MGT 600G - Lean and Six Sigma

Six Sigma Innovation &amp; Design Methods have developed largely in parallel with Lean Enterprise Theory &amp; Methods. Their integration yields a result referred to as <i>Lean Six Sigma</i>, wherein radical innovation in and / or design of products, processes, services and systems is approached through a “lean lens” that is intended to be highly resource sensitive, including resources that often seem less tangible such as time and motion. This course is project focused and emphasizes both <i>Innovation</i> (primarily) and <i>Design for Six Sigma</i> from a “lean and green” perspective. The subject is useful across a value continuum that spans the range from recovery of value sacrificed to poor practices, poor processes, poor partnerships, <i>ad</i> <i>infinitum</i> to creation of new value.

Credit hours: 3

Eligibility: Graduate Standing
Last updated: 05/23/2022