Academic Catalog

Minor: Leadership Studies

"How do I make myself more marketable to potential employers?" This is a typical question an undergrad might ask as they begin to near the completion of their collegiate experience. In the cutthroat corporate world, everyone seeks a way to gain an edge. The undergraduates that have diversified their educational experience are one step closer to achieving that edge. The challenge is to add value to your current degree program and major. The Minor in Leadership is designed to do just that. First, students deeply understand the significant elements that make leadership successful. Second, students gain critical practical skills essential for success in their chosen professions and personal lives. Click here for a printable version of the Minor in Leadership curriculum.

A Minor in Leadership is a total of 21 credit hours. The initial nine credit hours are set. Students are allowed to select the remaining 12 credit hours (4 courses) as they wish.

Required Courses
LDRS 300Introduction to Leadership Concepts3
LDRS 302Introduction to Leadership Behavior3
LDRS 310Field Work in Leadership Studies3
Directed Electives12
Select 12 credit hours from the following:
Foundations of Leadership in Society
Leadership and Team Dynamics
Advanced Leadership Seminar I
Advanced Leadership Seminar II
Global Challenges
Women and Leadership
Advanced Leadership Behaviors
Topics in Leadership Studies
Capstone in Leadership Studies I
Capstone in Leadership Studies II
Capstone in Leadership Studies III
Seminar in Organizational Leadership
Principles of Civic Leadership
Principles of Organizational Leadership
Readings in Leadership Studies
Global Leadership
Leadership and Personal Development
Total Hours21