techniques will be discussed and utilized. One recitation and six hours of lab per week. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM624  
CHEM 624G  Advanced Laboratory Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Typical inorganic and organic compounds are prepared and characterized. A wide variety of preparative techniques will be discussed and utilized. One recitation and six hours of lab per week. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 632  Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics     (3 Credits)  
A rigorous treatment of states of matter, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and electrochemistry. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM350, MATH331  
CHEM 632G  Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics     (3 Credits)  
A rigorous treatment of states of matter, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and electrochemistry. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 632L  Physical Chemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  

Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session. S

CHEM 632LG  Physical Chemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  
Meets four hours per week. Includes problem session. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 634  Physical Chem: Quantum Mechanics & Chem Kinetics     (3 Credits)  
A study of atomic and molecular structure, kinetics and quantum chemistry. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM350, MATH235, MATH331  
CHEM 634G  Physical Chem: Quantum Mechanics & Chem Kinetics     (3 Credits)  
A study of atomic and molecular structure, kinetics and quantum chemistry. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 634L  Advanced Physical and Inorganic Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Integrated laboratory combining inorganic synthesis with physical chemistry techniques to study inorganic compounds.

CHEM 634LG  Advanced Physical and Inorganic Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
Integrated laboratory combining inorganic synthesis with physical chemistry techniques to study inorganic compounds.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 636  Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics     (3 Credits)  
Advanced mathmatical treatment is made of the three laws of thermodynamics with applications to chemical systems.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM632  
CHEM 636G  Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics     (3 Credits)  
Advanced mathmatical treatment is made of the three laws of thermodynamics with applications to chemical systems.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 644  Organic Spectroscopic Analysis  #  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses upon the determination of the structure of organic molecules using modern spectroscopic techniques. This course will cover: NMR, IR, MS, UV-Vis, and X-ray diffraction. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate their mastery of the course material by successfully solving advanced spectroscopic unknowns. 

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM342  
CHEM 644G  Organic Spectroscopic Analysis     (3 Credits)  

This is a graduate level course about the determination of the structure of organic molecules using modern spectroscopic techniques. This course will cover: NMR, IR, MS, UV-Vis, and X-ray diffraction. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate their mastery of the course material by successfully solving advanced spectroscopic unknowns. 

Eligibility Rules: Graduate level and must be admitted to MPS (Chemistry) or MSE (Chemistry)  
CHEM 644L  Organic Spectroscopic Analysis Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Laboratory practice of systematic organic analysis. Major stress on qualitative organic analysis. Meets six hours per week.

CHEM 644LG  Organic Spectroscopic Analysis Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
Laboratory practice of systematic organic analysis. Major stress on qualitative organic analysis. Meets six hours per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 646  Theories of Organic Chemistry     (3 Credits)  
Theories of chemical structure and mechanisms of organic reactions are studied. Three recitaions per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM342  
CHEM 646G  Theories of Organic Chemistry     (3 Credits)  
Theories of chemical structure and mechanisms of organic reactions are studied. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 656  Instrumental Analysis     (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals and practice of chemical analysis by means of electrical instrumentation. Techniques covered include spectroscopy, electroanalytical methods and chemical seperations. Three recitations per week.

CHEM 656G  Instrumental Analysis     (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals and practice of chemical analysis by means of electrical instrumentation. Techniques covered include spectroscopy, electroanalytical methods and chemical seperations. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 656L  Advanced Instrumental and Physical Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

An integrated laboratory course combining instrumental methods of analysis with experimental physical chemistry principles.

CHEM 656LG  Advanced Instrumental and Physical Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
An integrated laboratory course combining instrumental methods of analysis with experimental physical chemistry principles.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 662  Biochemistry I     (3 Credits)  
A study of the chemical and physical properties of biologically important molecules. Topics will include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM342  
CHEM 662G  Biochemistry I     (3 Credits)  
A study of the chemical and physical properties of biologically important molecules. Topics will include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 662L  Biochemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  

Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session. F

CHEM 662LG  Biochemistry Laboratory I     (2 Credits)  
Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 664  Biochemistry II     (3 Credits)  

A study of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between metabolism, the utilization of energy, and the biosynthesis of molecules. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM662  
CHEM 664G  Biochemistry II     (3 Credits)  
A study of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between metabolism, the utilization of energy, and the biosynthesis of molecules. Three recitations per week.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 664L  Biochemistry Laboratory II     (2 Credits)  

Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session. S

CHEM 664LG  Biochemistry Laboratory II     (2 Credits)  
Meets five hours per week. Includes problem session. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 666  Inorganic Chemistry     (3 Credits)  
A study of the theory and compounds of inorganic chemistry. Emphasis will be given to the structures, bonding, spectroscopy, and reactions of transition metal coordination complexes.

CHEM 666G  Inorganic Chemistry     (3 Credits)  
A study of the theory and compounds of inorganic chemistry. Emphasis will be given to the structures, bonding, spectroscopy, and reactions of transition metal coordination complexes.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 670  Workshop in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Newer ideas of chemistry of special interest to teachers will be presented. Lab experience may be provided. SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM670  
CHEM 670G  Workshop in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Newer ideas of chemistry of special interest to teachers will be presented. Lab experience may be provided. SU

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 672  Readings in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Selected materials from chemical literature. Special emphasis on written reports. F-s-su

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM672  
CHEM 672G  Readings in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Selected materials from chemical literature. Special emphasis on written reports. F-s-su

CHEM 673  Problems in Chemistry  +  (2-4 Credits)  

An individual investigation chosen by the student and carried out under supervision. Includes both library and lab work.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM673  
CHEM 673G  Problems in Chemistry  +  (2-4 Credits)  

An individual investigation chosen by the student and carried out under supervision. Includes both library and lab work.

CHEM 675  Seminar in Chemistry  +  (1 Credit)  

Upperclass majors participate in presenting and discussing recent developments selected from the chemical literature.

CHEM 675G  Seminar in Chemistry  +  (1 Credit)  

Graduate level students participate in presenting and discussing recent developments selected from the chemical literature.

CHEM 682  Special Topics in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Special studies of current interest outside the regular courses are presented. The topics may be specifically in chemistry or interdisciplinary. The name of a specific topic will be shown on the student's record. A topic may involve class, lab, and library assignments.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM682  
CHEM 682G  Special Topics in Chemistry  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Special studies of current interest outside the regular courses are presented. The topics may be specifically in chemistry or interdisciplinary. The name of a specific topic will be shown on the student's record. A topic may involve class, lab, and library assignments.

CHEM 801  Intro. to Graduate Studies in Chemistry & Chem. Educ.     (2 Credits)  
An introduction to graduate studies in chemistry and chemistry education. Topics include survey of recent developments in the chemistry profession and the roles and scopes of various chemistry Master's degree progams. This course also cultivates critical skills for succeeding in the chemistry profession including understanding of scientific ethics and the science-technologysociety (STS) relationship, scientific writing, literature searching, preparation and delivery of written reports and oral presentations, and assessment and compliance of safety in the laboratory.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
CHEM 815  Research Methods in Chemistry     (4 Credits)  

Introduction to advanced research methods in chemistry. Candidates receive extensive training in advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation in the candidate's research area(s). Other topics may include major advances in the principle sub-fields within chemistry (Excluding chemistry education), introduction to research conducted by the faculty of the chemistry department in these sub-fields, strategies to remain current in research literature, the use of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Style Guide in scientific reporting, and writing of major grant proposals.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM801, Graduate level  
CHEM 820  Chemistry Education Research and Practice     (3 Credits)  

This course examines the major developments and trends in the field of chemistry education, focusing on how chemistry can be taught more effectively in the classroom and laboratory as described in the research literature. Chemistry Education Research (CER) is introduced as a specific area of Discipline-based Education Research (DBER) that aims to address contemporary challenges in the broader field of science education. Students are guided to explore and complete a literature review on the contributions of CER toward a specific topic related to chemistry teaching, and to identify how this research contributes to: (1) advancing K-16 chemistry education within the new Framework for Science Education, and (2) meeting national teaching expectations. Based on this analysis students design, practice and reflect on teaching chemistry in a classroom setting. This course is designed to increase awareness among graduate students of current issues and research in chemistry education including procedures for appropriate involvement of human subjects, encourage transfer of research findings into classroom practice, and provide graduate students an opportunity to engage in professional activities by critiquing and discussing own and colleagues’ work.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM801 and AEP803  
CHEM 888  Advanced Topics of Chemistry  +  (3 Credits)  
Selected topics within analytical, inorganic, physical, organic, or biochemistry subdisciplines. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM888, Graduate level  
CHEM 890  Research Projects  +  (2-4 Credits)  
Research under staff supervision on projects selected by students and staff. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for CHEM890, Graduate level