Political Science

The Department of Communication Studies, Law, and Political Science prepares you for careers in law, international relations, campaigns and elections, public administration, public policy making and analysis, and teaching. The discipline of political science seeks to describe, explain, and predict phenomena associated with political systems. Through systematic and rigorous analysis of law and politics, our curriculum will help you understand how and why public decisions are made.

Political Science

Political Science Program Faculty Listing

Academic Programs

International Studies Certificate International Studies Minor Legal Studies Certificate Paralegal Certificate Political Management Certificate Political Science - BA Political Science - BS Political Science Minor Pre-Political Management Public Administration Certificate


An introduction to the discipline of Political Science within the framework of a liberal arts education.

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An introduction to the constitutional, political, and governmental processes of the national political system.The course will introduce students to ongoing disagreements regarding the scope and boundaries of power held by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of federal government in the United States. How these disagreements derive in part from varying interpretations of the U.S. Constitution will be discussed. Exploring how individuals and groups interact to shape the policymaking process is a consistent theme. Students will analyze how residents of the United States construct opinions and make decisions given information cues from political groups and institutions within the U.S. like the mass media, political parties, and interest groups. In addition, students will be exposed to and apply the social science mode of inquiry to evaluate theories and methods of measuring voting participation in the United States.

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An introduction to the constitutional, political, and governmental processes of the national political system.The course will introduce students to ongoing disagreements regarding the scope and boundaries of power held by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of federal government in the United States. How these disagreements derive in part from varying interpretations of the U.S. Constitution will be discussed. Exploring how individuals and groups interact to shape the policymaking process is a consistent theme. Students will analyze how residents of the United States construct opinions and make decisions given information cues from political groups and institutions within the U.S. like the mass media, political parties, and interest groups. In addition, students will be exposed to and apply the social science mode of inquiry to evaluate theories and methods of measuring voting participation in the United States.

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An introduction to state and local governments, including their structures, functions, decision-making and political processes.The course will introduce students to the mechanics of how state and local governments operate in the United States. Through the examination of the similarities and differences regarding institutions and functions in state and local political systems across the country, students will be able to explain the role of these forms of government in shaping their experience in life, as well as shaping the lives of others. Students should gain a greater sense as to the opportunities that individual citizens have to influence state and local political systems. In addition, students will be exposed to and apply the social science mode of inquiry to analyze research questions about subnational government.

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An introduction to contemporary political issues and to the skills, techniques, and tactics that enhance the effectiveness of citizen participation in American politics.The intention of this course is to introduce students to the key factual background information and perspectives held regarding contentious political issues. How seemingly local community-based issues can stem from or derive from problems much broader in geographic scope will be covered. Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of positions expressed about hotly contested political issues in an impartial fact-oriented fashion. In doing so, students will cultivate meaningful critical thinking skills that can be applied outside the context of policy and politics. In addition, the course will present opportunities for students to learn how to engage in society via the political process and collaborate with others in the development of potential ways to address societal problems.

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A special program of study developed for the individual student emphasizing field participation or simulation in politics.

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This course explores how citizens can enrich their communities and sustain democratic values by collecting, evaluating, and communicating information about political processes, laws, and rights. With this knowledge, students will cultivate the skills necessary to identify, propose, and advocate for tangible solutions that address both micro-level and macro-level societal problems. Students through full consideration of differences that exist within and between communities conceptualize meaningful approaches to problems that serve and assist a wide-ranging collection of people.Instructor Course Description: To many, it is far too often the case where politics is thought about in terms of those that appear to be the “winners” and those that appear to be the “losers” in a policy debate or competition over resources. Instead, this course will stimulate purpose-driven thinking about politics.Students are encouraged to produce tangible solutions to problems that persuasively demonstrate how individual sacrifice or change(s) in behavior can help to advance collective societal needs and interests. Politics is not purely about maximizing individual benefits; in reality, politics involves maximizing benefits for a broader population, also known as the greater good.<br/>Although democratic systems of government do allow for citizen problem-solving and participation of this type, a reliance on elected officials and government employees to advance the greater good has rendered many citizens as passive bystanders within the political process. To sustain democracy into the future, citizens must take a more hands-on role in the pursuit of the greater good.Through the critical analysis of evidence, collaborative creativity, and civil group discourse, students in the course will discover the roadmap to action-oriented politics that engages with complex issues in a sophisticated way. By practicing and applying the aforementioned skills, students can be productive innovators in society not only in the realm of politics but in other areas of life as well.

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This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

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The purpose of this course is to familiarize the potential law student or paralegal with: 1) the process of admission into legal education programs, 2) the typical education model, 3) the legal job market, and 4) the roles of legal assistants, lawyers and judges in American society.

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Investigation of the fundamental problems, principles, and characteristics of the modern nation-state system, emphasizing the mechanisms for making choices and managing power.

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An introduction to the study of comparative governments emphasizing the political processes and governmental institutions of industrialized societies such as Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan.

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An introduction to Public Policy with an emphasis on developing tools and insights for understanding the forces that shape public policy.

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A general survey of the political and managerial factors which affect the administration and management of the public's business.

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A survey of the American legal system emphasizing what lawyers and judges do as professionals, how the law is structured, with the objective of making the legal system intelligible to a consumer of legal services.

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A topical approach and analysis of selected historical movements, concepts, or current issues.

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This course is designed to receive non-equivalent elective transfer credit.

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An introduction to urban government and politics in the United States. This class provides an evolutionary look at the growth, continuing adaptation, and the politics of both the United States and Kansas metropolitan areas.

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An analysis of Congress with emphasis on membership recruitments, internal organizations, committees, legislative oversight, and lobbying.

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An analysis of Congress with emphasis on membership recruitments, internal organizations, committees, legislative oversight, and lobbying.

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The office of the President and its place in the political, constitutional, and administrative systems with emphasis on theories of the presidency.

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The office of the President and its place in the political, constitutional, and administrative systems with emphasis on theories of the presidency.

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A preparatory course designed to enhance student performance on the law school admission test through analysis of the LSAT sections, study of test-taking strategies, and practice of LSAT questions.

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Designed for who plan to attend law school or desire an overview of the legal advocacy in the American legal system. Course content may include mock trial and/or appellate advocacy exercises.

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Designed for who plan to attend law school or desire an overview of the legal advocacy in the American legal system. Course content may include mock trial and/or appellate advocacy exercises.

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An introduction to legal research methods including an exploration of the relationships between sources of law, an understanding of the mechanics of legal research, and familiarity with the FIRAC (Facts, issues, rule of law, analysis, conclusion) model of legal analysis.

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This course introduces students to the scientific method as it relates to providing insight and answers to political questions. Students will learn the scientific method and research design, and they will apply those methods to politics, collect new and use existing data, and conduct statistical analyses to provide substantive answers to questions related to politics.

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Introduces students to mainframe computing, regression analysis, and the use of the regression model in political science. Students will learn how to use statistical packages such as SPSSX and Micro-crunch.

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Introduces students to mainframe computing, regression analysis, and the use of the regression model in political science. Students will learn how to use statistical packages such as spssx and micro-crunch.

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The senior capstone is a culminating experience required for all Political Science majors. Designed for senior students, emphasis is placed on integrating the student's educational experience and preparing the student for graduate school or the professions. Students will conduct an in-depth study of a topic of interest, produce a detailed research paper, and present the paper in an academic setting.

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An advanced, special program of study developed for the individual student emphasizing field participation or simulation in politics and government.

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An advanced, special program of study developed for the individual student emphasizing field participation or simulation in politics and government.

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The study of the regulation of computer networks, the telecommunications industries, and media distributors. Included is a consideration of the following: how regulation affects these industries and how developments in these industries affect public policy and society; how public policy is designated; and the moral and ethical obligations of these industries.

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The study of the regulation of computer networks, the telecommunications industries, and media distributors. Included is a consideration of the following: how regulation affects these industries and how developments in these industries affect public policy and society; how public policy is designated; and the moral and ethical obligations of these industries.

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A study of the governmental policy-making process, its formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

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A study of the governmental policy-making process, its formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

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An examination of the legal and political implementation procedures in administrative agencies.

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An examination of the legal and political implementation procedures in administrative agencies.

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Issues associated with the management of personnel in public agencies, emphasizing the merit system, public employee organizations, and collective bargaining.

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Issues associated with the management of personnel in public agencies, emphasizing the merit system, public employee organizations, and collective bargaining.

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This course examines public budgeting and finance from economic, political, cultural and institutional perspectives. It presents an overview of the processes and problems associated with public budgeting and policy.

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This course examines public budgeting and finance from economic, political, cultural and institutional perspectives. It presents an overview of the processes and problems associated with public budgeting and policy.

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The constitutional possibilities and limitations on economic, political, and social legislation as determined by U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

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The constitutional possibilities and limitations on economic, political, and social legislation as determined by U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

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Civil rights in the American constitutional context, emphasizing freedom of religion, expression, association, rights of the accused, equal protection of the law, and due process of law.

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Civil rights in the American constitutional context, emphasizing freedom of religion, expression, association, rights of the accused, equal protection of the law, and due process of law.

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The role and influence of international organizations as a process for institutionalizing and regulating conflict among states and transnational actors.

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The role and influence of international organizations as a process for institutionalizing and regulating conflict among states and transnational actors.

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A study of the domestic and international systemic factors that condition american foreign policy with emphasis on the contemporary era.

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A study of the domestic and international systemic factors that condition american foreign policy with emphasis on the contemporary era.

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Designed for advanced students who desire a more detailed study of the traditional problems and current issues in world politics.

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Designed for advanced students who desire a more detailed study of the traditional problems and current issues in world politics.

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Designed for upper-level and graduate students with career goals in the international field who desire short-term practical learning experiences with companies/Organizations/Agencies affected by world politics.

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Designed for upper-level and graduate students with career goals in the international field who desire short-term practical learning experiences with companies/Organizations/Agencies affected by world politics.

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Theoretical and methodological aspects of comparative politics with emphasis on a particular geographic area.

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Theoretical and methodological aspects of comparative politics with emphasis on a particular geographic area.

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The writings and significance of great, representative political philosophers from Plato to John Stuart Mill with emphasis on the major classics in Western political thought.

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The writings and significance of great, representative political philosophers from Plato to John Stuart Mill with emphasis on the major classics in Western political thought.

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Modern ideologies and political philosophies with emphasis on the political thought of the past 150 years.

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Modern ideologies and political philosophies with emphasis on the political thought of the past 150 years.

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Major trends in political thought in the U.S. from pre-Revolutionary times to the present with emphasis on the liberal and conservative traditions.

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Major trends in political thought in the U.S. from pre-Revolutionary times to the present with emphasis on the liberal and conservative traditions.

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This course investigates the process of conducting modern American political campaigns. Campaigns require knowledge, including research and planning, that this course provides. Students will learn skills in campaign planning, political strategy, campaign organization, fundraising and campaign finance law compliance, voter outreach, and voter mobilization.

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This course investigates the process of conducting modern American political campaigns. Campaigns require knowledge, including research and planning, that this course provides. Students will learn skills in campaign planning, political strategy, campaign organization, fundraising and campaign finance law compliance, voter outreach, and voter mobilization.

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This class will investigate the history and development of American political parties. Students will learn about why parties form, how they are organized, and the roles parties play. Changes in party identification and their relation to voting are central to the class. Students will also explore how parties act as electioneering organizations and governing bodies at both the national and state levels.

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This class will investigate the history and development of American political parties. Students will learn about why parties form, how they are organized, and the roles parties play. Changes in party identification and their relation to voting are central to the class. Students will also explore how parties act as electioneering organizations and governing bodies at both the national and state levels.

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This class will investigate the development of political science research into voting and other forms of political participation in American politics. Students will learn the two predominant forms of research into voting behavior: survey research and economic models and the differing perspectives on voting turnout, partisanship, and individual vote decisions that they predict.

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This class will investigate the development of political science research into voting and other forms of political participation in American politics. Students will learn the two predominant forms of research into voting behavior: survey research and economic models and the differing perspectives on voting turnout, partisanship, and individual vote decisions that they predict.

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Students will understand the development and role of American interest groups in a democratic system. Students will also learn the process of lobbying for political influence and the implication of exerting group pressures on politics.

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Students will understand the development and role of American interest groups in a democratic system. Students will also learn the process of lobbying for political influence and the implication of exerting group pressures on politics.

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A short-term, intensive study of a topic, problem or concept in government, politics, bureaucracy, law, or teaching.

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A short-term, intensive study of a topic, problem or concept in government, politics, bureaucracy, law, or teaching.

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Directed readings under the supervision of a professor. PERM: permission required.

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Directed readings under the supervision of a professor. PERM: permission required.

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Directed and supervised experiences in professional problems in political science.

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Directed and supervised experiences in professional problems in political science.

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Students who enroll in this class will engage in practical field work in politics such as, but not limited to, working for a political campaign, interning at a law firm, staffing a legislative office, or working in some capacity for a government agency or international organization.

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Students who enroll in this class will engage in practical field work in politics such as, but not limited to, working for a political campaign, interning at a law firm, staffing a legislative office, or working in some capacity for a government agency or international organization.

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Directed and supervised experiences in professional problems in political science.

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Graduate level, enrollment only by prior arrangement for field experience with governmental agencies.

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The legal principles governing the operation of the school with emphasis on kansas statutory law and supreme court decisions.

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This course guides students through advanced scientific method as it relates to providing insight and answers to political questions. Students will learn research design methods and they will apply those methods to collect new and use existing data, conduct statistical analyses, and provide substantive answers to questions related to politics.

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This course investigates the groups that participate in the modern elections process. The role and impact of such groups will be explored as well as the campgaing laws that define the relationships between organizationas and campaigns.

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Directed research and methodological issues for graduate students.

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Last updated: 08/30/2023