Academic Catalog

Advanced Education | Master of Science in Education: Secondary Education (Option 1)

Program Summary and Degree Map

The Master of Science in Education (MSE) with an emphasis in Secondary Education qualifies candidates to seek licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science, Middle Level Science, History, Business, and foreign languages.

To qualify, students must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher in the appropriate teaching subject area of the equivalent. This graduate program is offered 100% online and requires 27 credit hours for licensure. In addition, students must complete a field experience in the appropriate classroom and a semester of full-time student teaching, which can occur in any approved classroom within the United States.

Students may not be employed as the teacher of record while in this program and will not be eligible for licensure until completion of the 27 credit hours along with passing required licensure exams. Students will have the option of completing the MSE degree by taking an additional 9 hours and passing comprehensive exams.

This degree is offered by the Department of Teacher Education and the Department of Advanced Education Programs and is approved for licensure by the Kansas State Department of Education.

MSE: Secondary Education Required Certification Courses (Leads to Secondary licensure for candidates who do not hold a teaching license)


Licensure Requirements (27 hours)

MSE Degree Requirements (36 hours)

Preliminary Semester
AEP 800Innovative Technology Integration (F, S, U)3
TEEL 860Advanced Classroom Management (F, S, U)3
TEEL 859Advanced Diverse and Exceptional Learners (F, S, U)3
Students must pass their content area Praxis before enrolling in additional classes
Remaining Certification Courses
TEEL 866Instructional Models and Teaching Strategies (F, S)2
TEEL 878Field Experience III (F, S) 11
600/800 Secondary Content Methods (Offered in content dept) 23
TEEL 858Advanced Educational Foundations and Educational Psychology (F, S, U)3
AEP 880Cultural Diversity (F, S, U)3
AEP 867Instructional Design and Assessment (F, S, U)3
Students must complete all coursework before enrolling in student teaching
Professional Semester
TEEL 876Apprenticeship in Education II (F, S) (16 weeks) 33
Problems in Education II (F, S) (up to 2 credit hours) 4
Total Hours27

Minimum of 80 clock hours–placement arranged by FHSU.
Co-requisite: TEEL 866 Instructional Models and Teaching Strategies


Offered in content dept. Contact dept.


Placement in the appropriate classroom—this is an uncompensated, minimum of 40 hours/week requirement.


Students who use financial aid will take this course to meet the minimum hour requirement. This course is not required for program or licensure completion.

Eligible for licensure through Kansas State Department of Education after successful completion of the 27 hours above, along with passing the required exams.

MSE Degree Completion Courses1

These courses can be completed after certification.

TEEL 820Research Methods in Education (F, S, U)3
AEP 855Educational Leadership (F, S, U)3
AEP 858Data Analysis and Assessment (F, S, U)3
Masters Degree Comprehensive Examination/Assessment
Total Hours9

Students will be eligible for the MSE degree after successful completion of the 9 hours above and passing a comprehensive examination.

Total Master's Degree Hours: 36

Graduate School Graduation Requirements

All Graduate degrees1 require:

  • Maintain a C or higher in all coursework.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. (Refer to program)
  • A minimum of 30-75 hours of Graduate course work. (Refer to program)
  • Comprehensive Examination or equivalent assessment is required. (Master of Liberal Studies requires a Comprehensive Examination and Concentration Exam)
  • Degree completion within 8 years.

Refer to degree program for any additional requirements.