SOCW 880 - Clinical Social Work Practice with Individuals

Students learn selected theoretical orientations and therapeutic interventions designed to promote goal attainment and the well-being of individuals. Students recognize that effective and efficient clinical social work practice is guided and informed by a theoretical foundation as well as policies and demands of agency function and funding sources. Students are expected to display autonomous ethical practice, to utilize critical thinking and reflection as they expand awareness of conscious use of self in the social work clinical helping partnership. Students will demonstrate theoretical knowledge and psychotherapeutic skills through coursework, clinical intensive meetings, and practicum. This course has been designed to synchronize with SOCW 890 Advanced  Clinical SW Field Practicum I and topics and assignments from this course have been integrated into the practicum.

Credit hours: 3

Co-Requisites: SOCW 890 - Advanced Clinical Social Work Field Practicum I
Eligibility: Admission to an MSW graduate program
Last updated: 05/23/2022