Academic Catalog

Certificate: Studio Art

The Certificate in Studio Art is for Art and Design majors who would like experience in another area and also for non-majors who desire to stay connected with the arts. If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Studio Art to your current degree, please visit for more information.

Choose one area of study from the options below and from the applicable column

Drawing (Art & Design Majors)
ART 310Figure Drawing3
ART 410Drawing III3
ART 615Problems: Drawing I3
Total Hours9
Drawing (Non-Majors)
ART 101Drawing I3
ART 102Drawing II3
ART 310Figure Drawing3
ART 410Drawing III3
Total Hours12
Painting (Art & Design Majors)
ART 220Introduction to Painting3
ART 320Acrylic Painting3
or ART 321 Watercolor Painting
ART 420Painting3
Total Hours9
Painting (Non-Majors)
ART 101Drawing I3
ART 102Drawing II3
ART 220Introduction to Painting3
ART 320Acrylic Painting3
or ART 321 Watercolor Painting
Total Hours12
Printmaking (Art & Design Majors)
ART 250Printmaking I3
ART 450Advanced Printmaking​ (will repeat)3
ART 450Advanced Printmaking​3
Total Hours9
Printmaking (Non-Majors)
ART 101Drawing I3
ART 102Drawing II3
ART 250Printmaking I3
ART 450Advanced Printmaking​3
Total Hours12
Sculpture (Art & Design Majors)
ART 230Sculpture I3
ART 430Sculpture III3
Select one course from the following:3
Problems: Sculpture I
Topics in Art II (Blacksmithing)
Topics in Art II (Figurative Sculpture)
Total Hours9
Sculpture (Non-Majors)
ART 1043-D Design3
ART 230Sculpture I3
ART 430Sculpture III3
Select one course from the following:3
Topics in Art II (Blacksmithing)
Topics in Art II (Figurative Sculpture)
Total Hours12
Ceramics (Any Major)
ART 260Ceramics I3
ART 360Ceramics II (repeatable)3
ART 460Ceramics III (repeatable)3
Total Hours9

This is an FHSU advisory certificate. Advisory certificates are typically 9-15 hours of coursework.  The certificates are designed by FHSU faculty to provide students a guide to choosing courses that introduce and develop a subject knowledge and/or skills.  These certificates may be used to select a focus within a major, to develop additional knowledge and skills to complement a major, or to pursuing a topic of interest with open elective hours.  

Courses taken as part of an advisory certificate are listed on the student's transcript, however the advisory certificate is not listed on the transcript. Many FHSU departments provide a completion certificate that students may use to show they completed the advised coursework, and talk about what it added to their degree.  Non-degree students may complete the classes outlined in an advisory certificate and receive a completion certificate if offered by the department, however they are not enrolled in a degree plan or eligible for student aid.