Academic Catalog

Education Specialist: Advanced Professional Studies

The Education Specialist in Advanced Professional Studies degree and concentrations are advanced graduate degrees designed to provide the graduate student a definite and integrated professional program of study beyond the master’s degree in educational administration. The degree requires advanced study between the master’s degree and the doctorate degree both in time and depth with objectives identifiable and distinct from each of these. Program planning and the supervision of the research project (field study) is the responsibility of the designated advisor with the counsel of the student’s graduate committee.

This degree program offers an opportunity for specialization to individuals preparing for positions that demand a higher level of study than the master’s degree. It provides advanced preparation and additional training required of district leadership, central administrative staff, and related administrative personnel.

It enables the student on the basis of past experience and growth in a professional area to extend, reinforce, and reorganize knowledge, techniques, and skills.

Admission to the Specialist in Education Degree Program

  • Meet FHSU Graduate School Requirements
  • Have a Master's degree
  • Have Building Leadership (Principal) endorsement
  • Achieved a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA in graduate coursework.

Application Process

Please complete an application online and submit the additional materials listed on the Graduate School Website. When applying for this degree program on the Graduate School application, look for this title on the application, Specialist in Education: Education Administration.

Submit the following documents with your application:

  • A brief statement of professional goals related to the completion of Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree including how achievement of the Ed.S. will assist you in achieving your goals.
  • Two letters of reference from supervisors and/or professional peers who are familiar with your work and can assess your potential ability and skills to pursue a doctoral level degree.
  • A resume or curriculum vita of education and professional experiences.
  • A copy of your building level license
  • Official transcripts for all college work completed, documenting conferral of a graduate degree.

Note: A completed application includes evidence of a master's degree and a building-level (principal) endorsement/license.

A committee will review your file and forward a recommendation of approval or denial to the Dean of the Graduate School. Applicants who do not register within one academic year after admission may be required to reapply for admission.

Concentrations available in the following areas:

Business Education and Workforce Leadership

Education Administration (Superintendent)

Education Innovation & Leadership

Leadership in Reading