Academic Catalog

Advanced Education | Master of Science in Education: Elementary Education (Transition to Teaching)

Program Summary and Degree Map

This program is for candidates who have a school district in Kansas willing to sponsor and hire them to work as the full-time, elementary classroom teacher-of-record while they complete FHSU classes.

In addition to the Program Admission Requirements, candidates must also submit a signed Intent to Hire form by their hiring/sponsoring district. Applications to the ELED T2T program will not be accepted without the Intent to Hire form. In addition, candidates must meet ALL of the admission requirements or they will not qualify.

Please note that this program requires a preliminary semester (which starts in the Fall or Spring) in which students take courses in ELED Literacy, Mathematics, Social Studies and Classroom Management along with completing a 120 hour internship in an ELED classroom. While students cannot be hired as the teacher-of-record in the preliminary semester, they could still serve as paraprofessionals or substitutes in their sponsoring district.

After successful completion of the preliminary semester, students can be offered a contract and teach in an ELED classroom under this limited license.

Program Requirements

ELED (K-6) Certification Courses

Preliminary Semester 1
TEEL 836Advanced Literacy for Primary Grades (F, S) 22
TEEL 837Curriculum Integration in the Elementary Grades (F, S) 32
TEEL 842Advanced Mathematics for Primary Grades (F, S) 22
TEEL 860Advanced Classroom Management (F, S) 43
TEEL 870Workshop in Education III (F, S) 41
1st Semester Teaching
READ 853Advanced Science of Reading I (F, S) 23
TEEL 843Advanced Mathematics and Science for Intermediate Grades (F, S) 32
TEEL 859Advanced Diverse and Exceptional Learners (F, S) 43
TEEL 871Institute in Education III (F, S) 41
2nd Semester Teaching
TEEL 857Advanced Assessment and Interventions (F, S) 22
TEEL 858Advanced Educational Foundations and Educational Psychology (F, S, U)3
TEEL 872Readings in Education III (F, S) 41
3rd Semester Teaching 5
TEEL 873Problems in Education II (F, S) 41
TEEL 876Apprenticeship in Education II (F, S) 41
Total Hours27

Eligible for LEAP licensure through KSDE after successful completion of the preliminary semester.


1st 8 weeks.


2nd 8 weeks.


16 weeks.


Eligible for initial license through KSDE after successful completion of the 27 hours above and licensure exams.

The following courses, while not required for licensure, may be completed to fulfill the requirements for the MSE (Elementary Education) Degree, for a total of 36 credit hours (licensure and degree completion)

MSE Courses1

AEP 803Educational Research (F, S, U)3
AEP 858Data Analysis and Assessment (F, S, U)3
AEP 867Instructional Design and Assessment (F, S, U)3
Masters Degree Comprehensive Examination/Assessment
Total Hours9

Eligible for the MSE degree after successful completion of the 9 hours above and a comprehensive examination.

Graduate School Graduation Requirements

All Graduate degrees1 require:

  • Maintain a C or higher in all coursework.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. (Refer to program)
  • A minimum of 30-75 hours of Graduate course work. (Refer to program)
  • Comprehensive Examination or equivalent assessment is required. (Master of Liberal Studies requires a Comprehensive Examination and Concentration Exam)
  • Degree completion within 8 years.

Refer to degree program for any additional requirements.