Academic Catalog

Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture at Fort Hays State University provides students with applied, hands-on learning experiences and diverse foundation courses that empower students to succeed in the growing—and vital—field of agriculture. This experience makes students more marketable and well prepared to meet industry challenges, and FHSU Agriculture degree-holders are poised to become leaders in the agriculture industry.

Agriculture at FHSU

We challenge students to take advantage of the hands-on learning experiences, unique academic programs, departmental clubs and organizations, and the close-knit mentorship of our caring, experienced faculty. Whether you’re going back to the family farm or looking to take the lead in the agriculture industry, FHSU will have you well prepared for an exciting, rewarding career in a diverse and growing industry. You will:

  • Gain a deeper perspective of agriculture, its significance throughout the world, and how you can have an impact
  • Be prepared to face technological advances in an ever-changing field
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Have practical class experiences on the 3,825 acre FHSU University Farm
  • Expand critical thinking and communication skills
  • Make lifelong friends and mentors

We prepare our graduates to succeed in agriculture’s wide variety of careers. Because even though they may pursue different careers—running a farm, managing a feedyard, trading grain on the futures market, working as a crop consultant, or steering a boardroom meeting—our alumni all have one thing in common: They have the desire and skills to make a positive impact on the industry and in their communities.

Department of Agriculture Faculty and Staff

See department page online for full listing

AGRI 110  Agriculture in Our Society     (1 Credit)  
A brief history of the development of American agriculture. The role of agricultural colleges in business and industry is considered with emphasis on career opportunities for graduates in agriculture and related areas. F

AGRI 111  Animal Science     (3 Credits)  

A general study of the livestock industry and its current problems. Emphasis is placed on its importance as a major phase of agriculture and related areas. F-S

AGRI 111L  Animal Science Lab     (1 Credit)  

Introduction to animal agriculture and industry. This course supports and expands on material presented in AGRI 111.

AGRI 112  Agronomic Crop Science  #  (3 Credits)  

A study of the production principles of agronomic crops including propagation, growth, development, harvesting, storage, and utilization. Must be taken concurrently with laboratory.

AGRI 112L  Agronomic Crop Science Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

The laboratory course is designed to reinforce the basic principles covered in agri 112 agronomic crop science. Meets for two hours per week.

AGRI 113  Introduction to Agribusiness     (3 Credits)  
Overview and basic introduction to the concepts, issues, and disciplines of study relating to the management and economic functions of agriculture and agribusinesses.

AGRI 114  Techniques of Livestock Selection and Evaluation I     (2 Credits)  
The evaluation of livestock including comparative judging, grading, classification, and selection of beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. F-S

AGRI 120  Rodeo Strength Training and Conditioning  +  (1 Credit)  
Strength training and conditioning are major components of preparing to be a successful rodeo athlete. This class meets at the gym three days per week during the semester. Students will be instructed in techniques and strategies to prepare for specific events.

AGRI 199  Agriculture Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

AGRI 211  Marketing Farm Products     (3 Credits)  
The practices and processes of marketing agricultural goods, cash and futures prices, and commodity marketing techniques are examined. Attention is given to market organization and price analysis, marketing functions, standards and grading, and specific marketing practices related to crops and livestock.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI113  
AGRI 212  Techniques of Livestock Selection & Evaluation II     (2 Credits)  

A continuation of AGRI 114 with additional emphasis on objective and subjective methods of evaluation using a combination of visual appraisal and performance records.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI114, OR Permission for AGRI212  
AGRI 214  Principles of Feeding     (3 Credits)  
A study of the nutritive value of feeds and nutrient requirements of all species of domestic farm animals. The effect of processing, environment, feed additives, and combination of nutrients on efficiency and level of production.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM 112 or CHEM 120  
AGRI 215  Soils     (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Soil development, classification, distribution, and management are included. Course includes three 1 hour lectures with a 2 hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed CHEM 112 or CHEM 120 and MATH 110  
AGRI 215L  Soils Laboratory     (1 Credit)  

The laboratory to accompany AGRI 215 soils. Laboratory experience in determining soil physical, chemical, and biological properties. Two hours of laboratory a week.

AGRI 220  Agricultural Accounting     (3 Credits)  

Application of accounting concepts and principles to farms and other agribusiness firms. Cash and accrual accounting methods, whole farm and enterprise analysis, income tax management, and electronic farm accounting technology are considered. Course includes two 1 hour lectures with a 2 hour laboratory component.

AGRI 240  Rodeo Timed Events I  +  (1 Credit)  
Introduction to all rules and regulations of timed events in Intercollegiate Rodeo (Tie Down Roping, Breakaway Roping, Goat Tying, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, and Barrel Racing).

AGRI 242  Rodeo Rough Stock I  +  (1 Credit)  
This course covers rules, regulations, and safety precautions for all three rough stock events in intercollegiate rodeo (Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, and Bull Riding).

AGRI 277  Early Field Experience In Agriculture     (1 Credit)  

This course will provide Agricultural Education students with an observation and participation experience in the high school/junior high school agricultural classroom. This experience will expose students to a variety of educational philosophies, goals, objectives and activities. Pass/No. Requisites: Completed AGRI 111, 112, or 113 and PERM

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111 & AGRI112 OR Permission for AGRI277  
AGRI 301  Home Horticulture     (3 Credits)  
Culture, propagation and pest control of ornamentals, vegetables, fruits and nuts grown for the home.

AGRI 305  Agronomic Crop Insects     (3 Credits)  
Scouting, identification, and control methods of common insects found in agronomic crops.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112, AGRI112L  
AGRI 306  Pasture and Forage Crops     (3 Credits)  
A study of forage crops for meadows, pasture, soiling, and silo with reference to establishment, adaptation, production, management, and improvement. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180&180L or BIOL100&102  
AGRI 308  Crops Judging Team Activity  +  (1 Credit)  
Training for participation on crops judging teams. Students learn: grain grading and seed analysis; crops, weed, and seed identification; and disease and insect identification.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112, Permission for AGRI308  
AGRI 310  Grain Grading and Seed Analysis     (2 Credits)  
Application of the federal standards for grading farm crops and judging of grains and other crop products. Four hours of laboratory a week. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112  
AGRI 311  Farm Management     (3 Credits)  

A study of production planning with budgeting, financial records, and the acquisition and use of resources for the individual farm-ranch business is emphasized.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in AGRI220 or ACCT203 and ECON201  
AGRI 312  Advanced Techniques of Livestock Selection III  +  (2 Credits)  
Advanced training in live animal evaluation. Designed for students interested in competing on FHSU livestock judging team. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI212 OR Permission for AGRI312  
AGRI 313  Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals     (4 Credits)  

A comparative study of the anatomy and physiology of the various productive systems and organs of the domestic farm animals. Two hours lecture and 1 hour recitation per week in addition to a 2 hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in AGRI 111, BIOL 180, BIOL 180L  
AGRI 314  Agricultural Policy     (3 Credits)  
An examination of the economic characteristics of agriculture, American agricultural policies, and current policy topics. S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed ECON201  
AGRI 315  Soils Judging Team Activity  +  (1 Credit)  
Training for participation on soil judging teams. Students evaluate soils for agricultural productivity and for engineering purposes. D

AGRI 316  Internship in Agriculture     (3 Credits)  

A supervised work-study program in agribusiness, animal science, or agronomy. Involves instructorstudent-employer consultation. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for AGRI316  
AGRI 319  Consumers Guide to the Meat Industry     (2 Credits)  
A study of the meat industry and the production of retail red meat to enlighten the consumer as to the steps involved and the basis for determining price and quality. Consists of one hour per week of lecture and two hours of hands on work experience. D

AGRI 320  Fund of Agricultural Commodity Marketing     (3 Credits)  
A study of agricultural commodity marketing, transportation and storage, using the agricultural futures and options markets. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI211 and ECON201 or permission for AGRI320  
AGRI 321  Agricultural Law and Policy     (3 Credits)  
An examination of laws, regulations, and case decisions that are of significance to the agricultural production, business, and food industries. Domestic agriculture and food policy will be discussed. General topics in contract, tort, and real estate law will be presented, as will specialized topics in business planning, water law, food regulation, environmental protection, animal and fence law, agricultural employment, and estate/succession planning.

Eligibility Rules: Junior Level Standing - 60 Semester Units  
AGRI 325  American Agricultural History     (3 Credits)  
A course on the development of American agriculture from Native Americans to early colonial settlement through present times. Topics include social, economic and political developments and technological advances in US agriculture.

AGRI 330  Livestock Sales     (1-2 Credits)  

This course emphasizes major strategies for promotion and marketing of high quality livestock. Private treaty sales as well as live and online auctions are discussed.

AGRI 332  Agricultural Communications and Public Relations     (3 Credits)  

History, role in society, and role of communications in agriculture. This course provides an

understanding of communication and various communication methods in modern society as these are applicable to agriculture. 

AGRI 334  Rodeo Timed Events II  +  (1 Credit)  
This course studies production of a rodeo. It will cover all six timed events and methodology for acquiring cattle and goats to produce a rodeo. Students will learn how to set up and measure a barrier for the roping events. Students will also learn how to measure out and stake a barrel pattern , as well as measure for goat tying. Ground maintenance for safety of barrel racing contestants and horses will be emphasized.

AGRI 335  Rodeo Rough Stock II  +  (1 Credit)  
This course studies the production side of rodeo. It will cover the three rough stock events. Methodology and strategies for obtaining horses and bulls for an intercollegiate rodeo. Students will learn how to set orders for a rough stock rodeo, Safety as it pertains to arena conditions is emphasized.

AGRI 338  Agricultural Leadership     (3 Credits)  

A study of concepts and theories of leadership with emphasis on development of leadership abilities for a variety of agricultural applications.  Best practices of successful leaders representing various components of the agriculture community are emphasized.  Skills related to managing teams in diverse agricultural workplaces and communities will be developed.

AGRI 340  Computer Applications for Agriculture     (3 Credits)  

An advanced course primarily focused on the applied use of Microsoft Excel in the agricultural business environment.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI113, MATH110, INF101  
AGRI 350L  Bovine Artificial Insemination     (1 Credit)  

This course emphasizes techniques of artificial insemination of cattle. Proper handling , storage and placement of bovine semen are discussed. Methodology for estrus detection and timing of semen placement are emphasized. This course has a laboratory component.

AGRI 355  Field Trips in Agriculture  +  (1-5 Credits)  

Location, topics & credit hours will vary. Each section will have a location and topic description in the title.

AGRI 399  Agriculture Elective  (1-12 Credits)  
This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

AGRI 400  Topics in Agriculture  +  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed to offer, on an irregular basis, subjects in agriculture which are not a part of the regular curriculum. F-S-SU

Eligibility Rules: Permission for AGRI400  
AGRI 408  Sheep Production and Management     (3 Credits)  

A study of methods of producing purebred and commercial sheep with emphasis on performance testing and feeding, physiology of reproduction, health programs, and general management under various systems of production. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI214  
AGRI 409  Dairy Cattle Production and Management     (3 Credits)  

This course emphasizes the production of dairy cattle as influenced by genetic improvement, nutrition, reproductive physiology, herd health, and herd management. It will acquaint students with the dairy industry from production to retailing. Course includes two 1 hour lectures with a 2 hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI214  
AGRI 410  Agricultural Finance     (3 Credits)  

Introduction to farm financial management, including financial intermediaries and information flows in agriculture, investment analysis, and financial alternatives for farm resource control.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in ACCT 204 or AGRI 220 and ECON 201  
AGRI 411  Beef Feedlot Technology and Management     (3 Credits)  
A study of the beef feedlot and stocker cattle industries including animal management, health, nutrition and feeding, handling, facilities, and risk management. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Senior Standing or Permission for AGRI411  
AGRI 417  Horse Production     (3 Credits)  

A course designed to acquaint the student with the light horse as a livestock enterprise with emphasis on nutrition, reproduction, health, selection and management. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or is in the process of completing AGRI 111  
AGRI 423  Agronomic Crop Diseases     (3 Credits)  
Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and methods of control of agronomic crop diseases.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112  
AGRI 425  Agronomic Crop Physiology     (3 Credits)  
To develop an understanding of important principles underlying the practices used in the culture of agronomically important crop plants and to develop the ability to apply these principles in production strategies. Covered will be processes from seed germination to photosynthesis and water relations to flowering of important agronomic crops.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112  
AGRI 426  Agronomic Crop Production     (3 Credits)  
A study of agronomic crop production principles for major crops in Kansas and the Great Plains region. Designed for students interested in crop consulting and general farming practices; included are insect, disease and weed identification, along with the study of irrigation, planting, and harvesting practices. A three-hour lecture with a requirement of one field trip during the semester.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed MATH 110, AGRI112, AGRI305 & AGRI423 OR Permission for AGRI426  
AGRI 430  Large Animal Diseases     (3 Credits)  
A study of diseases applicable to cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. The course will include principles of immunization to support the prevention and treatment of the diseases most often encountered in the large animal species common to the farms and ranches in the Midwest.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI313, Permission for AGRI430  
AGRI 440  Agribusiness Entrepreneurship     (3 Credits)  

A study of the entrepreneur journey to open an agricultural or food related business. Includes practicing designing a business plan.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or is in the process of completing AGRI211  
AGRI 445  Agribusiness Retail Management     (3 Credits)  

A study of managerial challenges and considerations in the agricultural or food related industry. Grocery operations will be discussed.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or is in the process of completing AGRI211  
AGRI 450  Economics of International Agriculture Development     (3 Credits)  
This course introduces students to the problem of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition in developing countries and examines the role of the agriculture sector in solving these problems. The course examines the theories of agricultural development in the context of globalization and introduces various agricultural production systems in the world.

AGRI 452  Meat Science     (3 Credits)  
A study of basic chemical and physical characteristics of meat animals. Physiology of muscle contraction and conversion of muscle to meat are emphasized. Application of scientific principles to processing and economical utilization of meat animals, as well as in the manufacturing of meat products is studied.

AGRI 456  Agricultural Resource Valuation     (3 Credits)  
Applied course studying the valuation of resources used in production agriculture, including basic valuation principles and concepts, and the appraisal of farm real estate with consideration given to the valuation of water and mineral rights. Problem sets and mock appraisals will be used to demonstrate the valuation process applied to farm real estate and related resources.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI311, ECON201, Permission for AGRI456  
AGRI 460  Teaching Agriculture Education     (3 Credits)  

A course on planning and conducting effective agriculture instructional programs. Topics include introducing instructional methods, techniques, devices and procedures used in disseminating agricultural information to youth and adult audiences. Requisites: Admission to Teacher Education required: PERM

Eligibility Rules: Admission to Teacher Education and has completed AGRI277 and TESS494  
AGRI 470  Capstone Course in Agribusiness Management     (3 Credits)  
A capstone course for the agribusiness major designed to integrate agricultural sciences with economic and business management principles and practices, as applied to problems and decisionmaking activities, of agribusiness firms in a case study environement.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in BCOM 301 or AGRI 332 and MKT 301  
AGRI 475  Seminar     (2 Credits)  
Special topics in agricultural research will be assigned and oral reports will be made to other students and faculty. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Senior Level Standing - 90 Semester Units  
AGRI 480  Beef Management Internship     (12 Credits)  

A supervised, off-campus experiential learning opportunity providing in-depth, practical experience while working with cooperators in the beef cattle industry. Involves instructor-student -cooperator consultation.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI411, AGRI610, Permission for AGRI480  
AGRI 490  Techniques and Technology in Beef Cattle Production     (3 Credits)  
A comprehensive course presenting the principles, techniques and contemporary technologies that contribute to profitable production of beef cattle. This includes all areas of beef production from cow-calf to retail marketing.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI411, AGRI610, Permission for AGRI490  
AGRI 610  Beef Cattle Production and Management     (3 Credits)  

Techniques used in beef production with emphasis on genetic improvement through performance testing, nutrition, reproductive physiology, diseases of beef cattle, and general management under various systems of production. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI214  
AGRI 610G  Beef Cattle Production and Management     (3 Credits)  

Techniques used in beef production with emphasis on genetic improvement through performance testing, nutrition, reproductive physiology, diseases of beef cattle, and general management under various systems of production. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 610LG  Beef Cattle Production Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
Practical application of lecture material obtained in 610. Must be taken concurrently with beef cattle production 610. Three hours of laboratory a week. S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 611  Swine Production and Management     (3 Credits)  
Methods of producing purebred and commercial swine with emphasis on performance testing and feeding, physiology of reproduction, health programs, and general management under various systems of production. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI214  
AGRI 611G  Swine Production and Management     (3 Credits)  
Methods of producing purebred and commercial swine with emphasis on performance testing and feeding, physiology of reproduction, health programs, and general management under various systems of production. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 612  Irrigation     (3 Credits)  
A study of irrigation as a farming practice in Western Kansas. Economic feasibility, costs involved, equipment needed, and agronomic practices will be considered. D

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI215  
AGRI 612G  Irrigation     (3 Credits)  
A study of irrigation as a farming practice in Western Kansas. Economic feasibility, costs involved, equipment needed, and agronomic practices will be considered. D

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 615  Genetics of Livestock Improvement     (3 Credits)  
A study of the application of the principles of genetics to livestock improvement. The course begins with simple Mendelian inheritance and develops through statistical techniques used in the estimation of breeding value for quantitative traits. F

Eligibility Rules: Has completed BIOL180, BIOL180L, and MATH110  
AGRI 615G  Genetics of Livestock Improvement     (3 Credits)  
A study of the application of the principles of genetics to livestock improvement. The course begins with simple Mendelian inheritance and develops through statistical techniques used in the estimation of breeding value for quantitative traits. F

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 616  Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals     (4 Credits)  
A study of the anatomy and physiology of sexual reproduction in domestic livestock. Course includes three 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111 & AGRI313 OR Permission for AGRI616  
AGRI 616G  Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals     (4 Credits)  
A study of the anatomy and physiology of sexual reproduction in domestic livestock. Course includes three 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 616LG  Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals Lab     (1 Credit)  
Demonstrations, orientation and participation in such techniques and procedures as artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, semen evaluation, estrus synchronization, superovulation and ova transfer in porcine, equine, and ovine with emphasis in bovine. Must be taken concurrently with 616.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 617  Animal Nutrition     (3 Credits)  
A scientific approach to the nutrition of monogastric and ruminant animals involving the mechanisms through which feed nutrients are utilized by these animals. Application of ration balancing techniques for livestock species.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in CHEM114  
AGRI 617G  Animal Nutrition     (3 Credits)  
A scientific approach to the nutrition of monogastric and ruminant animals involving the mechanisms through which feed nutrients are utilized by these animals. Application of ration balancing techniques for livestock species.

AGRI 618  Ruminant Nutrition     (3 Credits)  
Digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients as related to maintenance, growth, lactation, and reproduction in ruminants.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI111, AGRI214, AGRI617  
AGRI 618G  Ruminant Nutrition     (3 Credits)  
Digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients as related to maintenance, growth, lactation, and reproduction in ruminants.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 620  Cereal, Fiber, and Oil Crops     (3 Credits)  
A study of soil and climate adaption, production, improvement, protection, and utilization of the cereal, fiber, and oil crops of the world.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112  
AGRI 620G  Cereal, Fiber, and Oil Crops     (3 Credits)  
A study of soil and climate adaption, production, improvement, protection, and utilization of the cereal, fiber, and oil crops of the world.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 621  Weed Science     (4 Credits)  
Principles and practices of weed control. Identification of weed seeds, plants and families; action of herbicides; spray equipment calibration and herbicide calculations; herbicide safety, registration and regulation. Course includes three 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed or currently enrolled in CHEM114  
AGRI 621G  Weed Science     (4 Credits)  
Principles and practices of weed control. Identification of weed seeds, plants and families; action of herbicides; spray equipment calibration and herbicide calculations; herbicide safety, registration and regulation. Course includes three 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 621LG  Weed Science Laboratory     (1 Credit)  
To be taken concurrently with weed science 621. Identification of weed seeds and plants.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 622  Crop Improvement     (3 Credits)  
Crop breeding and improvement. Management practices relative to the major field crops. Legume, cereal, and grass seed production.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI112, BIOL222, BIOL222L  
AGRI 622G  Crop Improvement     (3 Credits)  
Crop breeding and improvement. Management practices relative to the major field crops. Legume, cereal, and grass seed production.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 625  Soil and Water Management     (3 Credits)  
An integration of the principles of agronomic science into productive cropping systems utilizing basic soil-plant-climate relationships. Special emphasis is given to the effect of soil erosion in semi-arid and sub-humid cropping practices. Conservation management techniques and land-use planning are emphasized. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI215  
AGRI 625G  Soil and Water Management     (3 Credits)  
An integration of the principles of agronomic science into productive cropping systems utilizing basic soil-plant-climate relationships. Special emphasis is given to the effect of soil erosion in semi-arid and sub-humid cropping practices. Conservation management techniques and land-use planning are emphasized. Course includes two 1-hour lectures with a 2-hour laboratory component.

AGRI 626  Soil Fertility and Fertilizers     (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of soil fertility and the manufacturing and use of chemical fertilizers as they relate to crop production and quality. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI215  
AGRI 626G  Soil Fertility and Fertilizers     (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of soil fertility and the manufacturing and use of chemical fertilizers as they relate to crop production and quality. F-S

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 630  Soil Physics     (3 Credits)  
A study of the physical properties of soils such as aeration, moisture, temperature, texture, and structure, as they relate to soil productivity.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI215  
AGRI 630G  Soil Physics     (3 Credits)  
A study of the physical properties of soils such as aeration, moisture, temperature, texture, and structure, as they relate to soil productivity.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 631  Development and Classification of Soils     (3 Credits)  
An advanced study of the influence of soil-forming factors on soil development, methods of classification, data interpretation, and soil mapping. A field trip is included as an essential part of the course. Course includes two 1 hour lectures with a 2 hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI215  
AGRI 631G  Development and Classification of Soils     (3 Credits)  
An advanced study of the influence of soil-forming factors on soil development, methods of classification, data interpretation, and soil mapping. A field trip is included as an essential part of the course. Course includes two 1 hour lectures with a 2 hour laboratory component.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 631LG  Development and Classification of Soils Lab     (1 Credit)  
The laboratory to accompany agri 631. Laboratory experience in practical development and classification.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 650  Technology in Agriculture     (3 Credits)  
An exposure to practical agriculture technology management tools including GPS, auto-steer, section controllers, remote sensing, telematics, and other crops and livestock technological applications. Emphasis will be placed on the collection and analysis of precision agriculture data.

Eligibility Rules: Has completed AGRI113, AGRI311  
AGRI 650G  Technology in Agriculture     (3 Credits)  
An exposure to practical agriculture technology management tools including GPS, auto-steer, section controllers, remote sensing, telematics, and other crops and livestock technological applications. Emphasis will be placed on the collection and analysis of precision agriculture data.

AGRI 672  Readings in Agriculture     (1-3 Credits)  
To extend the student's knowledge in some phase of agriculture. Available to seniors who major or minor in agriculture.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for AGRI672  
AGRI 672G  Readings in Agriculture     (1-3 Credits)  
To extend the student's knowledge in some phase of agriculture. Available to seniors who major or minor in agriculture.

AGRI 673  Problems in Agriculture  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Offered to seniors and majors in agriculture. Actual farm problems can be arranged in cooperation with farm superintendent or major adviser.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for AGRI673  
AGRI 673G  Problems in Agriculture  +  (1-4 Credits)  
Offered to seniors and majors in agriculture. Actual farm problems can be arranged in cooperation with farm superintendent or major adviser.

AGRI 676  Apprenticeship in Agriculture  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Course is designed to provide practical experience in teaching, supervision, and administration in agriculture.

Eligibility Rules: Permission for AGRI676  
AGRI 676G  Apprenticeship in Agriculture  +  (1-3 Credits)  

Course is designed to provide practical experience in teaching, supervision, and administration in agriculture.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 820  Agricultural Risk Management     (3 Credits)  

An in-depth study of a variety of risk management strategies inherent to the

agricultural firm.  Topics include:  diversification, insurance, forward contracting, hedging and options trading through applied problems with use of simulation.  Managing risk associated with input prices, output prices, organizational

structure, and financial instruments are emphasized.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 850  Strategic Planning in Agricultural Business     (3 Credits)  

An applied study of agricultural business logistics combining case study analysis and the study of the principles and concepts behind the strategic planning process and their impact on the sustainability of the agricultural firm.  Topics include: role and scope of logistics in agribusiness, connect economics development with strategic planning, explore the issues surrounding transaction costs and the principle agent problem associated with outsourcing, strategic alliances, emerging technologies, and tools for logistics.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral  
AGRI 860  Organizational Behavior in Agricultural Business     (3 Credits)  

An in-depth analysis of individual and group behavior in agricultural business,

governmental, and other organizations with emphasis on current literature and

applications within business management. Topics include: theories of individual learning and perception, attitude change, job motivation, group dynamics, conflict management, and leadership.

Eligibility Rules: Academic level is Masters, EdS, Grad Non-Degree OR Doctoral