SPED 851 - Theories & Models in Gifted Education

Those enrolled in this course will examine the foundations, definitions, concepts, and application of major theories, models, and theorists of giftedness, including the following themes:<ul><li>The Foundations and History of Giftedness</li><li>Lewis Terman’s Longitudinal Studies of Gifted Children</li><li>Francoys Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent</li><li>Joseph Renzulli’s Triad Model of Giftedness</li><li>Robert Sternberg’s Theory of Successful Intelligence</li><li>Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences</li><li>J.P. Guilford’s Structure of Intellect Model and Model of Creativity</li><li>Kerrie Unsworth’s Matrix of Creativity Types</li><li>George Betts’s Autonomous Learner Model</li><li>Donald Treffinger and Edwin Selby’s Levels of Service Model</li><li>Available Resources on Theories and Models</li><li>Contemporary Definitions of Giftedness</li></ul>

Credit hours: 3

Eligibility: Graduate Standing
Last updated: 05/23/2022