Academic Catalog

Certificate: Psychology of Effective Leadership

The Certificate in The Psychology of Effective Leadership is designed to equip students with a skill set oriented to maximizing their impact while working with others in social and organizational environments. Students will learn about psychological principles that provide the basis for our design of organizations, and will explore how humans engage in decision making and assign meaning and judgement to their lived experiences.  Students will also learn principles of small group and team dynamics, and will acquire a skill set that allows them to engage successfully with cross-cultural and diverse settings and people. 

Certificate in The Psychology of Effective Leadership (12 Credit Hours)

Key Features:

  • Available both on-campus and online
  • Focuses on practical and in-demand skills that are transferrable to many settings
  • Coursework may be double-counted with general education, minors, and/or both major programs

Certificate Objectives. At the conclusion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate how the science of human behavior is applied to workplace and team environments
  • Apply psychological theories and principles to everyday problems in social and organizational settings
  • Demonstrate understanding of leadership theory contextual to team environments
  • Engage effectively while spanning cultural boundaries

Course options.

Students will complete two courses from each department

PSY 315Industrial Psychology3
or PSY 350 Current Issues in Psychology
PSY 340Social Psychology3
or PSY 452 Judgement and Decision Making
LDRS 306Leadership and Team Dynamics3
LDRS 450Advanced Leadership Behaviors3
or LDRS 660 Global Leadership
Total Hours12

Organizational Leadership: (Take 2 courses)

  • Students must take LDRS 306 Leadership and Team Dynamics
  • Select one course: LDRS 450 Advanced Leadership Behavior (Pre-req: LDRS 302 Intro to Leadership Behavior) OR LDRS 660 Global Leadership (Pre-req: PSY100 or LDRS 300 Intro to Leadership Concepts)
  • No grade lower than a “C” is acceptable for the classes taken to complete the certificate. 

Recommendations for students completing the certificate:

  1. PSY100 is a pre-requisite for all psych courses.
  2. LDRS 300 is a pre-requisite for LDRS 450 or LDRS 302 is a pre-requisite for LDRS 660.
  3. Recommended course completion sequence for psychology students: For your successful completion of this certificate program, we recommend that you take psychology courses first, followed by LDRS 306 and LDRS 450 or LDRS 660 to finish this certificate.

This is an FHSU advisory certificate. Advisory certificates are typically 9-15 hours of coursework.  The certificates are designed by FHSU faculty to provide students a guide to choosing courses that introduce and develop a subject knowledge and/or skills.  These certificates may be used to select a focus within a major, to develop additional knowledge and skills to complement a major, or to pursuing a topic of interest with open elective hours.  

Courses taken as part of an advisory certificate are listed on the student's transcript, however the advisory certificate is not listed on the transcript. Many FHSU departments provide a completion certificate that students may use to show they completed the advised coursework, and talk about what it added to their degree.  Non-degree students may complete the classes outlined in an advisory certificate and receive a completion certificate if offered by the department, however they are not enrolled in a degree plan or eligible for student aid.