Academic Catalog

Department of Biological Sciences

For updated information, see our website at

The Department of Biological Sciences offers a curriculum that provides students with the opportunity to enter a variety of careers in the areas of biology, natural resources, medical, and health fields. New students are assigned an academic advisor with expertise in a specific discipline or career area, who, along with the student, develops an individual program of study that will meet the necessary academic requirements. The department offers three B.S. degree options with numerous areas of major study and several pre-professional curricula. Each of these is described in detail elsewhere in this section of the catalog. Also, brochures are available from the departmental office describing in detail the various areas of study with examples of programs for certain majors.

Department of Biological Sciences Faculty & Staff

See department page online for full listing

BIOL 100  Human Biology  *  (3 Credits)  

An introductory course using fundamental concepts of human structure and function as the starting point for the exploration of principles of processes common to all living systems and the interrelationships between humans and the rest of the biosphere.

BIOL 102  Laboratory Experiences in Biology     (1 Credit)  

A laboratory course centered on fundamental experiences in the biological sciences.

BIOL 140  Basic Anatomy and Physiology  #  (4 Credits)  
Structure and function of the human body. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BIOL100  
BIOL 140L  Basic Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 150  Introduction to Biology and Health     (3 Credits)  

This course is an introductory course using the fundamental concepts of human structure and function as the starting point for the exploration of principles of processes common to all living systems and the interrelationship between humans and the rest of the biosphere.

BIOL 180  Principles of Biology  #  (3 Credits)  

Biological principles common to both plants and animals: physiochemical bases of life from molecular to organismal levels; interactions of organisms and environment; concepts of genetics and evolution.

BIOL 180L  Principles of Biology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

A laboratory course designed to provide biology majors with a range of experimental and observational experiences in the biological sciences that will prepare them for the various biology courses to follow.

BIOL 199  Biology Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BIOL 199L  Biology Lab Elective  (0-12 Credits)  

This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit from lab courses.

BIOL 200  Humans and the Environment     (3 Credits)  

The ecosystem, the human attitudes and factors affecting the ecosystem and alternatives to the present situation.

BIOL 200L  SWT: Environmental Science Lab (Transfer Only)     (0-2 Credits)  

Course receives credit from courses meeting the systemwide transfer Environmental Science Lab outcomes

BIOL 213  Biology and Me     (0 Credits)  

Biology and Me is a course developed to engage students in informed decision-making through an understanding of the scientific process, foundational biological concepts, and how these processes affect their daily lives and overall well-being. Students will engage in focal areas through guided delivery of foundational content, exploration of contemporary scientific literature, peer discussions, self-reflection, and experiential learning through experimentation (in the concurrent Biology and Me - Exploration) to evaluate how an understanding of the life sciences can positively influence their quality of life and that of their communities.

BIOL 213L  Biology and Me Exploration     (0 Credits)  

Biology and Me - Exploration is a laboratory-styled immersive experience centered on developing an understanding of the fundamentals of the scientific method and empirical investigation in life sciences while using these skills to inform well-being. Students will use the scientific process to investigate topics in biology relevant to literacy in life sciences and in evaluating choices that influence well-being.

BIOL 230  Anatomy and Physiology I  #  (3 Credits)  

Selected details of the structure and function of the human integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine organ systems are presented. The course is designed to serve students majoring in nursing, athletic training, and allied health fields.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BIOL 100 or BIOL 180 & BIOL 180L  
BIOL 230L  Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory  *  (1 Credit)  

Selected details of the structure and function of the human integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine organ systems are studied by observation of models, preserved organs, and preserved cats, and by measurements, particularly those that cab be made non-invasively.

BIOL 231  Anatomy and Physiology II  *#  (3 Credits)  
Selected details of the structure and function of the human cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive organ systems are presented. The course is designed to serve students majoring in nursing, athletic training, and allied health fields.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or is currently enrolled in BIOL230  
BIOL 231L  Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory  *  (1 Credit)  
Selected details of the structure and function of the human cardiovascular, lymphatic, repiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive organ systems are studied by observation of models and preserved organs, and by measurements, particularly those that can be made non-invasively.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL230, BIOL230L  
BIOL 232  Anatomy of Humans Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Selected details of human anatomy are studied using models, preserved organs and preserved cats.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BIOL100  
BIOL 234  Physiology of Humans Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Selected details of human physiology are studied by observation and measurement. Emphasis is on those observations and measurements which can be made non-invasively.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BIOL100  
BIOL 235  Early Field Experience: Biology     (1 Credit)  

Provides biological science education majors with observation and participatory experience in a classroom environment in their area of specialization. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL235  
BIOL 240  Microbiology for Allied Health  #  (3 Credits)  

Characteristics and activities of micro-organisms and their relation to health and disease. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BIOL100  
BIOL 240L  Microbiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 245  Medical Terminology     (2 Credits)  
Selected common medical terms and their usages. The word-building system for medical terms, including prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations. F

BIOL 250  Botany  *#  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the plant kingdom; morphological and anatomical aspects of nonvascular and vascular plants. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 250L  Botany Laboratory  *  (1 Credit)  


BIOL 260  Zoology  *#  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the animal kingdom, including invertebrates and vertebrates. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 260L  Zoology Laboratory  *  (1 Credit)  


BIOL 300  Human Heredity     (3 Credits)  

Principles underlying the inheritance of characteristics in the human. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Student POS does not include Biology  
BIOL 315  Insect Natural History     (3 Credits)  
Insect biologies, supported by collection and identification of specimens. Designed to meet the needs of the elementary and secondary teacher. D

BIOL 317  UAS I: Pilot Certification Preparation     (3 Credits)  

UAS I: Pilot Certification Preparation is a course developed to ensure students understand the technical and legal limitations and ethical responsibilities that are associated with piloting unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in the National Airspace. Students will be prepared to successfully complete the Remote Pilot Certification Exam administered through the Federal Aviation Administration. Successful completion of the certification exam allows the operator to pilot drones for commercial purposes.

BIOL 323  Field Biology  #  (2 Credits)  

Identification of native Kansas plants and animals and their interrelationships in nature. F

BIOL 323L  Field Biology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 325  Genetics  #  (3 Credits)  
A survey course in genetics, stressing principles and concepts.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 325L  Genetics Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

BIOL 329  Conservation of Natural Resources     (3 Credits)  
The dependence of humans upon natural resources. Role of water, soil, forest, wildlife, rangeland, and minerals in our society. F-S-SU

BIOL 330  Plant Anatomy  #  (3 Credits)  
Structure and development of tissues and organs of vascular plants, with emphasis on the spermatophytes. A

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250  
BIOL 330L  Plant Anatomy Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 334  Plant Morphology     (3 Credits)  
Life histories and structures of plants. Origin and relationships of the various groups. I

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250, Permission for BIOL334  
BIOL 345  Human Anatomy  #  (2 Credits)  

Structure of the human body.

BIOL 345L  Human Anatomy Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

BIOL 346  Human Physiology  #  (3 Credits)  
Functions of the systems of the human body. Clientele: pre-PT, pre-MT, pre-pharmacy, biology majors in the laboratory option.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260, CHEM122  
BIOL 346L  Human Physiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Qualitative and quantitative studies of the functioning of the systems of the human body.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180, CHEM122  
BIOL 350  Global Environmental Complexities     (0 Credits)  

This course begins as an introductory environmental science course that introduces fundamental concepts such as what is science, what is a species, evolution and adaptation, photosynthesis and energy, what are natural resources, what is an environment and what benefits does society gain from the environment, etc. In the second section, once the foundations are established the class moves into looking at how humans historically managed natural resources and the environment and how these management philosophies have changed over time. The final section of the class looks at current and future ecological problems that humans are or will face across the globe. In sections 2 and 3 the focus of the class goes beyond just the science to explore the impacts of technological advancements, global commerce (market demand), governmental regulations, and societal pressure on the global environment as well as environmental injustice and environmental racism.

BIOL 395  Ecology  #  (3 Credits)  
Biotic regions of the world with emphasis on the structural and functional aspects of north American ecosystems. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 395L  Ecology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 399  Biology Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

BIOL 399L  Biology Lab Elective  (1-12 Credits)  

This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit from lab courses.

BIOL 401  Virology     (3 Credits)  
Study of viruses of animals, plants, and bacteria, including their structure, function, evolution and implications for society.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 402  Clinical Chemistry     (0-8 Credits)  
Theory and laboratory study of analytical chemical procedures utilized in medical technology.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL402  
BIOL 403  Clinical Hematology     (0-8 Credits)  
Blood cell derivation, maturation and function, principles of hemastasis and blood coaqulation, and methodology.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL403  
BIOL 404  Clinical Immunology     (0-8 Credits)  
Includes immunohematology and serology, blood groups and types, cross matches, blood components, and laboratory methods. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL404  
BIOL 405  Topics in Medical Technology     (0-8 Credits)  

Basic principles and practices of the medical laboratory, techniques, and special projects.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL405  
BIOL 410  Allied and Public Health Topics  +  (1-6 Credits)  
Applications of biological sciences to specific health issues and conditions. I

BIOL 420  Evolution     (3 Credits)  
Processes and results of organic evolution.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 431  Environmental Botany     (2 Credits)  
Plants in the environment and their impact on humans, domestic animals, and wildlife.

BIOL 435  Cellular Biology     (3 Credits)  
Structure and function, including physical, chemical, and physiological processes, of cells in both plants and animals.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 435L  Cellular Biology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

BIOL 442  Scientific Communication     (3 Credits)  

Development of written and oral communication with an emphasis on creating discipline-specific products.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180/180L, ENG102, COMM100, and one of the following: BIOL250/250L, BIOL260/260L, or BIOL490/490L  
BIOL 450  Comparative Anatomy  #  (3 Credits)  
Vertebrate evolution by comparative anatomical methods. Dissection of representative vertebrates. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 450L  Comparative Anatomy Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 457  Seminar in Botany  +  (1 Credit)  
Special topics in botany are assigned and oral reports made.

BIOL 458  Seminar  +  (1 Credit)  
Presentation of research techniques or discussion concerning concepts of biology. D

BIOL 458G  Seminar  +  (1 Credit)  
Presentation of research techniques or discussion concerning concepts of biology. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 459  Seminar in Zoology  +  (1 Credit)  
Scheduled discussion of zoological topics. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL459  
BIOL 459G  Seminar in Zoology  +  (1 Credit)  
Scheduled discussion of zoological topics. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 470  Problems in Biology  +  (1-5 Credits)  
Individual study of a non-research problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL470  
BIOL 471  Problems in Biology (Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
To meet the research needs of students within the department. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL471  
BIOL 474  Problems in Botany (Non-Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Individual study of a non-research problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL474  
BIOL 474G  Problems in Botany (Non-Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Individual study of a non-research problem. F-s-su

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 475  Problems in Zoology (Non-Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Individual study of a non-research problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260, Permission for BIOL475  
BIOL 476  Internship in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Course is intended to provide practical experiences in biology.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180, Permission for BIOL476  
BIOL 480  Teaching Methods in Biology     (1 Credit)  

Classroom, laboratory, and field techniques used in teaching biology in the secondary schoool.

Eligibility Rules: Admission to Teacher Education and Junior Standing  
BIOL 482  Readings in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Readings and written reports on special topics in biology and allied health. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL482  
BIOL 483  Readings in Botany  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Readings and written reports on special topics. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL483  
BIOL 485  Readings in Zoology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Individual reading in specified areas of zoology. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260, Permission for BIOL485  
BIOL 485G  Readings in Zoology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Individual reading in specified areas of zoology. F-s-su

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 490  General Microbiology  #  (3 Credits)  
Microbial ecology and the molecular biology of micro-organisms, including metabolism, genetics, and biotechnology are discussed. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180, BIOL180L  
BIOL 490L  General Microbiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 495  Plant Physiology  #  (3 Credits)  
Life processes and how they relate to the total activity of the plant body. Absorption, photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, translocation, growth, and reproduction. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250, CHEM120  
BIOL 495L  Plant Physiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 499  Global Environmental Issues     (3 Credits)  

Review of current global environmental issues. Course will explore origins, development and effects of philosophy, religion, frontier and colonial experiences, science, technology, economics, and political ideologies upon environmental attitudes. Environmental ethics and sustainability will be examined.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
BIOL 606  Scanning Electron Microscopy-Theory and Operation     (5 Credits)  
Designed to teach the theory and operation of the scanning electron microscope through hands-on training on the instrument. Laboratory training will include the preparation of specimens through an individualized project selected by the student.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL606  
BIOL 606G  Scanning Electron Microscopy-Theory and Operation     (5 Credits)  
Designed to teach the theory and operation of the scanning electron microscope through hands-on training on the instrument. Laboratory training will include the preparation of specimens through an individualized project selected by the student.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 607  Topics in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Specific topics in biology. I

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL607  
BIOL 607G  Topics in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Specific topics in biology. I

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 607GL  Topics in Biology Lab     (1-3 Credits)  

Specific topics in Biology (lab)

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 607L  Topics in Biology Lab     (1-3 Credits)  

Specific topics in biology (lab)

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL607L  
BIOL 610  Taxonomy of Flowering Plants  #  (3 Credits)  
Primarily the classification, identification, and nomenclature of flowering plants. Some ferns and conifers are also studied. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250  
BIOL 610G  Taxonomy of Flowering Plants     (3 Credits)  
Primarily the classification, identification, and nomenclature of flowering plants. Some ferns and conifers are also studied. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 610L  Taxonomy of Flowering Plants Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

Primarily the classification, identification, and nomenclature of flowering plants. Some ferns and conifers are also studied. Field trips.

BIOL 610LG  Taxonomy of Flowering Plants Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Primarily the classification, identification, and nomenclature of flowering plants. Some ferns and conifers are also studied. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 619  Aquatic Ecology  #  (2 Credits)  
The value of freshwater resources, and the abiotic and biotic processes that determine community structure and function of organisms that inhabit inland waters. Students will become familiar with anthropogenic influences on and the ecosystem services provided by a diversity of aquatic systems through lecture and group activities.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250, BIOL260  
BIOL 619G  Aquatic Ecology     (2 Credits)  
The value of freshwater resources, and the abiotic and biotic processes that determine community structure and function of organisms that inhabit inland waters. Students will become familiar with anthropogenic influences on and the ecosystem services provided by a diversity of aquatic systems through lecture and group activities.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 619L  Aquatic Ecology Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

Standard terminology and techniques used to characterize water quality, quantify a diversity of stream habitats, and ecological processes in lakes, streams, and wetlands. Identification, observation, and quantification of important taxa used as ecological indicators of ecosystem processes through the use of structured investigative laboratories and field research projects.

BIOL 619LG  Aquatic Ecology Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
Standard terminology and techniques used to characterize water quality, quantify a diversity of stream habitats, and ecological processes in lakes, streams, and wetlands. Identification, observation, and quantification of important taxa used as ecological indicators of ecosystem processes through the use of structured investigative laboratories and field research projects.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 620  Biostatistics  #  (3 Credits)  

Statistical concepts with emphasis on measurement and interpretation of biological data and appropriate experimental designs.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH110  
BIOL 620G  Biostatistics     (3 Credits)  
Statistical concepts with emphasis on measurement and interpretation of biological data and appropriate experimental designs.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 620L  Biostatistics Lab     (1 Credit)  

BIOL 620LG  Biostatistics Lab     (1 Credit)  
Statistical concepts with emphasis on measurement and interpretation of biological data and appropriate experimental designs.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 621  Human Dimensions in Wildlife     (3 Credits)  
Concepts and theories associated with human wildlife interactions in management and conservation of wildlife fisheries and rangelands.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 621G  Human Dimensions in Wildlife     (3 Credits)  
Concepts and theories associated with human wildlife interactions in management and conservation of wildlife fisheries and rangelands.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 627  Behavioral Ecology     (3 Credits)  
Understanding animal behaviors in the context of ecological and evolutionary processes. Examples from various groups will address how animal social behavior and mating strategies reflect the environments in which they live.

BIOL 627G  Behavioral Ecology     (3 Credits)  
Understanding animal behaviors in the context of ecological and evolutionary processes. Examples from various groups will address how animal social behavior and mating strategies reflect the environments in which they live.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 628  Ecological and Wildlife Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Methods used in ecology and wildlife management.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260, BIOL395  
BIOL 628G  Ecological and Wildlife Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Methods used in ecology and wildlife management.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 629  Agrostology     (3 Credits)  
Classification, identification, and nomenclature of range and world grasses. Grass evolution and fossil grasses are also studied. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250  
BIOL 629G  Agrostology     (3 Credits)  
Classification, identification, and nomenclature of range and world grasses. Grass evolution and fossil grasses are also studied. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 632  Dendrology     (3 Credits)  
Classification, identification and nomenclature of trees, and shrubs, and woody vines. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250  
BIOL 632G  Dendrology     (3 Credits)  
Classification, identification and nomenclature of trees, and shrubs, and woody vines. Field trips.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 634  Rangeland Restoration and Conservation     (3 Credits)  
Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded or damaged. The understanding of processes and structures in natural systems will be used to inform practices used to restore naturally and anthropogenically disturbed sites.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL634  
BIOL 634G  Rangeland Restoration and Conservation     (3 Credits)  
Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded or damaged. The understanding of processes and structures in natural systems will be used to inform practices used to restore naturally and anthropogenically disturbed sites.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 636  Ecological and Range Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Theory of sampling in plant ecology and range management. Techniques of measuring forage production, forage utilization, and habitat factors. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 636G  Ecological and Range Techniques     (3 Credits)  
Theory of sampling in plant ecology and range management. Techniques of measuring forage production, forage utilization, and habitat factors. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 637  Contemporary Rangeland Issues     (3 Credits)  
A review of all methods of range ecosystem evaluation in different types of the U.S. And world. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 637G  Contemporary Rangeland Issues     (3 Credits)  
A review of all methods of range ecosystem evaluation in different types of the U.S. And world. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 638  Range Plants  #  (3 Credits)  

Identification, nutritive value, and ecology of range plants, both forage producers and poisonous species.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL610, Permission for BIOL638  
BIOL 638G  Range Plants     (3 Credits)  
Identification, nutritive value, and ecology of range plants, both forage producers and poisonous species.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 638L  Rangeland Plant Identification Lab     (1 Credit)  
Concurrent laboratory experience for students enrolled in Range Plants. Topics studied will include rangeland plant characteristics and identification.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL610  
BIOL 638LG  Rangeland Plant Identification Lab     (1 Credit)  
Concurrent laboratory experience for students enrolled in Range Plants. Topics studied will include rangeland plant characteristics and identification.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 639  Field Course in Range Management     (2 Credits)  

An intensified course covering the principles and current trends in range management. SU

BIOL 639G  Field Course in Range Management     (2 Credits)  
An intensified course covering the principles and current trends in range management. SU

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 642  Parasitology     (3 Credits)  

Biology, pathology, and prophylaxis of the principal internal parasites of animals and man. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 642G  Parasitology     (3 Credits)  

Biology, pathology, and prophylaxis of the principal internal parasites of animals and man. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 642L  Parasitology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 642LG  Parasitology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Biology, pathology, and prophylaxis of the principal internal parasites of animals and man. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 643  Entomology  #  (3 Credits)  
Insects, stressing morphology and identification. Collection is required. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 643G  Entomology     (3 Credits)  
Insects, stressing morphology and identification. Collection is required. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 643L  Entomology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 643LG  Entomology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Insects, stressing morphology and identification. Collection is required. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 644  Embryology  #  (3 Credits)  
Principles of vertebrate development with emphasis on mammalian embryogeny. Laboratory study of selected vertebrate embryos. D

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 644G  Embryology     (3 Credits)  
Principles of vertebrate development with emphasis on mammalian embryogeny. Laboratory study of selected vertebrate embryos. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 644L  Embryology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 644LG  Embryology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Principles of vertebrate development with emphasis on mammalian embryogeny. Laboratory study of selected vertebrate embryos. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 645  Histology     (3 Credits)  
Structure and identification of normal vertebrate tissue. D

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 645G  Histology     (3 Credits)  
Structure and identification of normal vertebrate tissue. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 646  Invertebrate Zoology  #  (2 Credits)  
Local invertebrate fauna with emphasis on collection, classification, and biologies. I

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 646G  Invertebrate Zoology     (2 Credits)  
Local invertebrate fauna with emphasis on collection, classification, and biologies. I

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 646L  Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 646LG  Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Local invertebrate fauna with emphasis on collection, classification, and biologies. I

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 647  Genes and Development  (3 Credits)  

Overview of pivotal experiments in embryology and developmental genetics; genes and genetic pathways that control development in animal model systems and humans; focus on the application of molecular genetic approaches to the study of genes and development; reading and discussion of primary scientific literature.

BIOL 648  Immunology     (3 Credits)  
Nature and mechanisms of natural and acquired resistance, production of antibodies, antigens, and serological reactions. S

BIOL 648G  Immunology     (3 Credits)  

This course will be an introduction to the main topics relevant to the human immune system, including the interaction of molecules, cells, tissues, and organism normal and abnormal immune functions, the connectivity of the innate and adaptive immunity, and the practical applications of vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, diagnostic assays, and organ transplantation.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 648L  Immunology Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

BIOL 648LG  Immunology Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
Nature and mechanisms of natural and acquired resistance, production of antibodies, antigens, and serological reactions. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 650  Ornithology  #  (3 Credits)  
Anatomy, behavior, ecology, evolution and physiology of birds.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 650G  Ornithology     (3 Credits)  
Anatomy, behavior, ecology, evolution and physiology of birds.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 650L  Ornithology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

Field trips and identification of Kansas birds.

BIOL 650LG  Ornithology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Field trips and identification of Kansas birds.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 651  Mammalogy  #  (3 Credits)  
Systematics natural history, and biogeography of mammals. Field trips and identification.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 651G  Mammalogy     (3 Credits)  
Systematics natural history, and biogeography of mammals. Field trips and identification.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 651L  Mammalogy Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 651LG  Mammalogy Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Systematics natural history, and biogeography of mammals. Field trips and identification.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 654  Principles of Systematic Biology     (3 Credits)  
Principles involved in ordering and classifying the diversity of organisms. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL250, BIOL260  
BIOL 654G  Principles of Systematic Biology     (3 Credits)  
Principles involved in ordering and classifying the diversity of organisms. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 657  Limnology  #  (3 Credits)  
Biological, physical, and chemical attributes of lakes an streams. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 657G  Limnology     (3 Credits)  
Biological, physical, and chemical attributes of lakes an streams. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 657L  Limnology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 657LG  Limnology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Biological, physical, and chemical attributes of lakes an streams. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 660  Herpetology  #  (3 Credits)  
Reptiles and amphibians with emphasis on taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 660G  Herpetology     (3 Credits)  
Reptiles and amphibians with emphasis on taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 660L  Herpetology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

BIOL 660LG  Herpetology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Reptiles and amphibians with emphasis on taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 665  Biodiversity and Conservation Biology     (3 Credits)  
A study of the generation, distribution, and conservation of biological diversity.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 665G  Biodiversity and Conservation Biology     (3 Credits)  
A study of the generation, distribution, and conservation of biological diversity.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 670  Ecological Applications  #  (3 Credits)  
The application of the principles of landscape ecology, geographical information systems, and spatial analysis to biological systems and research.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 670G  Ecological Applications     (3 Credits)  
The application of the principles of landscape ecology, geographical information systems, and spatial analysis to biological systems and research.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 670L  Ecological Applications Lab     (1 Credit)  

BIOL 670LG  Ecological Applications Lab     (1 Credit)  
The application of the principles of landscape ecology, geographical information systems, and spatial analysis to biological systems and research.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 672  Statistical Applications  #  (3 Credits)  
The application of statistical techniques and models to biological research.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL620  
BIOL 672G  Statistical Applications     (3 Credits)  
The application of statistical techniques and models to biological research.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 672L  Statistical Applications Lab     (1 Credit)  

To be taken with Statistical Applications course regarding the application of statistical technique s and models to biological research.

BIOL 672LG  Statistical Applications Lab     (1 Credit)  
To be taken with Statistical Applications course regarding the application of statistical technique s and models to biological research.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 673  Ichthyology  #  (3 Credits)  
Fishes with emphasis on physiology, taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 673G  Ichthyology     (3 Credits)  
Fishes with emphasis on physiology, taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 673L  Ichthyology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  


BIOL 673LG  Ichthyology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Fishes with emphasis on physiology, taxonomy, distribution, evolution, and ecology. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 675  Microbiology of the Pathogens     (3 Credits)  
Host-parasite relationships in microbial diseases of humans and animals. Basic techniques of isolation, identification, and diagnosis. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL240  
BIOL 675G  Microbiology of the Pathogens     (3 Credits)  

Host-parasite relationships in microbial diseases of humans and animals. Basic techniques of isolation, identification, and diagnosis. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 675L  Microbiology of the Pathogens Laboratory     (2 Credits)  

BIOL 675LG  Microbiology of the Pathogens Laboratory     (2 Credits)  
Host-parasite relationships in microbial diseases of humans and animals. Basic techniques of isolation, identification, and diagnosis. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 680  Biogeography     (3 Credits)  
Theories and principles concerning distribution of plant and animal taxa and communities, past and present. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL395  
BIOL 680G  Biogeography     (3 Credits)  
Theories and principles concerning distribution of plant and animal taxa and communities, past and present. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 683  Endocrinology     (3 Credits)  

Survey of the synthesis, mechanisms, and action of hormones, and clinical considerations.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180/180L, BIOL240/240L, or BIOL260/260L, and CHEM120/120L  
BIOL 683G  Endocrinology     (3 Credits)  

Survey of the synthesis, mechanisms, and action of hormones, and clinical considerations.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180/180L, BIOL240/240L, or BIOL260/260L, and CHEM120/120L  
BIOL 695  Rangeland Management  #  (3 Credits)  
Range plants and their adaptations, types of rangeland systems, ecosystem structure and function, rangelands and global change and ecosystem manipulation and planning for multiple uses.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180  
BIOL 695G  Rangeland Management     (3 Credits)  
Range plants and their adaptations, types of rangeland systems, ecosystem structure and function, rangelands and global change and ecosystem manipulation and planning for multiple uses.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 695L  Rangeland Management Techniques     (1 Credit)  

Current laboratory experience for students enrolled in Range Management. Topics studied will include range plants, rangeland monitoring and quantification techniques.

BIOL 695LG  Rangeland Management Techniques     (1 Credit)  

Current laboratory experience for students enrolled in Range Management. Topics studied will include range plants, rangeland monitoring and quantification techniques.

BIOL 697  Wildlife Management  #  (3 Credits)  
Wildlife management concepts, practical aspects of wildlife and natural resource conservation. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260, BIOL395  
BIOL 697G  Wildlife Management     (3 Credits)  
Wildlife management concepts, practical aspects of wildlife and natural resource conservation. F

BIOL 697L  Wildlife Management Techniques     (1 Credit)  

The study of wildlife management techniques and hands on experiences with issues in wildlife management.

BIOL 697LG  Wildlife Management Techniques     (1 Credit)  

The study of wildlife management techniques and hands on experiences with issues in wildlife management.

BIOL 699  Fisheries Management     (3 Credits)  
An introduction to techniques and principles of inland fisheries management.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL260  
BIOL 699G  Fisheries Management     (3 Credits)  
An introduction to techniques and principles of inland fisheries management.

BIOL 805  Professional Scientific Communication     (3 Credits)  

Graduate student professional development with an emphasis on written and oral communication.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 807  Graduate Topics in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Specific topics in biology. I

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL807, Graduate level  
BIOL 821  History of Biology     (3 Credits)  
The historic development and evolution of biological concepts and their makers. I

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 825  Biological Scientific Writing     (2 Credits)  
Techniques and methods of conducting scientific research, writing scientific papers, and succeeding as a professional biologist.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 827  Biological Scientific Presentations     (1 Credit)  
In this course, students will learn to present scientific research. The course emphasizes the oral and visual aspects of presenting research.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 830  Ecological Field Study and Problem  +  (2-8 Credits)  
A field trip to selected localities to enable students to obtain an integrated understanding of several biotic regions.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL830, Graduate level  
BIOL 832  Plant Ecosystematics  +  (3 Credits)  
Floristic composition of plant communities of Kansas. Identification of species in characterization of plant communities, as well as association of species and habitat. SU

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 834  Plant Population Ecology     (3 Credits)  
Quantitative methods in plant ecology. Pattern, ordination and interspecific association analysis. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 852  Animal Physiology  #  (2 Credits)  
An in-depth inquiry into the physiological bases for adaptation. A

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 852L  Animal Physiology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 853  Animal Population Ecology     (3 Credits)  
Animal populations and the relations of animals to their environment.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL853, Graduate level  
BIOL 855  Seminar in Biology  +  (1 Credit)  
Discussion concerning concepts of biology.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL855, Graduate level  
BIOL 857  Graduate Seminar in Botany  +  (1 Credit)  
Scheduled discussion of botanical topics. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL857, Graduate level  
BIOL 859  Graduate Seminar in Zoology  +  (1 Credit)  
Scheduled discussions of zoological topics. D

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL859, Graduate level  
BIOL 870  Graduate Problems in Biology  +  (1-5 Credits)  
Individual study of a non-research problem.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL870, Graduate level  
BIOL 873  Problems in Botany (Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Individual investigation of a botanical problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL873, Graduate level  
BIOL 875  Problems in Zoology (Research)  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Individual investigation of a zoological problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL875, Graduate level  
BIOL 876  Graduate Apprenticeship in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Provides advanced practical experience in teaching, supervision, and administration in biology. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL876, Graduate level  
BIOL 877  Plant Pathology  #  (2 Credits)  
Nature, morpology, symptomology, and control of the causal agent of plant diseases.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 877L  Plant Pathology Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
BIOL 882  Graduate Readings in Biology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Readings and written report on special topics in biology and allied health. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL882, Graduate level  
BIOL 883  Graduate Readings in Botany  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Readings and written reports on special topics. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL883, Graduate level  
BIOL 885  Graduate Readings in Zoology  +  (1-3 Credits)  
Readings and written reports on special topics. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL885, Graduate Level  
BIOL 892  Research in Biology  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Investigations of a biological problem. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL892, Graduate level  
BIOL 899B  Thesis in Biology  +  (1-6 Credits)  

Eligibility Rules: Permission for BIOL899B, Graduate level